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So apparently after the direct, people would have complete copies of the game but they can't play it until June 25th...

Just a question but wouldn't people be able to look into the data/hack it or whatever and play the game early? I'm no good at technology but this idea of preload sounds odd to me.

I'm asking this question because I am concerned that I might encounter some unwanted leaked spoilers lurking around the internet if someone manages to get into the game's data this week or next.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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Open challenge to the community.

Not that I am condoning any questionable action, I'm merely saying that if there were people interested in the content of the game who had advanced computer knowledge, they may see it as a challenge to... oh, you know what I mean.

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(Has a preload ever been hacked before? It sounds like an interesting scenario if it has happned before.)

Not sure if this counts but I remember one time where someone managed to play Episode 4 of The Walking Dead before it released to the public a week before.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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Were they able to play it? I thought people just managed to get in the data and see the choices, but it wasn't actually playable. That's what I remember at the time, at least.

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All the security measures of the preload has to do is keep people from playing the game until its released. Considering the game will just be released in a few weeks, I doubt anyone will bother to try and hack it. If the game was encrypted, then the encryption doesn't even have to be strong. Just enough to slow would-be hackers until the game's release.

Were they able to play it? I thought people just managed to get in the data and see the choices, but it wasn't actually playable. That's what I remember at the time, at least.

The preload is basically the data for the actual, entire game, but it would be locked so people can't play it before its actual release. This feature will cut down on the number of people downloading the game all at once on release day to make life easier for Nintendo's servers.

Edited by Chrom
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Not sure if this counts but I remember one time where someone managed to play Episode 4 of The Walking Dead before it released to the public a week before.

Pretty sure they gained access to the game itself via connection with someone in the companies etc.

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Nintendo did something similar with one of their Wii U titles. From my guess, it could be that space in the SD card is reserved for the actual game -- on release date the actual game would be downloaded.

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So apparently after the direct, people would have complete copies of the game but they can't play it until June 25th...

Just a question but wouldn't people be able to look into the data/hack it or whatever and play the game early? I'm no good at technology but this idea of preload sounds odd to me.

I'm asking this question because I am concerned that I might encounter some unwanted leaked spoilers lurking around the internet if someone manages to get into the game's data this week or next.

Yes, a complete copy of the game is downloaded to the SD card.

No, this does not mean it can be hacked -- technically, sure, it can, but not in any of our lifetimes.

The way pre-loading works is that a complete copy of the game is downloaded before release date. On release date, the eshop publishes an 0x10 byte value called the "external seed" -- this value is used to calculate the decryption key for the game, and there's no way to get into the contents of the game without that value. When you download the "small update" on release, your 3ds is really just putting that 16-byte value into its NAND.

Because the eshop doesn't publish that 16-byte seed until the release date, nothing can be done to get into the game before release even though the game's downloadable. You'd have to brute-force a 128-bit value -- this is pretty much impossible to do in any meaningful timeframe.

Edited by SciresM
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