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Complain about health problems thread


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I have had it with my doctors and people in general today. I have type one diabetes and have had it for 21 of my almost 24 years one this earth, and I try to do everything I can to keep it in control but this week takes the cake in making me wish I was never diagnosed with it. I have to get blood work done a week before my appointment every time I go to the doctors, so this morning I go to get it done and the first thing is I have to be fasting when it is done so I was starving because I had not eaten in 12 hours, the next thing that happens is that when I go to get in line this lady would not stop staring at me until my mom got in the way of her view of me (I was not wearing my Goth cloths so she had no reason to stare at me even if I am the only 23 year old who goes to that doctors office), then when I get to the end of the line the person at the desk tells me that the lab does not except my insurance anymore and that I should go across the street to have the blood work done. I go across the street and the place is packed with people, I wait 20 minutes and in that time they see no one, so I finally leave because I was so upset, and now I have to get up at 5 in the morning tomorrow to go back to the same place and see if I can get it done. I also don't like being really close to people because I wear an insulin pump and every one seems to bump in to it if I have to sit really close to people so I was not happy. The past week has sucked big time for me and I did not even get a Robin or Lucina Amiibo and my blood sugar was all over the place because I was stressed, but today tops last week by a thousand. If anyone would like to rant about any health problems please feel free, because I know exactly what it is like to feel like you are cursed.

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Holy shit, another person on here with T1 diabetes like seriously dude I UNDERSTAND THAT FEELING SO MUCH ...Had it since I was like 14 which makes it like, 11 years in a few months now ughhgghggm

Though I don't understand why they make you fast unless you're being tested for something specific??? The way it works for me at least is that I just always get blood drawn on the day of my appointment and then I get my results mailed within like a week.

I try to be careful and I am defintely more strict about handling it than my dad is with his but I also struggle a helluva lot too especially when stress is involved, I'm prone to anxiety attacks and get upset/worried even over the tiniest things so thats also a thing. Last year was especially bad, I ended up in the hospital twice for diabetic ketoacidosis and had many, MANY more close calls of nearly getting it and days of feeling sick and awful all throughout said year. I have the worst luck whenever I get admitted and get stuck with the most incompentent doctors, like I forgot why but this one lead doc guy I had one time assumed I had a minor heart attack and so I had to get various tests done. None of the doctors (including the person who did the ultrasound on my heart) could find any signs of one whatsoever though. Uhh, I think all they said was that there was probably just temporary stress which makes sense because my bpm was dangerously high at some point and I did feel some pain and something about backflow??? I forgot and don't know if that was the actual word they used but other than that, nothing wrong. Lead doc was still being pigheaded though and wanted to keep me for a FOURTH day unless I had a stress test done which let me tell ya, isn't fun at all even though the horrible feeling of it is pretty short. The whole entire thing was asinine.

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I have internal ear problems, meaning my balance, coordination, and hearing are all sub par.

This, combined with my bad eyesight, means doings things as simple as walking in a muddy street a total nightmare.

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Well wishes to everyone :( I hope things get easier for you all!

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis (fairly newly diagnosed, about 3 months ago) and it's the absolute worst at times. Also doesn't help that I have to take harsh medication (chemo drug) that knocks me on my ass for about 24 hours each week. Had to go to the ER this past weekend because my knee/leg was swelling so badly that I had no idea if it was a DVT or just my RA. Ugh

Maybe a silly rant, but I recently bought Splatoon and my hands have been hurting so badly I haven't been able to play it much at all :(

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That sucks that you can't play games right now, I remember the first time I was playing through Radiant Dawn and I had a really bad doctor at the time who would not do anything to fix my blood sugar problems, so I was going low every time I played and having to restart every time because I messed up because my sugar effected my brain. I am still not sure how I managed to beat the game that first time before I switched doctors and my new doctor put me on the insulin pump. Hopefully you have a good doctor who cares and can get the dosage of your meds right and make it so you can live a normal life.

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I had to fast for the kidney test they do once a year and also I think because I have thyroid problems too, at lest I think that's why. All I know is the lab orders always say to going fasting every time the doctor gives me the lab orders for the next visit. Stress is the worst for blood sugar which is why I tend to spend a lot of time around animals because they don't stress me out. The only thing good thing I can say about being in my twenties is my blood sugar has evened out a little bit since I turned 22.

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I don't currently have any notable health issues, but the numerous ones I've had in the past...ugh. Epilepsy, tooth problems caused by my body, not a lack of proper care or anything, and other stuff. Thankfully, I had a procedure done on my teeth just before my high school graduation so I could graduate with a pretty smile. And thankfully, I haven't had a seizure in several years, though I still believe I can get them again. Epilepsy isn't a disorder itself, it's a symptom of an underlying problem. So it doesn't really have a cure or anything. I think my case was caused by a blow to the head I took when I was little. Head injuries are one of the leading causes of it.

And I don't have diabetes, but I've had to go through some stuff that diabetics typically do because of the epilepsy. The seizures kept shooting my blood sugar down, so while in the hospital, I kept having to get that test done where the nurse pinches your finger with that doohicky that measures your blood sugar level. And to get it higher, I was given sugary juice. I also had to have a lot of blood work done.

Epilepsy just sucks, stay away from flashy lights and crap if you've been known to suffer from it. >_<

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Type 2 diabetic here...other than that I'm generally pretty healthy, never broken a bone or needed surgery or anything. Suppose I'm lucky.

But OMG. I HATE getting blood drawn. My town has a thing every year where they do that and check for lots of stuff. That's how they found out I had diabetes. My mom made me go do it, both times. Both times it was awful. They make you fast, and it makes me so lightheaded that I feel like throwing up and there's nothing to throw up because I fasted. I don't even look at it and it still does that.

I never want that done again. Good thing the A1C test that I have to do every once in awhile just requires a finger stick.

Edited by Dragoncat
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Why can't human bodies come with a clear instruction manual that outlines how to troubleshoot problems, so that we could spend our time worrying about more important things? /salt

I have a very finicky stomach. By "finicky", I mean that if I eat something that it doesn't like, I'll end up with a stomachache (expected), a headache (sorta weird), extreme fatigue, and various psychological problems (the most common one being depression). Stuff like the headache/stomachache resolve quickly, but getting out of that mental funk takes a while. . .the last episode was a week. Wouldn't wish this on anyone.

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Best wishes to everyone

As for me, I have 6 allergies and hay feaver(They're actually adding up, even though they're supposed to get better / dissapear as I grow older, at least some), which gives me daily headaches, swollen and red eyes, lots of sneezing and makes me tired. As a result, I've also got light astma, which gives me heavy breathing 50% procent of the time and makes sports (especially running) horrible. (Which is the whole reason I hate Spring / Summer, which is a bummer, because I love the temperature.)

I also have this problem with my nerves. Whenever I'm even slighly nervous or stressed, I get stomachaches and headaches. The good thing is that I almost never actually feel nervous at all, but my brother (my doctor) discribes it as being nervous internally which causes that.

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I also have this problem with my nerves. Whenever I'm even slighly nervous or stressed, I get stomachaches and headaches. The good thing is that I almost never actually feel nervous at all, but my brother (my doctor) discribes it as being nervous internally which causes that.

Huh. That's an interesting way of putting it. Perhaps the stress of digesting something that my stomach doesn't like causes some of my nastier headaches? Still doesn't explain the weird-ass psychological symptoms, though.

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Sorry for all of you and best luck to anyone ! It's so hard to tell many people have disease (A friend ofmine tells me an illness is an illness, even if he also has diabete, must be hard for him)...

As for me I have one of the shittiest and rarest illness that could reach the eye : The Coats' disease...

Basically a gene mutates, making your vessels throw some awful substance in the eye resulting in a Retina detachment... and if not cured it can get worse as the eye miniatures or enlarge and doing all weird stuff and *insert any gory thing that can affect an eye*(I suggest you not to look in Google images).

-I learned about it last year since it was my first itme to an ophtalmologist (yeah what happens when you don't regularly check) and because I don't close my right eye under normal conditions... (Pretty unlucky of me) I was paralised in fear and coulnd't tell him I was half blind.... (he kept telling me to fix a balloon, how ironic)

-Got transferred to an hospital. Lots of tests: They fusily told me what it was about... then the tests begins as well as my most traumatic medical experiences.

-I got through Angiography, but with my small veins, it took 4 shots (I'll never ever donate my blood now since that scared me for good)

-I was minor soI got to another hospital, no better explanations but 2 injections in the eye with light or local anesthesia. They put a Miyazaki atmosphere and covered my left eye to "relax me"...

I still felt the seringue in the eye... -.-'

-I slowed down the progression but not enough so I had to perform surgery... But at the eve they ran out of material... They didn't contact me afterwards

-Now adult in my country, I got back to the first hospital and performed the surgery thanks to my school nurse speeding up the proceedings

-However it was with a third doctor... the second one told me to do an eye check in my new town (because of my studies) so I went but she told me the operation could "failed" as in pain afterwards or whatever. SO either way I could be doomed forever... But surgery was less risky...

-The surgery went well, but now is post-op treatment : collyrium everyday and next week I have to check my eye condition. Hope every still is right...

So, now the eye seems stabilised and no notable changes so far : my eye is pretty normal looking if you don't notice my slight exotropia but, I'm kind of used to it now... But everytime someone greets me from the right, I feel down since they might think I ignore them... And even if its harder to focus with one eye left and the eye sometime hurting.... Well, I'm pretty "normal" now... I wish no one ever has the same kind of disease or any worse one... (The moral is : Never forget to check your health)...

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