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[Battle: FE13] Espinosa vs Elieson

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that's why it's barely even useful in game; 90% of your activity is Enemy Phase and lifetaker doesn't function on Enemy Phase

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Espinosa heals 24 HP with Renewal! (43/80)

Espinosa @Brave Bow attacks Kellam @Titania's Axe!

photo-3585.jpg?_r=1427722464 VS 271104_kellam_zpskdynvdhy.jpg

0x2 damage, 56% hit, 0% crit


(94, 61)

Espinosa misses!


(41, 28)

Kellam takes 0 damage!

Espinosa attacks again!

0x2 damage, 56% hit, 0% crit


(39, 68)

Kellam takes 0 damage!


Espinosa's LETHLITY activates!

(77, 66)

Kellam however dodges a lethal blow. What a turn.

      Espinosa                     Elieson
Say'ri     80/80            Libra        80/80
Henry      80/80            Lon'qu       80/80
Gaius      80/80            Kellam       80/80
Espinosa   43/80            Vaike        00/80
Tiki       00/80            Robin        80/80
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Kellam: I swear I felt a bug fly into me just now...

Lon'qu: If it was a butterfly, and you harm it, I'll cut you down. Though, it looks like it was that mosquito, Espinosa. Perhaps he'd like to see what a Balmung looks like, up close and personal. Kellam, where'd you go? I think you might enjoy the show.

Edited by Elieson
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Maybe i'm missing something, but...

brave bow has 70 hit + espinosa's 97 hit for a total of 167 base hit

kellam has 71 avoid + 30 more from skills (keep in mind Titania's axe has the patience skill) for 101 avoid

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Lon'qu @Balmung attacks Espinosa @Brave Bow!

lonqu_zpsalzfjjnc.jpg VS photo-3585.jpg?_r=1427722464

27 damage, 100 hit, 0% crit

Espinosa takes 27 damage! (16/80)

Espinosa's turn to act.

      Espinosa                     Elieson
Say'ri     80/80            Libra        80/80
Henry      80/80            Lon'qu       80/80
Gaius      80/80            Kellam       80/80
Espinosa   16/80            Vaike        00/80
Tiki       00/80            Robin        80/80

Before I continue, I know you brought this up in a PM elie, but how do we want to treat quick burn and lucky 7? I've been reducing quick burn's effect by one, but elie brought up the point that technically turn 2 is turn 1 enemy phase and it should technically still have full effect, and that means lucky 7 would last till turn 15, which I personally think is a bit too strong.

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Yeah, I think we should count one round of combat as one turn. That's what we did about Sniper's Deadeye in PoR, another powerful skill if you let it be active for very long.

Espinosa will attack Kellam with da Brave Sword!

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Turn 1 (PP) | Turn 1 (EP)

Turn 2 (PP) | Turn 2 (EP)

This way, Odd/Even Rhythm, Quick/Slow Burn and Lucky Seven calculate properly

Also wow I didn't double? The only way I wouldn't have doubled with Balmung is if you have Speed+2 and were Female Robin?. (since AFAIK DLC's All Stats+2 was banned) I didn't think you'd be running Speed+2, wow o.o

BNVM I looked at my SKILL not my SPEED and thought my SPEED was 51, oops

Edited by Elieson
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Doubling is 5 speed in fe13 anyway, so its 54 vs 50

even/odd rhythm work properly anyway. turn 1,3,5,7 odd 2,4,6,8 even

Edited by General Horace
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If you were doing Turn 1 (Elie attacks), Turn 2 (Espi attacks), Turn 3 (Elie attacks), etc, Odd/Even rhythm wouldn't behave properly if you say, attacked me with a Bow on Turn 2 and I had Odd Rhythm and couldn't counter attack

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Espinosa heals 24 HP with Renewal! (40/80)

Espinosa @Brave Sword attacks Kellam @Titania's Axe!

photo-3585.jpg?_r=1427722464 VS 271104_kellam_zpskdynvdhy.jpg

0x2 damage, 81% hit, 0% crit


(76, 66)

Kellam takes 0 damage!


(23, 26)

Kellam takes 0 damage!

Kellam counters!

36 damage, 99% hit, 0% crit


(66, 88)

Espinosa takes 36 damage! (4/80)

Espinosa attacks again!

0x2 damage, 81% hit, 0% crit


(91, 39)

Kellam takes 0 damage!


(59, 82)

Kellam takes 0 damage!

      Espinosa                     Elieson
Say'ri     80/80            Libra        80/80
Henry      80/80            Lon'qu       80/80
Gaius      80/80            Kellam       80/80
Espinosa   04/80            Vaike        00/80
Tiki       00/80            Robin        80/80

I'm still not understanding the problem

you get +10 hit and evade or even or odd turns, what's wrong with that?

Edited by General Horace
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Notice how Espinosa has only attacked on Turn 2/4/6.

Espinosa~Brave Bow attacks Brave Axe!Yarne on all of these turns. Yarne is running Odd Rhythm. When is Yarne getting his AVO bonus?

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Is that how Turns are recognized in the game? In FE games, when you have a Route map and you finish killing all enemies on Turn 1 Enemy Phase, then that's Turn 1, indicating that you cleared the map in 1 turn, not 2.

Why is that standard different in the Link Arena?

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in fe9 did you really want deadeye to last 10 turns

i'm all for banning lucky 7 if it lasts until turn 14 if that's what you're after

Edited by General Horace
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Is that how Turns are recognized in the game? In FE games, when you have a Route map and you finish killing all enemies on Turn 1 Enemy Phase, then that's Turn 1, indicating that you cleared the map in 1 turn, not 2.

Why is that standard different in the Link Arena?

It's how we've been doing it from the start (back with Deadeye), and it seems like the best treatment for skills like Lucky Seven (14 turns seems way too long) and Quick Burn. The Rhythm skills might seem really useless this way, but they're not the only ones that are (you still have stuff like Skill+2 and whatnot).

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Kellam: I swear I felt a bug fly into me just now...

Lon'qu: If it was a butterfly, and you harm it, I'll cut you down. Though, it looks like it was that mosquito, Espinosa. Perhaps he'd like to see what a Balmung looks like, up close and personal. Kellam, where'd you go? I think you might enjoy the show.

again please, but with a brave sword this time

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It's how we've been doing it from the start (back with Deadeye), and it seems like the best treatment for skills like Lucky Seven (14 turns seems way too long) and Quick Burn. The Rhythm skills might seem really useless this way, but they're not the only ones that are (you still have stuff like Skill+2 and whatnot).

IIRC deadeye is the only thing that we ever did this with, but with [Wpn]Breaker skills and Superior [Wpn]s which add variety to the metagame.

I think it could be arguable both ways for Lucky Seven and Quick Burn but a single Superior wpn completely overshadows those two combined, and everyone (bar Manakete/Taguel classes) have access to them.

Edited by Elieson
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I still think odd/even rhythm aren't useless, +10 hit/evade still isn't too bad half of the time

I just relized I forgot to add the A rank bonus on Lon'qu's Balmung attack, thankfully it doesn't end up affecting anything - Espinosa would still be alive with 1 HP on this turn.


Lonq'u @Brave Sword attacks Espinosa @Brave Sword!


26x2 damage, 88% hit, 0% crit

(36, 22)

Espinosa falls!

Espinosa's turn!

      Espinosa                     Elieson
Say'ri     80/80            Libra        80/80
Henry      80/80            Lon'qu       80/80
Gaius      80/80            Kellam       80/80
Espinosa   00/80            Vaike        00/80
Tiki       00/80            Robin        80/80

Superior weapons only work against one out of 5 weapon types, and stuff like dragonstones and lolbeastones are immune to them. Not every unit has access to every breaker either, and superior weapons have horrible hit against everything else.

Edited by General Horace
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