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[Battle: FE13] Espinosa vs Elieson

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Lon'qu @Ichieval attacks Say'ri @Alm's Blade!


26 damage, 97% hit, 0% crit,

(35, 38)

Say'ri falls!

Espinosa                     Elieson
Say'ri     00/80            Libra        80/80
Henry      41/80            Lon'qu       80/80
Gaius      80/80            Kellam       00/80
Espinosa   00/80            Vaike        00/80
Tiki       00/80            Robin        00/80

Espinosa's turn.

Also i'm going to watch the hockey game so likely no updates from me for a while!

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Gaius @Balmung attacks Lon'qu @Ichieval!


33 damage, 81% hit, 0% crit


Gaius's LETHALITY activates!

(67, 99)

Gaius misses!

Espinosa                     Elieson
Say'ri     00/80            Libra        80/80
Henry      41/80            Lon'qu       80/80
Gaius      80/80            Kellam       00/80
Espinosa   00/80            Vaike        00/80
Tiki       00/80            Robin        00/80

Elieson's turn.

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Oh shit you've been waiting on me the entire time sorry.

Holy crap Lon'qu don't scare me like that.

As a reply to Espi's Lethality cheesing, Superior Edge+ Gaius, please

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This seems like RNG the game.

I agree to some extent. It's attacking and hoping a skill activates and explodes the enemies. Since there are so many skills and activation rates are generally fairly high, it's a little garish to watch.

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This one game, yeah.

The meta seems promising to me, though. We're banning Lethality, which eliminates a lot of hax (it hasn't really done a particularly good job for my team in this match tbqh), and Counter so that people aren't so easily ORKO'd. Units have 80 HP, lots of options for recovery, and it seems like slower classes might also be feasible considering that running multiple weapon types is a huge boon (when -breaker skills and Superior weapons are pretty viable).

It shouldn't be so bad without Lethality, I think, though some of the better skills are skill a coin flip, or almost there (and Astra/Aether are half the chance). It appears that skills affecting hit/avo are no less focal than proc skills, or stuff like Galeforce/Lifetaker.

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i was skeptical at first but if counter and lethality are gone the other skills are no worse than FE9's. There's also no Katti hax, which was the thing I hated most about FE9's meta.


Lon'qu @Superior Edge+ attacks Gaius @Balmung!


33 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit

Gaius takes 33 damage! (47/80)

Gaius COUNTERS 33 damage (47/80)

Gaius retaliates!

33 damage, 39% hit, 0% crit


(24, 97)

Gaius misses!

Espinosa                     Elieson
Say'ri     00/80            Libra        80/80
Henry      41/80            Lon'qu       47/80
Gaius      47/80            Kellam       00/80
Espinosa   00/80            Vaike        00/80
Tiki       00/80            Robin        00/80

Espinosa's turn.

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Gaius @Superior Edge+ attacks Lon'qu @Superior Edge+


36 damage, 95% hit, 0% crit


(13, 80)

Lon'qu takes 36 damage! (11/80)

Lon'qu retaliates!

33 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit

Gaius takes 33 damage (11/80)

The damage is COUNTERED!

DA LONK falls!

Espinosa                     Elieson
Say'ri     00/80            Libra        80/80
Henry      41/80            Lon'qu       00/80
Gaius      11/80            Kellam       00/80
Espinosa   00/80            Vaike        00/80
Tiki       00/80            Robin        00/80
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Libra, pick a god for Gaius, and pray that he repents for his murderous sins, by using your Superior Jolt+.

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Libra @Superior Jolt+ attacks Gaius @Superior Edge+!

271126_libra_zpsv3pcvdup.jpgVS 271029_gaius_zps0pqixye4.jpg

Gaius's VANTAGE activates!

24 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit


Libra takes 24 damage! (56/80)

Libra counters!

45 damage, 77% hit, 0% crit


(10, 10)

Gaius is overkilled!

Espinosa's turn

Espinosa                     Elieson
Say'ri     00/80            Libra        56/80
Henry      41/80            Lon'qu       00/80
Gaius      00/80            Kellam       00/80
Espinosa   00/80            Vaike        00/80
Tiki       00/80            Robin        00/80
Edited by General Horace
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Uhh vantage activates at sub50% only?

I'd say 11/80 is less than 50% HP, so yeah.

Unless that was a legitimate question in which case, yes, vantage only works at sub 50% HP totals.


Henry @Aversa's Night+ attacks Libra @Superior Jolt+!


22 damage, 87% hit, 0% crit



(13, 79)

Libra takes 22 damage! (34/80)

Henry heals 11 HP (52/80)

Libra counterattacks!

27 damage, 88% hit, 0% crit


(24, 82)

Henry takes 27 damage! (25/80)

Henry counters 27 damage! (7/80)

Elieson's turn to act.

Espinosa                     Elieson
Say'ri     00/80            Libra        07/80
Henry      25/80            Lon'qu       00/80
Gaius      00/80            Kellam       00/80
Espinosa   00/80            Vaike        00/80
Tiki       00/80            Robin        00/80
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Libra heals 24 HP with Renewal! (31/80)

Libra @Superior Jolt+! attacks Henry @Aversa's Night+


27 damage, 88% hit, 0% crit


Libra's VENGEANCE activates!

(95, 14)

Henry is defeated! Elieson wins!

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Gg espi

Man, counter and lethality.

Maybe limit it to one instance per team? I dont think it's completely broken, just in copious amounts it is?

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GG Elieson

This was way closer than I'd expected it'd be (not sure what Horace was implying when he said one of us had abusable tactics at our disposal), as I thought one of us would really break it. I wonder if I would've tipped the scales by using my Galeforce turn to attack with Say'ri, since she wasted that, dying next turn...

And the match was 18 turns long, which is pretty long. Should we expect even longer games without Counter and Lethality (Lethality didn't cause too many deaths here, but Counter was very potent as you'd expect).

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True n the galeforce thought.

Horace knows one idea of a sorta broken setup but it's not really broken per se...

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I just don't wanna see teams with 5 lethalities or something to just cheese someone to win. Counter is stupid though, I think it should be banned. Counter/Renewal/Aversa's Night alone on one unit sounds pretty immortal.

Perhaps you misunderstood me, I had an idea of something very broken before the match, but after seeing this pan out, I don't think it's broken at all anymore. It just involved stacking breakers on one unit (robin) and maybe putting renewal on them as well just to make them ridiculously hard to take down.

Galeforce actually seems fine though. Still need a few more games to iron some things out I think.

Edited by General Horace
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