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We should be considered to be within the main series or not?


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A part of me tries to consider FE;A in a canon of its own. The callbacks are cool andall, but they kinda mess up with the timeline. Add in a friend who does crazy hacks to the game and I question where the canon even lies in his playthroughs.

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Awakening pretty much threw out any reason that there would even be anything of a grand, overarching lore or whatnot for the entire series thanks to the Introduction of the Outrealm Gate. And individual games' stories can branch out on their own (FE3/12 if Marth doesn't collect all spheres for the Shield of Seals; FE6 if Roy doesn't collect all treasures; FE10 with the NG+ content; FE11 if Marth loses Tiki and the Falchion; no need to mention FE13 -- and this is a nonexhaustive list!).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Imho the gameplay is what makes a game be in the main series. It can change, of course, but this doesn't change the WHOLE game.

The My castle feature, and the outrealms, i'm looking at'em like at knives in PoR and RD and crossbows in RD, change, not always good changes, but changes, the only thing you can do if you don't like this changes, is to not buy the game :/ $and save the money$

Edit/PS the more i read my comments, the less they make sense...

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...There's a main FE series? Or is there some FE side series that I've never heard of?

Yes... Emm... Marth... Archanea saga... I mean Nintendo and IS glorifies Marth more than any other character in the series.

I also believe is the only game where they have a book and an animated OVA.

It is a surprise that you do not know, I mean marth is everywhere.

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Yes... Emm... Marth... Archanea saga... I mean Nintendo and IS glorifies Marth more than any other character in the series.

I also believe is the only game where they have a book and an animated OVA.

It is a surprise that you do not know, I mean marth is everywhere.

So the main games are basically 2, and 2 reamkes, and maybe awakening because Chrom is Marth's grandson

(is grand son or grandson?)

so the other more or less 10 games were all spin offs!

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So the main games are basically 2, and 2 reamkes, and maybe awakening because Chrom is Marth's grandson

(is grand son or grandson?)

so the other more or less 10 games were all spin offs!

Akaneia Timeline: FE1, FE2, FE3, BSFE, FE11, FE12, FE13.

That's before we include the OVA, the manga and the 2 trading card games (Notice how Cipher starts with Shadow Dragon and Awakening?)

When you add that 3/5 Smash Reps are from said timeline,(Marth in the most), I can see why it's considered the main timeline. Also, if you include Jugdral's ties, that's another 2 there.

That's not to say SS, Rekka, BB, RD and POR are spinoffs, but they're beyond the most common timeline.

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Most people don't consider BSFE a full title because it's like... four maps, and they're not consecutive in terms of story either.

The devs counted it once upon a time, but I think they reverted, but idk.

I really dunno what is it... i mean, i never heard of it.

What does BS stand for?

now i'm feeling sad, and ignorant :(

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as far as i'm concerned, FE13's an AU.


I'd say the continents are on the same planet, the Outrealm gives us different versions of that planet.

That's a proposal that I'd never heard of before. I'd always thought that they were different planets in the same positions in different universes. Do we have enough info to back one theory or another?

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I really dunno what is it... i mean, i never heard of it.

What does BS stand for?

now i'm feeling sad, and ignorant :(

I believe it stood for Broadcasting Satellaview, but it was four Fire Emblem 'games', though they were just one chapter that were available for download, I believe sometime after FE3 came out in Japan. They were remade in FE12 as extra chapters, but the original did include voice acting and CG art.




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A part of me tries to consider FE;A in a canon of its own. The callbacks are cool andall, but they kinda mess up with the timeline. Add in a friend who does crazy hacks to the game and I question where the canon even lies in his playthroughs.

I think all games that came out for the series is canon (Unless Nintendo or IS say otherwise), but because of the fucking Outrealms which completely spoil the story of FEA.

I mean the kids of the future say that traveled back in time to change the past, but surprise we never know if this is the right past and to make matters worse we don't know if all children came from the same future (Because of Outrealms)

For example Laurent

I don't remember anyone in the game (I mean the kids of the future) when they meet again with the other kids, nobody seems surprised by his "adult" appearance.

What's more this seems completely normal for them. .. Seriously no one will say anything or point nothing...

And if we talk for a moment

about Lucina, where sister Cynthia (or their other brothers) how come she never had a moment to tell his father that she had a sister or brother? IN A TIME OF WAR? Lucina you're a bitch.

And i will not start with Morgan because the game did well to hide their origins but had to f*ck him/her with DLC.

If you don't have in mind the Outrealms, maybe you manage to find the true end.

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