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Do you think we may see "My Castle" at E3 or will there be new info?

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I'm kinda worried that IS and Nintendo is going show off My Castle again, just at E3 this time. Anybody else feel the same? I feel this because the game is coming out like a week after E3 in Japan and they would probably want to hold off new information. Then again, this game only has 3 trailer. E3 would be perfect to show off at least one more new trailer before the game comes out in Japan.

I hope that I'm wrong and that there WILL be new info at E3.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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You know, I kinda hope that E3 will reveal a bit of the English voices despite the large amounts of months we have to wait for international release.

The My Castle system introduction is quite likely, and new information of FE:if will most likely happen.

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I'm kinda worried that IS and Nintendo is going show off My Castle again, just at E3 this time. Anybody else feel the same? I feel this because the game is coming out like a week after E3 in Japan and they would probably want to hold off new information. Then again, this game only has 3 trailer. E3 would be perfect to show off at least one more new trailer before the game comes out in Japan.

I hope that I'm wrong and that there WILL be new info at E3.

I also hope that you're wrong cause more info would be great. And besides with other things like the NX and the new Zelda not being shown, there's certainly more room for FE. But that's the problem, more room. So more room for other games.

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If I'm not wrong all we have released for North America specifically was that first trailer so we're a looooong way from getting to the point of a My Castle trailer.

Actually we've gotten both trailers. So I think My Castle is a real possibility and maybe a new trailer. I doubt we'll get any English voices, but maybe some text, and the official English subtitle. Provided it shows up at all.

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Does it really make that much of a difference for hardcore fans? As stated the game launches only one week after E3 in Japan, so we get all the info we want at that point in time anyway....

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I hope so! We haven't been getting any official NA Fire Emblem info since May? I'm just so excited for next week, I'll be watching everything.

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They'll probably show the localized My Castle. I wonder if they'll change things or cut things out for the international release. Otherwise I kinda want to know more info about SMTxFE and other Nintendo franchises to be honest.

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I'm predicting we'll see little, if anything, of FEif at E3. If we see alot of info on an RPG there, it will probably be Bravely Second, since that one's farther along in the localization front.

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I'm predicting we'll see little, if anything, of FEif at E3. If we see alot of info on an RPG there, it will probably be Bravely Second, since that one's farther along in the localization front.

At the end of the last Nintendo Direct(mini) Bill Trinnen said they're focusing on both 2015 and early 2016 titles at E3 so there's a good chance Fire Emblem If might be early 2016 and shown at E3 especially considering Nintendo's definition of "early" in a year can be as late as May.

Edited by arvilino
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I also hope that you're wrong cause more info would be great. And besides with other things like the NX and the new Zelda not being shown, there's certainly more room for FE. But that's the problem, more room. So more room for other games.

A bit off topic, but didn't they say Zelda wii u won't be shown at E3?

Other than that, yes, it is possible that Nintendo of America will show us the localized version of My Castle but if that's the case, we might be able to see some English text like localized character names.

Localized version of FE If trailer plz...

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My castle was probably in the JP direct because they're not ready to show the feature elsewhere, yet. I could be way off here, though.

The most I expect, since release is still very far off for the west, is a finalized title and possibly info on split versions if they're going that route.

Edited by L95
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Now that I think about it, just explaining My Castle wouldn't be enough. Considering how there is a long trailer of Joker and Felicia discussing it, Nintendo would have to translate the text for those who do not understand.

I think new info is likely.

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