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Elie's Link Arena Mod Sheets


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Figure I might as well make a single post to keep track of this stuff a bit more easily. Since I can't clog Espinosa's actual resources thread with my homemade documentation, and the 200+ page thread is getting kind of big to have me post this all over the place, I'll just stick this here, and my future Mod Sheets will go up in this thread as time goes on. Thank god I'm doing the most complicated one first.

Fire Emblem Awakening Link Arena Mod Sheet V.1.4 Alpha

Step 0: This currently requires MS Excel. If you do not have MS Excel on your computer, this won't work at all.

Step 1: Download the link above by clicking the big blue letters, which happens to also be this link right here.

Step 2: Unzip it

Step 3: Open it up, and be sure to enable Macros (otherwise a few of the Forecast options will come out looking really funny) *Thanks to Integrity for this code*

Step 4: When operating it, fill in your Team Data entirely using the Battling_Teams Sheet. Click Here for a screenshot'd How-To

Step 5: Jump to the Forecast Sheet.

Step 6: Manually type in your Turn # in A2 to calculate skills like Lucky Seven, Odd Rhythm, etc, into the Forecast sheet, and also to backcalculate numbers into the Battling_Teams sheet.

Step 7: Select in Cell A4, the Attacker, and in Cell A6, the Defender. It's color coded and really easy to spot, and it's dynamic based on your team (Left Player is the upper half, Right player is the lower half, separated by a Separation line)

Step 8: To see your battle outcome (i.e. Damage to opponent per swing), Forecast displays all of this with absolute detail. Everything exists for calculation purposes, and also for verification. OUTCOME is still in the works, but can give you an example of what will come with future releases.


  • This is currently only a Max Stats simulator.
  • You can still type in the cells that have Dropdown lists, just be aware that if your text doesn't match up with the list requirement, a popup error will yell at you to try again. Inserting "Lonqu" for instance, will give you an error and make you try again. Manually typing "Lon'qu" will not result in an error.
  • A new sheet will be created called Outcome, which will display the results of your Forecast, into a simple Copy/Paste format for you as the host to throw into threads like this one. I can't really work on this yet because Forecast needs to be done.
  • In the Battling Teams sheet, this is where you Manage your HP (in Row 9).
  • There exists a DropDown list for the rows for each Character, Parent, Skills, Weapon (E) and Tier 1 Class. • Battle Class and • Forge Type update based on your selection of Weapon (E) and Tier 1 Class. Pretty much everything is based off of selecting a Character, though. You'll see when you get there.
  • Weapon (1) - Weapon (5) is all placeholder information slots for you, the host (or the player if they want to run mocks). These don't calculate into anything.
  • Supports pretty much don't exist, that's why it's grey'd out
  • Selecting a new Character will not replace Class/Skills/Weaponry information. Numbers will still calculate. If you select Chrom->Lord->Great Lord (M)->Silver Lance, and then change Chrom to Cordelia, Cordelia will be calculated as a Cordelia!Great Lord (M)->Silver Lance. Just be wary that if you're updating a character, update them completely before proceeding to the Forecast.
  • Highlighting a bunch of cells and hitting the Delete key will clear things out pretty effectively. Feel free to do this only for Rows 2-7 and Rows 28-42 in the Battling_Teams sheet. Doing this to other cells will pretty much blow up the calculator.
  • Currently, if you build teams with same-units (Say, you're both running Brady), the Forecast accounts for the left-most Brady in the Battling Teams sheet. I need to tweak a bit of code on that but for now this gets the job done. Temp Fix; Change the name of the Left Player's unit temporarily in BATTLING_TEAMS, then unselect+reselect the correct unit in FORECAST. Changing the unit's name will not impact anything that any other units will depend on
  • Banned things can still be selected and calculate properly, like Aggressor. Use judgment and fill the sheets out properly when running mocks
  • Even if you don't wish to use this for full on battle simulation, this will function nicely for quick mockbattles where you just want to see what an anticipated battle between two units may be


  • Pre-Alpha notes
    • Complete Bond and Relief implementation (for proper Vengeance calculation and for copypaste details for OUTCOME) (fixed, released in Alpha)
    • Add all possible Robin Skills/Classes for dropdown list selection (fixed, released in Alpha)
    • Handle stat modifiers if a child is Morgan's parent (fixed, released in Alpha)
    • Add all possible Morgan Skills/Classes/Parents for dropdown list selection (fixed, released in Alpha)
    • Complete defensive procs into calculations (Pavise and Aegis) (fixed, released in Alpha)
    • Build in Forge mechanic for Crit handling (fixed, released in Alpha)
    • Add dropdown list for HP and Turncount (fixed, released in Alpha)
    • Correct small issue with calculating damage with Magic-weapons (Levin Sword/Shockstick/Bolt Axe) (fixed, released in Alpha)
    • Correct issue with Weapon Triangle [Ad/Disad]vantage calculations (fixed, released in Alpha)
    • Correct small issue with Rapier/Noble Rapier's effectiveness calculation (fixed, released in Alpha)
    • Correct small issue with Conquest and Iote's Shield (fixed, released in Alpha)
  • ToDo for Alpha 1.5
    • Finish FORECAST so that a completed battle is brought up, not just a single strike of combat
    • Build in Miracle
    • Identify damage taken by Counter in conjunction with Sol/Nosferatu Effect
    • Create OUTCOME
    • Build a version of this for Averages!NoReclass

      • Fix issue where having the same unit on each team causes a calculation error *See above for temp workaround*

      • Add Supports/PairUp/Dual Atk&Grd?

As always, any and all suggestions and comments are welcome. I don't really have a second set of eyes looking at this so if you notice something I missed, please let me know Edited by Elieson
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i'll take a look at it when I get home. I'll still probably not use it because honestly I can probably do it just as fast in my head once I remember what all the awakening skills do, but I'll run it through and make sure its functional.

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If anything, the sheet gives you an entire round of RNs and places them exactly where they need to be, and i septuple checked to make sure that it accounts for all kinds of weaponry, rounding and effectiveness and stuff. It also holds all your info so you can remember like, who has what forges and stuff. The only real maintenance that one needs to do in this is update HP of the units after each round on the team sheet.

Edited by Elieson
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  • 3 weeks later...


Here's the latest.


  • Looks nicer
  • No more stupid #N/A Error messages in the Battling_Teams sheet
  • Condensed formulas for faster processing and easier interpretation
  • Resized to fit on your monitor better
  • If you *unhide* sheets, you can check out OUTCOME and see that I'm almost done with a copy-paste bit for SF

How to use it:

Step 1:
[spoiler=Check out your Overview]
When you open it, you'll see this:

(Row 1 Blue is for one player, and Row 1 Red is for the other player). I just did that for me.8a9ebabefa.png

Don't let all of this intimidate you. All you need to worry about is this here.


I made it easy for you. Each cell that has data for you to enter, has a Dropdown list (Even HP!). Try it out;


Step 2:
[spoiler=Make your unit, the Easy Way!]
Fill in the mandatory cells for Rows 2-8 and for accuracy's sake, Row 10 (obvious stuff, like your character, asset/flaw (if robin is involved), parent, class, weapon and HP).


Obvious stuff, right?. Then, fill in your Skills in Rows 22-26.


Basically, If the header row on the side is Right-aligned, you fill it in. Otherwise, ignore it.

Step 2.a:
[spoiler=Some extra stuff to make your life easier]

There is also a Weapons space. (Rows 29-43). This is just to throw placeholder notes on the weaponry that your team is using, and has nothing to do with calculations. It's nice to keep all that data somewhere though, so just do it here. Now you don't need to jump back and forth between a notepad or the source PM, it's all right here.

Step 3:
[spoiler=Check out the details, and repeat Step 2 & 2.a until satisfied]
Everything down here auto-calculates now. Don't mind the gray'd out Supports part. That'll come in the future.


Everything is calculated out for you. Now, fill in the rest of your team, and fill in what you would expect/know your opponent's team to be. There's 10 columns, it's pretty cut and dry.

Now comes the cool part.

On the bottom of the doc, you'll see

Click Forecast

[spoiler=Now you" ll see this]5ee6383027.png

It looks scary, but it's really not. I put simple steps up there at the top, but let's take this one step at a time.

Step 4:

[spoiler=Make the Battle]

At the very top of the Forecast screen, you'll see this. All you need to worry about is adjusting the Turn # (for certain skills), and picking who's attacking and who's defending. Once again, these are set with Dropdown boxes, so this part should take you 5 seconds at the most.



Step 5:

[spoiler=Make the battle happen, in one simple step!]

Seriously. Click the button. I can't make it any easier than that, but if you want to, just press F9 on your keyboard. That'll click it for you.


Step 6:

[spoiler=The Battle just happened! See what the outcome is!]

You did it! You just made your battle happen! Check out the results!


Looks like Sumia would've smashed Noire, but Noire activated Vantage, and missed. Sumia first hit looks like it landed, and dealt 11 damage!

If you need to continue the battle, calculate each swing by clicking the Click to Run Battle button for each swing you want to calculate, and view the results.

Final Step:

[spoiler=Type it out for SF!]Now you've got your results, so make it happen! I've almost got a version set that will produce live results based on the battle's outcome that you can just copy&paste into SF, but well, now you have literally everything you need to know about the battle, right at your fingertips!

Edited by Elieson
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My next update will include a Battle Start sheet, which will be the most ugly a not quite beautiful looking copypaste thing, but still effective thing, that'll translate BEAUTIFULLY into SF's posts.

The best part, you don't need to fill in any additional data (unless you want to). This all just fills itself in, even down to the RNG selecting who goes first (upon clicking the RUN RNG button that isn't pictured).

[spoiler='Filling in your team creates this]


[spoiler=Copy/Pasting this into SF creates this]50a360bfb4.jpg

As you can see, it isn't 100% complete, as I need to modify how the thing handles longer Unit names so you don't get unnecessary indents that shove everything over

Also, this pulls raw stats, not including modifiers from skills (Str+2, Limit Breaker, weapon-related Stat bonuses), so I'll have to rework it for other instances/metas, but it's a solid base so far that I'll have ready to go with the next update, and it's gonna be really easy to convert for alternative metas and games, since it'll pull from the same sources regardless of the game.

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Wondering where I've been? No? Too bad!

I've been taking a short break from FE13's meta (while I confirm a few mechanics and complete the stupidly complicated Outcome generators), but in the meantime, I've created a FE6 sheet, and will easily build a FE7 and FE8 off of it.

How do these work, you ask? It's even simpler than you'd expect!

Fire Emblem Sword of Seals Link Arena Mod Sheet V.1 Alpha

Step 0: This currently requires MS Excel. If you do not have MS Excel on your computer, this won't work at all.

Step 1: Download the link above by clicking the big blue letters, which happens to also be this link right here.

Step 2: Unzip it

Step 3: Open it up, and be sure to enable Macros (otherwise a few of the Forecast options will come out looking really funny) *Thanks to Integrity for this code* Understand that jumping between sheets means clicking these, at the bottom of your Excel window.


Step 4: When operating it, fill in your Team Data entirely using the Battling_Teams Sheet.
[spoiler=How to fill this one in]

  • Upon jumping in, you'll see this main screen.
    • 2e75134d6d.png

First off, click the button for which Meta you're running (Max Stats Meta | Averages Meta). The one you have selected will be displayed in the White text. It's super easy to bounce back and forth between Metas, as all you have to do is click the button!2e75134d6d.png

Fill in your Team Leader's names (Row 2). This impacts the Outcome, Opening Post and Forecast sheets, for smooth and easy Copypaste posting.


Fill in your character data (This time, mandatory info is restricted to Character, Weapon and HP).


Scroll down to the Supports, and select your character's Support options and Support Rank


As of right now, I haven't coded in a method to handle a unit's death cancelling out Support bonuses. When you adjust a unit's HP to indicate that a unit has died, be sure to select [Level]-Dead. I've added a popup warning to let you know to doublecheck on these instances.

Repeat for each unit

Step 5: Jump to the Forecast Sheet.
[spoiler=How to understand the Forecast]



  • Click the Click to Run Battle button, and get Results of all possible instances.

In cell A2, select your Turn. This just impacts the Outcome sheet for convenience.

Select the attacker in A3, then in A4, select the corresponding unit who will be attacking. This resolves the bug from the FE13 Link Arena sheet, and has also been incorporated into the FE13 sheet (which comes out in the next release), so you can now have units attack identical units without Excel yelling at you. Repeat for A5 and A6 (Defender and Defender's Unit).

Total Damage Dealt is just a representation of combined values, just as a note. Each individual value is displayed in its correct location, in rows 16 and 26. Don't mind the same information being displayed in row 14 and 24, those are necessary for other calculations.

Post-Strike Regained HP refers to Nosferatu and Runesword numbers. There's also a surprise in here for those of you that equip a Devil Axe and roll a 1 in a hidden display box

Step 6: Jump to the Opening Post sheet (more instructions here)
[spoiler=How to build an Opening Post for this Forum, with 0 effort]

This is simply put, a Copy Paste for OP creation. Click the Click to Create Opening Post button to, create the post. Then, select the entire grey cell block, Copy, then Paste it into your browser's RTF-disabled Post window. Modify to your discretion, and it's ready to post, perfectly formatted!

Step 7: Jump to the Outcome sheet.
[spoiler=How post Results, with minimal effort]
To see your battle outcome (i.e. Damage to opponent per swing), Forecast displays all of this with absolute detail. Everything exists for calculation purposes, and also for verification. In Outcome, you'll see this. It looks messy, right? Well, the reasons for the blank spaces is to account for the instances of Doubling, Doubling with Braves, etc. The bottom is a neat formatted HP code block that you're used to seeing. The bbcode formatting is necessary for the Copy Paste into your Browser mechanic.

When copy pasting this into your browser, just delete the empty lines. You'll be left with a perfect post.

You'll need to update the HP of each unit back in the Battling_Teams sheet, so that this keeps up with HP as you continue the match. Also, the HP in the code block will not reflect after-battle HP, so a unit that dies will not have pre-loaded text telling you that they died.. Update this in your browser.

Step 8*: This is entirely optional, but in the top of the Battling_Teams page, clicking the Click to clear Blue Team | Click to clear Red Team buttons will automatically clear all of the Blue/Red cells, giving you a clean slate to quickly start over!


Let's do a Mock Setup

Fill in some data


Pick the battle

Copypaste This into SF

Delete unnecessary blank lines and any extra data, since this doesn't account for battles ending when a Unit dies.

Uncheck the RTF box and click Post/Post Preview, and you're left with this (I added the Purple text)


  • In the Battling Teams sheet, this is where you Manage your HP (in Row 7).
  • Dropdown selections exist for Character, Weapon, HP, Support options, Support Levels and carried weapons.
  • Weapon (1) - Weapon (5) is all placeholder information slots for you, the host (or the player if they want to run mocks). These don't calculate into anything.
  • Selecting a new Character will not replace that character's calculated information. Replacing a properly set Roy with Lilina can give you data of Master Lord!Lilina with a Brave Sword equipped, and Roy's support entries.
  • Highlighting a bunch of cells and hitting the Delete key will clear things out pretty effectively. Feel free to do this only for that have Blue or Red/Pink highlight in the Battling Teams page. Doing this to other cells will pretty much blow up the calculator. Just use the two buttons to clear your stuff. Don't delete stuff from the other pages.
  • Banned things from unique Rulesets can still be selected and calculate properly, Use judgment and fill the sheets out properly when running mocks
  • Even if you don't wish to use this for full on battle simulation, this will function nicely for quick mockbattles where you just want to see what an anticipated battle between two units may be

[spoiler=Todo]Nothing that I can think of

As always, any and all suggestions and comments are welcome. I don't really have a second set of eyes looking at this so if you notice something I missed, please let me know

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Also, fixing a bug where teams that share a unit still pull the Blue teams unit, regardless of selecting the correct one. It's a tedious bug fix that'll translate cleanly into all sheets from here on.

Also also, adding a Death button that quickly updates a units HP/supports for you. I havent figured out how to make it work for the surviving unit to no longer receive said bonus

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Have you tried like assigning maybe a binary, make it 1 when unit is alive and 0 when dead? Or just with Ifs having as condition that a variable has a specific value when units are alive and another value if one of the two is dead.

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I've got data validation for super easy selection, but if then statements clash with them.

I just thought of a macro that runs checks actually...I'll try it tomorrow if I can figure it out.

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I got it figured out.

New FE6 Calculation Sheet


  • Fixed bug where if the Red team had the same unit as the Blue team, the Blue team's stats were always used for that unit, even in mirror matches. This affected the Forecast sheet, which impacted the entirety of Column B's data (the raw Unit vs Unit calculations, pre battle).
  • Added "Dead" buttons, which automatically change a unit's HP to 0, and shut off Supports that involve said dead unit. This cannot be undone with a Ctrl-Z/Undo but I didn't design it to be~
  • Gave Warriors Bow access
  • Renamed Iote's Shield to Delphi Shield (to match the game's item name obviously)
  • Updated the OUTCOME sheet, so you can run and re-run battles from it, then immediately copy the battle's information (each done by clicking the appropriately titled button)
  • No longer displays additional data when Bow users are involved in combat with a unit which cannot counterattack, on the OUTCOME sheet. Theoretical data still gets displayed in the Forecast sheet, so you can quickly see what the opposite battle scenario would turn out to be (assuming no supports die in between this battle, and equipment remains unchanged). Basically, it works now and gives you additional information if you're curious.

If there's anything wrong now, I double dog dare you to find it.

If this sheet works out without error, I'll have one built for FE7 and FE8 probably by the end of the weekend/Monday.

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Oh snap if this is OpenOffice compatible then everyone can use it. Not sure how it handles data validation (dropdowns menus). Please let me know :)

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The drop down menus are broken, but easily fixed probably. I'm going to poke around more, there may be an option to convert the doc so you don't have to actually change anything to get it to work

Edit: If all else fails I can try Libreoffice

Edit2: Sorry about this, but what language are you coding these in?

Edited by zerosabers
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Alright, I might have something that works, can you export the fe6 file for Microsoft Excel 2006

FWIW my file shouldbe compatible for 2007-2013. I can't save my sheet into a version that's compatible for Excel 2006 ( i assume you meant 2003, because I don't believe there is a Microsoft Excel 2006 ).

It doesn't like some of my table structures. mainly blowing up Supports entirely, and a few of my Macros (Outcome, Click to Copy Battle Outcome)

I tried to backwards format it, and this is what I got. Download it here.

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