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Elie's Link Arena Mod Sheets


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Alright, unless Libreoffiice can run the file, a full manual conversion would be necessary to get anything else to run it. I can't check if Libre can or not (betting it can't) because I can't get the download to finish. I'd assume it can't though, so I'll try and work on converting the fe6 to open office, I'm probably going to run into problems though because I have no idea what I'm doing there is a limit to how long you can make some of the codes, so I'll have to try and rewrite the support bonus coding entirely. Thankfully, there is no way to remove that pointlessly stupid limit.

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Things I learned today;

Dropdown lists aren't compatible on Excel 2007, because I need to code them for older versions apparently. Horace, what version are you running?

Anyway, while I work on that....

Updated FE6 sheet V1.1

  • Includes modification that checks for Stat Caps, and prevents you from applying boosters that would exceed your Unit's cap in any particular class.
  • Made the Clear Teams buttons operate faster.
  • Fixed a small issue with applying Stat boosters to Paladins

Newly created FE7 sheet! V1.0

  • Includes the fixes above
  • Includes other features, like REAVER recalculations, S-rank weaponry selection and small messages appear on each stat booster to tell you how many exist.
    • SF says that Swordslayers are not effective on Thief/Assassins. Is this true?
  • Lethality is hidden, unless relevant, so it won't get in your way of reading!
Edited by Elieson
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I've been building mine in 13. That's probably why you can actually use these with reliability

Older versions jsut make you type in data instead of selecting it, so it kind works, just not how I want it to.

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Oh yeah, I can confirm that Swordslayers aren't effective against Assassins. Tried against Jaffar in the FE7 (actual) link arena.

EDIT: Also i've been playing around with the FE13 one testing things for a team if the upcoming tournament is fe13 and Luna's Proc rate is listed as Skl/2% instead of just Skl%. I think all the other % procs are correct though.

Edited by General Horace
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EDIT: Also i've been playing around with the FE13 one testing things for a team if the upcoming tournament is fe13 and Luna's Proc rate is listed as Skl/2% instead of just Skl%. I think all the other % procs are correct though.

Are you positive about that? Cause I can't find a single resource that would state the same thing.

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Oh weird; I'll have to crack down on that.

In the meantime; I'm redoing FE6 again (which'll translate into FE7-> when I finish it) for an improved UI. Basically, your operations will be;

  1. Build your team (HP, Unit, Class, Supports, Equipped Weapon, Inventory, S-rank where applicable)
  2. Generate and roll out your Opening Post
  3. Go to Outcome, and stay there. to do everything else. I've figured out a way to create a button that overrides HP with the after-battle HP, and updates supports too. When I get this finalized, you (the user) won't have to ever leave the OUTCOME sheet unless you are just curious about raw unit data.


Basically; Click your Attacker

Pick their weapon

Click the defender

Pick their weapon (It'll be defaulted to whatever you set their Equipped weapon as, in the beginning when you set stuff up in Step 1)

Click Run Battle

Click Copy Battle Outcome (for SF)

I'll add a button titled like Confirm Battle or something, and that'll update HP and Supports with the results of the battle you just simulated. This way, you can play around with numbers, but until you click "Confirm Battle", nothing will actually change. That sound good to ya'll?

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So I've figured out that LibreOffice WILL run most of my program. I'll need to simplify it a little, since a few excel formulas don't carry over, like IfError(_,_), but LibreOffice is both free, fairly small (210-ish MB), functional on Mac & PC and requires far less effort in conversion.

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So I decided to invest hosting tonight and enter all the data into the FE13 mod sheet. I almost got to the part where I'm supposed to enter forge data, but everytime I try to change +5 mt into +4, Excel tells me the "formula contains an error", and I can neither do anything about it, nor edit anything, nor even close the program. I just end up hitting Ctrl + Alt + Del to get out of there.

What do?

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If you are using the Dropdown menu, (or not) you gotta enter it in a Format that matches the style of it. So like, it uses +5MT| +15HIT| +0CRT. MSExcel 2013 should have a Dropdown menu that works for it, but I realized recently that my dropdown menus don't translate all that nicely backwards-ly from 2013 into 2007, which is what I have on my homePC. I suspect you're getting like, This error.


Enter +4MT| +20HIT| +0CRT

the things between them are the Seperator, typed in manually with a Shift + \ on your Keyboard.

Also for what it's worth, if you have a weapon that cannot be forged, my sheet won't allow you to enter that in, so if you're trying to enter it under a unit with like a forged Wolf Berg, for instance, it will give you that derpy error.

Also, if you click OK, then click the X up in the Formula Bar, it'll cancel out of your functionality error.


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on a note related to skill proc's we code it as less than the total right. cause greater than or equal to will cause nothing to trigger. we do the same for hit rates as well correct?

main reason i am asking is cause sooner or later (when i get enough free time while having the want to do it) ill see if i can get it to work for python and i already know that will be a pain in the ass. the main plus for this is the fact python is free.

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an example is sol on a unit with 48 skill. ChanceToActivate < 48:

rolls hit

if hit heals damage/2

i know sol only heals up to the health of the target if damage exceeds maxhealth/2. i am just making sure i have the basic idea clear first

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on a note related to skill proc's we code it as less than the total right. cause greater than or equal to will cause nothing to trigger. we do the same for hit rates as well correct?

main reason i am asking is cause sooner or later (when i get enough free time while having the want to do it) ill see if i can get it to work for python and i already know that will be a pain in the ass. the main plus for this is the fact python is free.

Yea, procs check for RNs that roll Less than the truncated Skill requirement (So say, if you have 47 luck, and you're running a skill that checks for Skl/2, you'd be rolling for something not below 23.5, but below 23).

All values are truncated at final value. Damage dealt to Pavise is say, 31/2 = 15.5 = 15, Damage healed from Sol dealing 31 dmg is 31/2 = 15.5 = 15. Damage healed from Nosferatu proc'ing sol is 31/2+31/2 = 15.5+15.5 = 31.0 = 31.

Setting up an If(A+B+C>MaxHealthReferenceCell,=MaxHealthReferenceCell,A+B+C) would suffice.

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Since you're dealing with Integers, you could write it as >= MaxHealthReference, or >MaxHealthReference

If(50+20+11>ReferenceOf[80],80,50+20+20), so If(81>80, make cell = 80,etc)

If(50+20+11>=ReferenceOf[80],80,50+20+20), so If(81>=80, make cell = 80,etc)

In this situation, the = reference won't matter


my lack of experience in Python begs me to ask if there'd be an issue with things, but you're pretty much right. I don't think that the = will really matter.

The same goes for Battle scenarios. The ones I run do checks for If(StrikeA1+StrikeA2-(DefenderNosferatuOrSolOnStrikeB1)>0,HP=0,A1+A2-NosSolB1), for instance. My checks for Support cancellation doesn't check for 0HP, but it does modify the support rank itself to accomodate for things.

I'll have my sheet pushed out within a day or so, and you can see the code for yourself from Excel. The >= and > don't matter that much, to me anyway, since I do checks to see if total Health = 0, not if Total Damage => 0

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This is what my Excel currently looks like, for FE13

Each strike of a potential 4 strikes per user, per round, per Vantage, checks for this


It's a fuckton to manage. In theory, with Vantage and Astra existing, you could theoretically be forced to calculate for 5+5 strikes from the Defender, then 5+5 strikes from the Attacker, then 5+5 more strikes from the Defender (or Attacker, depending on AttackSpeed).

Without Vantage, it's A:5+5, D:5+5, D:5+5 [or] A:5+5 which need to be accounted for.

Coding this is a real challenge, even in Excel. I finally have it figured out, it's just a super complex series of IF(IF(IF(IF(IFs

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yea python calls those nested if statements. its basically ifception. im currently working on the bare bones for a sol proc. mainly getting the ability itself to work.

edit: i got sol to work for fixed stats. now ill just need to switch it to variable ones. i plan one making the skills one at a time.

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I've got a few of those in VBA that do Max=0, Min=100 for my Forecast Dmg/Hit/Crt calcs

I'm not the most experienced in building nested ifs but I've got a couple that I use.

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they can be huge pain in python cause they use indents fortunatly i found out that ctrl + [ or ] indent anything highlighted. i have sol working for random variables. next step is to put in hit or miss calculations.

edit: well i could just check hit or miss after the ability triggers and add it in if the atk connects

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well i can always make it so that if it's wtd i just don't code in wta. that part isn't a problem. first step is coming up with the combat code.

i could see about making each special weapon its own class in python but im not sure if it will work in the combat code if i do do that.

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