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Luna/Lazward/Odin - FE if's new Devdan/Danved?


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I was trying to think of some precedents to seemingly (or obviously) familiar characters returning to another game in the series under a different name. One is Camus/Sirius, which doesn't seem similar to the present situation at all, but another one is Devdan/Danved, a purposefully comical character which seems to also resemble the funny and zany expressions in the screenshots that just got leaked.

Presume that the three characters with an all-too uncanny resemblance to Awakening's heroes have a nonsensical reason to return, or no reasons at all. One thing that bothers me though is that Owain (if it's him) is a Dark Mage. The other two are Mercenaries as they should be, but Owain being a Dark Mage quite limits the male characters that could have then be considered canonically to be his father. It's exactly three units that can let Owain inherit the Dark Mage class set - Robin (male), Libra and Henry. Henry originally being one makes this the most intuitive choice. So is Lissa x Henry possibly going to be canonical? We never did learn who Roy's and Lilina's respective mothers were, so being left with three options and no hints is not at all impossible.

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I'm not saying it was Outrealms. But it was Outrealms.

Or could be the kids that grew up with new names to differentiate form the time travel kids.

Or we will never know.

That's pretty much all the options.

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I'm not saying it was Outrealms. But it was Outrealms.

Or could be the kids that grew up with new names to differentiate form the time travel kids.

Or we will never know.

That's pretty much all the options.

I never considered the "true" children would use different names.

That's a good idea...

On another note, I REALLY hope the resemblance is purely coincidence. I don't want them introducing unnecessary "cannon" pairings. It defeats the purpose of playing matchmaker in FE13.

Edited by Respite&Nepenthe
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It's exactly three units that can let Owain inherit the Dark Mage class set - Robin (male), Libra and Henry. Henry originally being one makes this the most intuitive choice. So is Lissa x Henry possibly going to be canonical? We never did learn who Roy's and Lilina's respective mothers were, so being left with three options and no hints is not at all impossible.

The base class isn't necessarily based on the parents though. Look at Owain himself. Lissa doesn't have myrmidon. If Odin is a grown up present Owain, it just means he has a different base class from future time traveler Owain since he grows up in a very different world. If Odin is just an expy, then, well, it doesn't mean anything either way.

Edited by NeonZ
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I never considered the "true" children would use different names.

That's a good idea...

On another note, I REALLY hope the resemblance is purely coincidence. I don't want them introducing unnecessary "cannon" pairings. It defeats the purpose of playing matchmaker in FE13.

Uh what "canon" pairings? Every child character so far uses the hair colour they have in their official arts. Which for most of them matches their mother's hair colour. (Inigo,Morgan and yarne are exceptions but Morgan is self explanatory, yarne has a different tuff colour, but the rest is always the same due to Taguel model purposes and the tuff wouldn't stand out with panne's colour, and i guess they didn't want Inigo to have pink hair in his official art.)

I suppose that makes it canon that their parents were paired, but in most games that are referenced in other games, you are sorta assumed to have recruited everybody anyway.

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Uh what "canon" pairings? Every child character so far uses the hair colour they have in their official arts. Which for most of them matches their mother's hair colour. (Inigo,Morgan and yarne are exceptions but Morgan is self explanatory, yarne has a different tuff colour, but the rest is always the same due to Taguel model purposes and the tuff wouldn't stand out with panne's colour, and i guess they didn't want Inigo to have pink hair in his official art.)

I suppose that makes it canon that their parents were paired, but in most games that are referenced in other games, you are sorta assumed to have recruited everybody anyway.

I was thinking more class-wise. Since Owain's doppelganger is a dark mage, and that's not available to him unless Lissa marries Robin, Libra, or Henry. Odin's blondiness would imply that it was Libra.


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They aren't related to Awakening at all.

They're homages and them trying to capitalize on those characters personalities/likeness to try and sell Nohr.

Why only the 2nd generation though? It's especially odd in Severa's case, since she's only the 7th most popular female if you count the 1st generation girls.

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Why only the 2nd generation though? It's especially odd in Severa's case, since she's only the 7th most popular female if you count the 1st generation girls.

I assume because they're by far the most popular.

Strange we didn't get a Lucina clone yet... Unless you count Aqua. That and it may be preference as the children characters didn't get as much love in Awakening so this is a spiritual successor way of giving those characters love via these unrelated carbon copy clones.

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Eh, the children characters had one chapter solely focused on each one of them and full support list with other 2nd gen, they were better off than quite few 1st generation characters, like Anna and Sayri. Even people like Stalh and Kellam basically have no story screentime after the chapter where they join, so it's not like the kids were unfairly shafted. Besides, these characters don't exactly sound like main cast material so far. They seem closer to the types that join your party and then become irrelevant outside of supports or the other optional interactions added here.

Edited by NeonZ
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Why only the 2nd generation though? It's especially odd in Severa's case, since she's only the 7th most popular female if you count the 1st generation girls.

Hell, if they're not related to the original characters in any way then why is it exclusive to just Awakening for that matter?

I still think they went too far to be simple homages, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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It's because Awakening was the largest seller that's why and those characters were extremely popular despite very little screen time. Nohr is being sold as being different enough from Awakening compared to Hoshido so these are attempts to try and convince Awakening fans to try Nohr as well.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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Hell, if they're not related to the original characters in any way then why is it exclusive to just Awakening for that matter?

Well, Awakening, in Japan by itself, is the best selling FE since FE3. So, there's a reason for that if they're just expies.

Still, going with just children just seems odd to me. Tharja and Cordelia were extremely popular, more than Severa, but also had little screentime in Awakening. They're basically just like the children - no story role after joining your party. In fact, especially in Tharja's case, she has even less focus in the chapter where she joins. If they are just expies, and they're looking only at popularity, why wouldn't Tharja and Cordelia receive priority over Severa?

Edited by NeonZ
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I was thinking more class-wise. Since Owain's doppelganger is a dark mage, and that's not available to him unless Lissa marries Robin, Libra, or Henry. Odin's blondiness would imply that it was Libra.


I refer you to NeonZ post above my previous post.

The children's base class didn't t always match the parent, it did however normally match the child characters personality and or backstory, a different backstory, different class choices. Plus, hair colour means almost nothing as i said, nor does class. Plus we don't know if noir has regular mages or whatnot, not all classes match up perfectly between games as the spot-pass characters clearly showed.

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Well, Awakening, in Japan by itself, is the best selling FE since FE3. So, there's a reason for that if they're just expies.

Still, going with just children just seems odd to me. Tharja and Cordelia were extremely popular, more than Severa, but also had little screentime in Awakening. They're basically just like the children - no story role after joining your party. In fact, especially in Tharja's case, she has even less focus in the chapter where she joins. If they are just expies, and they're looking only at popularity, why wouldn't Tharja and Cordelia receive priority over Severa?

we don't know if they're in yet so we can't decide yet.
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I never considered the "true" children would use different names.

That's a good idea...

On another note, I REALLY hope the resemblance is purely coincidence. I don't want them introducing unnecessary "cannon" pairings. It defeats the purpose of playing matchmaker in FE13.

Even if there is a logical explanation for the children,there is no need that they actually make anything canon.

If the theory,that they are the new-timeline-children from awakening,then it is entirely possible that they were raised and even born differently.

Just look at Lunas hair colour,none of the characters in Awakening is able to pass down such an intense red,not even the My-unit,so I wouldn't be considered by their hair colours(in the end it is always possible that these children were born at a slightly different time than their future counterparts,leading to some small differences)

Owains counterpart being a dark mage could come from the fact that he simply had the freedom to study magic this time around,something he probably didn't have in a world ruled by grima(except if his father is a mage,who could have easily teached him the basics).

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I think it would be wrong to overanalyse this. I would be of the opinion that this is just I neat little homage to Awakening for Nohr players. But, that said, I REALLY like Odin's artwork. They certainly did Owain justice in his spiritual successor (and while I'm less sold on the Dark Mage class instead of Myrmidon, at least we get a different set of move names to Awakening. :) ).

Though, it would be nice if the Amiibo Lucina could support them....

Edited by Johnwaluigi
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If the most famous children in Japan (Severa, Owain and Inigo, not counting Lucina) have expies in Nohr, maybe the most famous parents (Chrom, Gaius, Cordelia and Tharja) will have expies in Hoshido, as Noble Rapier said?

There are two redhead pegasus knights in Hoshido, after all.

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