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2 days ago, I couldn't sleep. Last night, I slept for a while. When I woke up, something felt off, but I couldn't quite figure out what it was. Then my mother told me to go back to sleep, because I'd been up for too long, but I couldn't. I have to thank her though. Hiding under the covers, thinking and trying to piece together the dream of the night before, I was able to figure it out... Then I had trouble Posting... Google Chrom didn't want me to figure it out. Internet Explorer was killed like Sigurd years ago, but Firefox knew... And it helped me. Because it's in IF.

You see, I dreamt of FE, but you see I thought I was dreaming of just IF, then I realized... It's a cycle. FE Awakening was the first FE on the 3DS just as Roy's game was the first on the GBA, both were acclaimed to be great but then people argued as well over the shit main lord, his blue haired companion who was deemed a better unit, as well as the popularity of said Lord (Roy being DAMNED if his fans don't want him back for smash, Chrom winning the popularity contest). The unfair difficulty of certain aspects (Lunatic/Lunatic + and Hard mode for Roy), the fact that it had come out after two games on the same continent, these things seem unconnected, until you look at IF

If is FE 14, and yeah yeah, 7x2, BUT just like FE7, the leader is an evil FATHER, when was the last time we had one of those? Furthermore, we have returning popular characters from the previous game, I.E: Owain and Inigo in comparison to Bartre and Karel and Marcus, even if they aren't connected. They're the second of the new handheld series, and are supposed to improve upon what went wrong in the first, as well as having their own stories. Are they related? We don't know, but we DO know that we also have THREE stories in FE IF. FE7 had three stories, although not to this extent.

ALSO, Rumors of an FE 2 remake have been circulating around now... What can we pull from this?

We're in a cycle of FE games being re-made and re-distributed, albeit slowly changing to something grander. Is it better? Opinionated. Is it Worse? Opinionated. But it IS different. It is a child. Children go back to their memories to see what works and what doesn't, but they also try new things. By the gods, don't you see? WE neeeeeed to stop complaining and let FE try out new things. FE is 14 now. It's going through puberty! at 13 it thought marriage just happened and then kids came out. It forgot the truth of the traumatic experiences it saw when it was just a child, but now... It's starting to understand love again, it knows you need physical contact. We're on our way back to the beginning.

2025, FE 4 remake confirmed.

PS: If FE is the child, then as a parent, we/you/I must accept the phases our child, FE, goes through. Dammit let it experiment. If it doesn't, it'll grow to hate us/you/me as we and its other parent (we/you/me) fight. It won't be sure what to do, and nobody will be happy with what the outcome is.

Or it may grow to become something so fantastic as to shut us all the fudge up (Pardon my Marcia).

Edited by Marek
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I skimmed it all. I'll say that I had dreams about ORAS' release, Baby Rosalina in Mario Kart 8 and Mamizou being in Hopeless Masquerade. They all came true.

Also, frosted cheese

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I thought I couldn't get any stupider. Obviously, that thought was stupid.

Indeed, there's always room for your stupidity to grow. You see, the lesson here is that sometimes there is no lesson. Sometimes you just need to look at something face value and realize "Yes, this contributed nothing to society." On the other hand, I'm impressed. I didn't know *I* could make you dumber either.

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You're going to be something great someday.

As an actor and writer, I am glad to hear those words.

I just realized that revelations is a word in the FE x Atlus game title. That means that this topic is actually a crossover fanfic.

Perhaps I'm right... About everything?

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