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With the old fighters making a return, could this mean...


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Vaati? Err.. that guy doesn't even have moves unless he's in his demon form. You can't make a fighter without any sort of base.

Firstly, Villager and Captain Falcon would like to have a word with you.

Second, Vaati DOES have moves in his Minish form. He's shown fending off Hyrulean soldiers in the beginning of The Minish Cap. He's also known as the wind mage, so he can have some wind-based moves.

I think Vaati has a good chance, though I do agree that he's not extremely likely. But his games aren't neglected, Four Sword Zelda has a little representation in Smash.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'd say Vaati has a chance... if there weren't so many other Zelda characters with a bigger chance of being in.

Like who? I can't think of very many other notable characters at all that would have as good a chance. The only one I can think of is Impa. Tingle would be an option too, but he's liked only in Japan and is already an assist trophy. His games never even got localized in NA. Ghirahim already has an assist trophy as well. Adding them would require more work than a character that has absolutely nothing in the game, like Vaati. Vaati doesn't even have a trophy, yet a villain like Ghirahim, who's only been in one main stream game and is really just a servant, has an assist trophy. I love Ghirahim, don't get me wrong, but Vaati and the Four Sword games are unfairly shafted in terms of attention. :(

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Like who? I can't think of very many other notable characters at all that would have as good a chance. The only one I can think of is Impa. Tingle would be an option too, but he's liked only in Japan and is already an assist trophy. His games never even got localized in NA. Ghirahim already has an assist trophy as well. Adding them would require more work than a character that has absolutely nothing in the game, like Vaati. Vaati doesn't even have a trophy, yet a villain like Ghirahim, who's only been in one main stream game and is really just a servant, has an assist trophy. I love Ghirahim, don't get me wrong, but Vaati and the Four Sword games are unfairly shafted in terms of attention. :(

To name a few: Toon Zelda, Tetra, Tingle, Midna, Impa, and a completely reworked Young Link. I agree we don't need another Link clone, but if they make Young Link play using magic and transformations from various masks, I would completely support that.

I'd argue that everyone who is playable in Hyrule Warriors has a bigger chance than Vaati (except those that were created for that game) so if you really want Vaati in, you might want to start a campaign to add in ballot votes. Because I really don't see Vaati getting in outside of that.

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To name a few: Toon Zelda, Tetra, Tingle, Midna, Impa, and a completely reworked Young Link. I agree we don't need another Link clone, but if they make Young Link play using magic and transformations from various masks, I would completely support that.

I'd argue that everyone who is playable in Hyrule Warriors has a bigger chance than Vaati (except those that were created for that game) so if you really want Vaati in, you might want to start a campaign to add in ballot votes. Because I really don't see Vaati getting in outside of that.

Three different Links in this game is absolutely ridiculous. I don't think Young Link has any chance of returning. Toon Zelda, I'll give you. I already mentioned Impa (in fact, I think Sheik should be dropped for Impa and Vaati added). Tetra and Midna have no chance, imo. Tetra is only important in one game, just like Ghirahim. Midna is already an assist trophy.

And I don't see what being playable in Hyrule Warriors has anything to do with it. It's a spinoff, not canon. Vaati's games actually ARE canon. Canon usually gets a little more attention, Mario spinoffs aside since they're generally really big.

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If there's a new Zelda character it's probably Impa. My guess before was Girahim but he's an assist trophy.

On the topic of FE representation vs. Mario and Pokemon representation, I'd agree that FE does have a bit more to choose from, but we have 3 Marths in the game at this point, so clearly that's not really going far. If it were up to me I'd have Marth, Roy with Ike's moveset, Micaiah for mage and Tellius rep, and Robin. But the point is people wanting Pichu in doesn't matter because Pokemon is one of the only franchises in Smash without clones!

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If there's a new Zelda character it's probably Impa. My guess before was Girahim but he's an assist trophy.

On the topic of FE representation vs. Mario and Pokemon representation, I'd agree that FE does have a bit more to choose from, but we have 3 Marths in the game at this point, so clearly that's not really going far. If it were up to me I'd have Marth, Roy with Ike's moveset, Micaiah for mage and Tellius rep, and Robin. But the point is people wanting Pichu in doesn't matter because Pokemon is one of the only franchises in Smash without clones!

Ike is a better rep for Tellius than Micaiah. :/ I mean, Ike was actually in both games AND is a main character... Robin also covers magic well enough. Roy also never used Aether, so Roy with Ike's moveset wouldn't make sense anyway.

If it were up to me though, it'd be Marth, Ike, Robin, and Ephraim. Marth and Ike for pure swordplay and the latter for a heavy powerhouse in the gang and Marth is also the mascot, Robin for magic, and Ephraim because lances are something we've still yet to see in this game and he'd represent the GBA era.

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Three different Links in this game is absolutely ridiculous. I don't think Young Link has any chance of returning. Toon Zelda, I'll give you. I already mentioned Impa (in fact, I think Sheik should be dropped for Impa and Vaati added). Tetra and Midna have no chance, imo. Tetra is only important in one game, just like Ghirahim. Midna is already an assist trophy.

And I don't see what being playable in Hyrule Warriors has anything to do with it. It's a spinoff, not canon. Vaati's games actually ARE canon. Canon usually gets a little more attention, Mario spinoffs aside since they're generally really big.

Three Links is not as obtuse as you may think, ASSUMING, Young Link is completely decloned. A lot of people also forget that a highly requested character is Paper Mario. We already have two Marios in the game, are those who want him being ridiculous?

Since the Smash ballot is essentially a popularity contest, I don't think being an Assist Trophy means anything at this point. And even in the case that being an AT deconfirms a character (which we have no evidence of since the addition of DLC), one could bring the argument that a different version of the character could be used, like making Twili Midna playable while Imp Midna remains an AT.

Hyrule Warriors being canon or not is completely irrelevant to my point. It's the most recent Zelda game so it's fresh in a lot of people's heads, so a lot of voters are using that game to base their votes on. Sure, Impa was in Skyward Sword, but do you think some supporters didn't jump in because of HW? A lot of people (me included) would prefer the HW incarnation of Impa to be in Smash. You can argue canon all you want, but my point is that HW is RELEVANT to the ballot's votes.

And I agree with Altercircuit, Micaiah would have been a better pick.

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Three Links is not as obtuse as you may think, ASSUMING, Young Link is completely decloned. A lot of people also forget that a highly requested character is Paper Mario. We already have two Marios in the game, are those who want him being ridiculous?

Yes, because three different Marios is ridiculous to me too.

And how the hell would Micaiah have been a better pick than Ike? Like I said, Ike is actually in both Tellius games and despite wielding a sword like Marth, still functions completely differently with a unique moveset. Also, it was nice to see a non-bishy sword wielder for once in the case of Smash Wii U/3DS. He brings a lot of new stuff to the table. Ike is actually in both Tellius games too. Ike is more popular as well, even in Japan, I think. And did I mention that Ike is actually in both Tellius games?

MIcaiah simply cannot represent the Tellius games as well as he can.

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Pichu doesn't need to come back -- in Melee, it's designed to be a joke character/handicap character as implied by its in-game trophy and IMO, a poor excuse for a Pikachu clone even though its recoil gimmick makes it rather faithful to its Pokedex entry and anime appearances.

However, if I wanted a Pikachu clone, I'd rather have Raichu, Pikachu's evolution, be the Pikachu clone especially since the main series Pokemon anime likes to have Ash's/Satoshi's Pikachu have a rivalry with Raichu -- it's not far off from the rivalry between Mario and Wario.

I can agree with Young Link not coming back since there's Toon Link now -- and one of Toon Link's custom B moves is Young Link's Fire Arrow!

I'd love to see the Ice Climbers return but that comes down to the devs figuring out a way to implement them into the 3DS version of Smash Bros. As of now, it's proven to be impossible or they haven't figured anything out yet.

I can definitely see Wolf return to Smash Bros., especially since a Star Fox (which was considered practically dead years ago) game is on the way for the Wii U, Smash Bros. needs another villain and that Wolf isn't really a clone of Fox or Falco.

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Having Micaiah in would allow for a mage

Robin's a mage though. :P Yeah, he/she also uses a sword, but his/her specials are entirely magic. All three types of anima magic too.

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Yeah, I want to see Young Link return with the powers of his masks so he wouldn't be a clone anymore.

Now that transformations are gone, if we get a new Zelda rep, Toon Zelda/Tetra would be a definite no. Tetra is the most likely for a Zelda rep imo, not a clone. She could use daggers and bombs, yeah, I got nothing else. Unlike Fire Emblem and Pokemon, the Zelda series lacks in notable/smash worthy characters.

Ana, if Young Link were to be decloned he wouldn't be just another Link like how Marth and Lucina are both Marths. He's still not likely though.

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