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Aqua's problem


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We know the Hoshidans worship a light dragon and Kamui,who is a child of the hoshidan royal family is able to transform into a celestial looking dragon-like-creature.

Aqua is the child of the Nohr-family(and we know that the nohr worship a dark dragon) and emits a dark aura,maybe she has the ability to transform just like kamui,but into a more sinister creature that she can't control?

Edited by BlueLore
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Wouldn't that perhaps also include the other Nohr children as well then?

All royals have dragon vein, if I recall correctly, so it is not a big leap to assume the Nohrians also have dragon blood.

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It's hard to evaluate a whole character from some CGI scenes, but it seems clear that Aqua is obviously hiding something, probably a curse of sorts in her arm. This later becomes a source of confrontation between kamui and aqua later on. Seems like an obvious progression but there's little to tie it all together. Also I laugh at the idea of a team up in Either plot, Elise's lines are usually indicative of death and she's trying to forgive aka you probably kill her, doubt there will be a team up after that moment. In the third path it seems a tad obvious to unite the factions.

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I thought the whole choking thing that keeps appearing was because Aqua is a singer, though I'm not sure how much importance the songs will have...

Important enough to be translated in English at least.

Since she seems to be one of the most important character, and is a (Magical) Songstress...

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I wanna hug Aqua, don't worry, I definitely won't let Kamui kill you. But my problem with her is that she always has that depressing expression and scenes with her always happened in a bad way. Give a happy Aqua scenes please.

Edited by Awakener_
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I thought the purple looked more like some kind of magical injury. I'm thinking there's some point where Kamui loses his/her mind and goes on a rampage with Aqua trying to get them to calm down. It doesn't go well.

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I don't know...if I was kidnapped as a kid and had a weird magical injury I'd be pretty upset. I think she's reacting to all of this quite realistically.

That said, I'm not too sure how IS is going to handle balancing Kamui's and Aqua's roles. Both of them seem equally important to the story, but IS got a track record for having one protag overshadow the other.

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I'm on the magical injury that isn't special to her train. And honestly I don't see how she is being over-emotional or anything like that she has pretty screwed up life from what we have seen. And in her conversation with Nishiki in Famitsu she is shown smiling so I'm sure she will have some happy moments.

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Aqua is being pushed as the main Love interest like how in Awakening Sumia/Waifu Robin were pushed as Chrom's.

I'm not really getting that vibe from her. Honestly the butler and maid that come with you no matter what give off way more of that to me (especially since which one you'll have running your my castle stuff and see more often is automatically the opposite gender one...)

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