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I guess it was normal for 12-year-olds to run away in this time period?


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Well, he was 12. He was ignorant and probably didn't even know how hard it would be to make it on his own.

I guess I shouldn't be questioning the minds of 12-year-olds when teenagers are saving the world from dragons.

Too true, my good Meteor.

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You have to think like a ancient people. In ancient Japan, a 15 years old boy considered a mature and can get a wife right away if he want. He can take part in army in 14 if he strong enought(I am telling the truth). In my country at the ancient time, a 15 years old girl that haven't married usually being mocked because no one want to marry her.

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I guess I shouldn't be questioning the minds of 12-year-olds when teenagers are saving the world from dragons.

This... is the quote of the topic

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They had no technology, so yes, people went out on their own at early ages like in Pokemon.


I never ran from home...I was too busy being in the hospital like every three weeks

EDIT: Read topic wrong lol

Edited by FEFL
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As a 12 year old, I guess going on an adventure with a friend seems much better than staying at home, no matter what times you are living in.

Edited by Raven
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It wasn't uncommon for people my age (16) to live on their own married and with kids during the middle ages. A 12 year old back then could easily run away without too much hassle. The unrealistic thing about Fire Emblem is the apparently good hygene, seeing nobody's significantly dirty looking.

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It wasn't uncommon for people my age (16) to live on their own married and with kids during the middle ages. A 12 year old back then could easily run away without too much hassle. The unrealistic thing about Fire Emblem is the apparently good hygene, seeing nobody's significantly dirty looking.

What about Bandits?

Edited by ChaosNinji
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What about Bandits?

I mean overall. Obvously no game would portray bandits as tidy, sophisticated fellows, unless if you're from Nebata. Still, I imagine the lack of soap and plumbing didn't do well for even nobility in the middle ages. In Fire Emblem, even most of your people that are considered commoners don't look dirty.

Oh yeah Sevensins, I think it was said that Lyn is 15 in the beginning of the game, therefore 16 in Eliwood/Hector's. It's 18/19 in America, though. Then again, there were translation errors in the game, especially in supports.

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