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Famitsu Tomorrow?


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I was just wondering whether there might be any fire emblem fates info in the upcoming famitsu this week - I'm not sure personally as there are still characters (and children) they haven't shown properly yet - Flora, Mozume and Crimson to name a few. However, the game releases on the day the magazine comes out, so it might not be necessary. Do you reckon there will be one?

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Speaking of broken street dates, has any information flowed in from those yet that would be of interest to the forums?

I'm already hearing talk of street dates being broken reported on GameFAQs, but no one has revealed any specifics yet.

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It will be out Thursday 12 AM JST, same time as the game. Leaks usually come in before that around tomorrow, if there is anything significant that is.

They didn't specifically mention an FE feature as they usually do (every issue they say "check back next week for so and so!") but there will probably be some release info.

Since I'll be translating the game, if there is an issue, I'm not sure if I can cover it this time... or if I do, it will delay game translation a bit. xD

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