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Live twitch feed Hoshido playing


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I know I'm not the one choosing, but I still feel like a dick. I feel like I'm the one choosing Hoshido. :/

How strange.

Edited by B.Leu
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The amount of rage in the twitch chat for not choosing nohr. Tbh We've seen alot of nohr gameplay and there was even another chinese streamer streaming the nohr path. Im actually very happy with the choice of Hoshido this time around.

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In case someone "accidentally" clicks this for whatever reason, I'll put my thoughts in spoilers.

The game itself is really nicely polished. If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say that Aqua's pendant is the Fire Emblem this time 'round. Or the developers REALLY wanted to show off how pretty it was at the end of the movie played after Chapter 6.

I hid the Twitch comments, after multiple rape jokes after Chapter 5.

Edited by eclipse
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Very interesting interaction from Takumi and Aqua... now we know why they were paired up in the the Introduction trailer and it was at the same forest location too. I'm curious to see how their supports are considering Takumi doesn't seem to initially trust neither Kamui or Aqua.

Takumi what were you doing with that high pitch voice just now with the prisoner?

Edited by AbsoluteZer0Nova
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