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At least you are reasonable about it. I disagreed with someone over Sonic Heroes once and they flamed me to hell.

People on the internet love to go on their silly rampages. Sonic is a fanbase that seems to contain a large number of these people unfortunately.

And I liked Sonic Heroes. Isn't it considered a solid game by Sonic fans?

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It's your experience that you'll like this game or that game, but there are some exceptions -points to Sonic 06-

I play games to have fun :/

About Sonic Heroes.... Never played it but I'm guessing it's a mixed bag or something.

I've seen a ton of hate on Colors at Boom's Gamefaqs.

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People on the internet love to go on their silly rampages. Sonic is a fanbase that seems to contain a large number of these people unfortunately.

And I liked Sonic Heroes. Isn't it considered a solid game by Sonic fans?

Everything past SA2 is up for debate pretty much in the fandom.

Also lol @Colors hate considering how good most people consider it.

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Everything past SA2 is up for debate pretty much in the fandom.

I understand the hate for Lost World, Unleashed, Black Knight, and Secret Rings, but some people don't like Generations?

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I understand the hate for Lost World, Unleashed, Black Knight, and Secret Rings, but some people don't like Generations?

Oh yes. Some of the classic fans were disgruntled with Classic Sonic not 100% feeling like classic sonic and Sky Sanctuary not being yellow enough.

Also I loved Unleashed personally lol, usually people at least like the day stages.

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Oh yes. Some of the classic fans were disgruntled with Classic Sonic not 100% feeling like classic sonic and Sky Sanctuary not being yellow enough.

Also I loved Unleashed personally lol, usually people at least like the day stages.

Unleashed was fun in the daytime, and had great music. The werehog was ok.

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Unleashed was fun in the daytime, and had great music. The werehog was ok.

I got a Ristar and Streets of Rage vibe from the werehog so I was fine with it overall lol.

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On the censorship thing - i don't think its a freedom of speech issue at all. I think its more likely that a commercial entity (Nintendo) will consider how to tailor their product to different markets.to maximise sales and not generate negative press on like Fox News or in British papers, two places that will go indiscriminately bonkers over just about anything. I choose to believe that any changes Nintendo make to IF/Fates prior to a western release are changes that they deem helpful to the products success for some reason.

Of course, that doesn't mean Nintendo always get those changes right, or judge their audience correctly every time.

Just as a small tangent: Isn't the "freedom of speech" protection only something that protects the individual from government censorship/interference? Freedom of speech allows you to say pretty much anything and not have the government arrest you, but it doesn't protect you from criticism or rebuke. So If I were to repeatedly say something rude or disparaging about all women, the government can't arrest me, but the Serenes Forest community can (and probably should) call me an asshole because Freedom of Speech doesn't protect me from being called out for being an asshole. I'm not a civil rights expert, that's just my understanding of it anyway, sorry for the tangent.

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That's exactly correct re: free speech. And in fact until about the 30s the bill of rights only applied to the federal government, so state governments could restrict speech more or less as they pleased.

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I'm still hyped for this game. Seeing gameplay at Nintendo Treehouse and reading the Iwata Asks with the writer and developers has increased that, and no amount of otaku fanservice pandering will stop me.

I survived Fate/EXTRA CCC, Fate/Apocrypha, and Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya; I'm a hardened warrior at this point.

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I'm still hyped for this game. Seeing gameplay at Nintendo Treehouse and reading the Iwata Asks with the writer and developers has increased that, and no amount of otaku fanservice pandering will stop me.

I survived Fate/EXTRA CCC, Fate/Apocrypha, and Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya; I'm a hardened warrior at this point.

I just read Elise's S-support skinship lines.

Let's just say I'm very, VERY glad it's all optional content, and that I'm going to stay far away from my own room in "My Castle".

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I just read Elise's S-support skinship lines.

Let's just say I'm very, VERY glad it's all optional content, and that I'm going to stay far away from my own room in "My Castle".

C'mon man, you have a Persona avatar, you gotta have some sort of armor built up at this point.

My armor is called the NOA localization team. Don't fail me now.

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C'mon man, you have a Persona avatar, you gotta have some sort of armor built up at this point.

My armor is called the NOA localization team. Don't fail me now.

Heh, one of the few major complaints I have regarding both Persona 3 and 4 is just the romance: I think it's awfully executed. Besides, the lewdest we get is Aigis warning the player about potentially making strange noises when touching the Papillon Heart.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they cut this feature entirely at this point. I never expected to hear lines like quite like...THAT.

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I don't see what is so crude and offensive in a sexual manner about most of these lines. I mean it is sexual and is sometimes blunt about it, but for the S support lines you have 2 people (who i believe the average age is like 20 or so) who are in a relationship alone in a room together, basically making out, what the hell do you think they are going to say. Also they have freaking kids, everyone who plays this game most likely knows by know that sex is pretty much inevitable. My oft-mentioned little sister knows that. Why shouldn't they imply Sex, every Fe game with marriage at least hinted at it anyway. Fates just is more upfront about it.

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I don't see what is so crude and offensive in a sexual manner about most of these lines. I mean it is sexual and is sometimes blunt about it, but for the S support lines you have 2 people (who i believe the average age is like 20 or so) who are in a relationship alone in a room together, basically making out, what the hell do you think they are going to say. Also they have freaking kids, everyone who plays this game most likely knows by know that sex is pretty much inevitable. My oft-mentioned little sister knows that. Why shouldn't they imply Sex, every Fe game with marriage at least hinted at it anyway. Fates just is more upfront about it.

Oh I'm not talking about the hilarious lines in general, I was strictly talking about Elise, who judging by her very own lines is far from 20.

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^ okay i was mainly going by the lewd comment the word seems to be mis and or overused a lot recently on this forum,

still either her age or her lines will change in localization i am almost certain of that. And the age is a different factor depending on culture, both of the game designers and the setting. Plus her age is hard to pin down, some comments go younger but other moments go older for me.

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I used to be totally hyped about Fates. And then children were announced. I don't mind that there are children, and I will happily play as them. It's just that Awakening did the same thing, and I would love Fates to be drastically different. So, I'm mostly hyped, but the children dampened the hype slightly.

I just read Elise's S-support skinship lines.

Let's just say I'm very, VERY glad it's all optional content, and that I'm going to stay far away from my own room in "My Castle".

...How bad was it?

(FYI, I'm actually going to S-Support Nishiki, the Male Pegasus Knight and Lazwald. I'm going to avoid any incesteous pairings like the plague...)

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I'm still pretty hyped for this game. It looks really lovely and with the confirmation of a same sex support, I couldn't be happier. Granted I am a person who'd defend parts of Awakening, but still. Fates looks like a really awesome game and you are more than allowed to feel excited.

Negative people will look for any excuse to tear this game apart. While some complaints are reasonable, others aren't. Honestly, I think some of the more vocal portions of the fandom are people who just aren't satisfied with anything. Even if you gave them exactly what they wanted they'd still find ways to tear the game shreds.

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I used to be totally hyped about Fates. And then children were announced. I don't mind that there are children, and I will happily play as them. It's just that Awakening did the same thing, and I would love Fates to be drastically different. So, I'm mostly hyped, but the children dampened the hype slightly.

...How bad was it?

(FYI, I'm actually going to S-Support Nishiki, the Male Pegasus Knight and Lazwald. I'm going to avoid any incesteous pairings like the plague...)

One of her earlier lines, they tend to get worse as you do it for a longer time apparently:

I'll soon have a nice body, too!

I'm still pretty hyped for this game. It looks really lovely and with the confirmation of a same sex support, I couldn't be happier. Granted I am a person who'd defend parts of Awakening, but still. Fates looks like a really awesome game and you are more than allowed to feel excited.

Negative people will look for any excuse to tear this game apart. While some complaints are reasonable, others aren't. Honestly, I think some of the more vocal portions of the fandom are people who just aren't satisfied with anything. Even if you gave them exactly what they wanted they'd still find ways to tear the game shreds.

Heh, I've been counting the hours ever since three days ago, so I'm quite hyped and positive. Regardless, I'll discuss both things I like and things I dislike about the game; right now we're on a topic that has been rather poorly received in general here in the west at least, and I'm no exception. While I'm well aware it's an optional feature, I think this is a bit too much fan service and pandering to the people who like this sort of thing in a game where it really doesn't fit in, and it's a waste of those gorgeous 3D models or whatever they're called.

Still, I know how you feel. I've seen a lot of supposed Fire Emblem fans who seemed hell-bent on complaining about EVERY aspect of the game, and I'm not just talking about story and gameplay, but also music, voice acting, cutscenes, you name it. It's such a strange attitude, to bash the opinions of others and to try and make them dislike something they enjoy, and while it happens everywhere, I've never seen so many hostile and negative "fans" of a series anywhere else, and I spend a lot of time on forums and fan sites. Granted, I've never associated with some of the more notorious fanbases out there, like the Sonic one.

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Honestly its the internet what did you expect? I gave up on civil discussion years ago and just visit sites for info like this one. And TBH the FE isnt the worst fanbase by a longshot. I recently had the displeasure of reading a thread in a dragonball fansite and my eyes got watery from the salt and sadness.

Honestly I have ALOT to say about this game but Im not sure where to post it.

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Heh, one of the few major complaints I have regarding both Persona 3 and 4 is just the romance: I think it's awfully executed. Besides, the lewdest we get is Aigis warning the player about potentially making strange noises when touching the Papillon Heart.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they cut this feature entirely at this point. I never expected to hear lines like quite like...THAT.

Shijiro for best husbando (it rhymes!).

Granted I played P3P, with the female hero. It may be worse in the original (some parts seems to indicate so)

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I wish they would just make a new dating sim series separate from FE, and let FE go back to being a medieval fantasy JRPG instead of a "self-insert anime". They can keep making money off fanservice without selling out the series. Won't happen though.

I'm surprised someone else said this, I had a similar idea not too long ago, though it's incredibly unlikely that they would ever make another "classic" fire emblem game at this point.

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