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Can we start a list of which characters survive and which (if any) characters die? (SPOILERS)


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Didn't that Hoshidan stream show

Luna/Severa surviving? Or did I misinterpret the visuals of the after battle conversations because I don't understand Japanese? Of course, I'd imagine it would be possible to kill her in the Hoshido route, but I don't know the circumstances

Camilla survived in the Hoshido stream, and so did her subordinates (supposedly so).

However, other Hoshido players have claimed that it's also possible for Camilla to die, and considering that Marx' crew went down along with him, this could lead to Severa/Luna dying as well.

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Here's an excerpt from TV Tropes' Article of Fire Emblem Fates:

The characters who are confirmed to die under the above listed reasons are as follows: Gunter (falls through a bridge to his death), Mikoto (dies protecting the Avatar), Kaze (same as Mikoto during Birthright), Flora (self-immolation during Birthright), Lilith (same as Kaze), Elise (took a hit from Xander intended for the Avatar during Birthright), Lazward/Inigo (a killable enemy unit during Birthright), Pieri (same as Lazward/Inigo), Xander (unavoidable boss fight in Birthright), Garon (Final Boss in Birthright), Azura (decomposes into water after the battle if Garon is not killed within seven turns during Birthright), Sakura (can be viciously torn apart by Faceless during Conquest) and Crimson (appears to be story related during the third route). Damn, and that's a lot of characters. That said there are even more deaths depending on if the requirements to spare them are met or not. This includes Kaze, the Nohr siblings besides Marx can survive, the Hoshido siblings if Sakura dies, and all the playable units that serve a sibling will die with that sibling if the requirements aren't met.

So there is some way to keep Elise from dying apparently but we don't know how. And since Xander is a guaranteed boss fight either way then that means that Lazward/Inigo and Pieri will invariably die as well despite the mission being a Kill the Commander type). No mention of Gunter but he has face rubbing data and some speculate that making sure Ganz does not retreat from battle during Chapter 13 will keep him from dying (also, if anyone paid attention to the Prologue Gunter is there along with Ganz). The thing I get about Sakura is that if she dies then the rest of the Hoshidan royals will not be savable. Period. And someone's already confirmed that Kaze needs an A-Rank to survive his death in chapter 15. No word on Flora, Lilith, or Crimson yet.

Edited by BlueSunStudios
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Azura decomposes into water when Garon isn't killed within 7 turns.

Geebus.... It's like turning into a candy treat in DBZ.... Any reason why this happened?

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Of course, TVTropes isn't exactly a reliable source… they still have stuff like

Mikoto/Garon join in both routes listed on it, as both rumors, assumptions, and factual information end up on it until the wrong stuff gets purged. I would find it odd if they you in a situation where you were FORCED with no way to avert it whatsoever to kill a fan favorite like Inigo/Lazward…. sure, let him be killed if you fail to make a requirement, but I'd be honestly shocked if they gave you no way out.

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Are Marx's subordinates doomed with him, or can they be saved? Seeing that Lazward is Inigo.


Apparently so if TV Tropes is correct. And yeah, I'll have serious compunctions about killing any of the future children from Awakening. But it seems like him and Pieri might get suicidal if Xander dies.

Of course, TVTropes isn't exactly a reliable source… they still have stuff like

Mikoto/Garon join in both routes listed on it, as both rumors, assumptions, and factual information end up on it until the wrong stuff gets purged. I would find it odd if they you in a situation where you were FORCED with no way to avert it whatsoever to kill a fan favorite like Inigo/Lazward…. sure, let him be killed if you fail to make a requirement, but I'd be honestly shocked if they gave you no way out.

That damn near fooled everyone though, but the two of them do have critical portrait cut-ins (assuming that Garon isn't simply pulling a "Marth" or "Validar"). Same thing for Sumeragi (who was outright declared dead too) and Shinmei (who we have no information on yet).

Azura decomposes into water when Garon isn't killed within 7 turns.

Geebus.... It's like turning into a candy treat in DBZ.... Any reason why this happened?

Probably had something to do with Garon choking her or Hydra.

Edited by BlueSunStudios
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I'm not particularly attached to


as a character…. I'm a bigger fan of

Cordelia and Luna/Severa

. Still, a situation which would make

killing one of the Awakening future children, including Lazward/Inigo, unavoidable, leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. If its something that can be averted and is brought about by some kind of failure by the player to meet some objective, fine, that's okay. But something seems wrong to make it unavoidably happen on one of the routes to one of the heroes…. and its not like he's transformed/been possessed into some evil overlord either… its just Inigo. That would leave a bad taste.

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I'm not particularly attached to


as a character…. I'm a bigger fan of

Cordelia and Luna/Severa

. Still, a situation which would make

killing one of the Awakening future children, including Lazward/Inigo, unavoidable, leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. If its something that can be averted and is brought about by some kind of failure by the player to meet some objective, fine, that's okay. But something seems wrong to make it unavoidably happen on one of the routes to one of the heroes…. and its not like he's transformed/been possessed into some evil overlord either… its just Inigo. That would leave a bad taste.

Apparently if you just finish off Marx in chapter 26 Hoshido first and don't engage with Lazwald & Pieri they can survive.

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Gunter Survives during the Nohr campaign, and rejoins you in a later mission. (I think it was a paralogue though).

For Flora.. still no clue how to recruit. Did anyone try taking her prisoner with Zero/Orochi?

Edited by iZallen
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Gunter Survives during the Nohr campaign, and rejoins you in a later mission. [i think it was a paralogue though]. [ /spoiler]

For Flora.. still no clue how to recruit. Did anyone try taking her prisoner with Zero/Orochi?

That's honestly brilliant, but I don't think anybody is going to try.

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I really hope Flora is recruitable and that picture isn't a fake. If so, how did they recruit her?

It's a Japanese imageboard so I can't really read anything, and I don't have a link to the thread either. Hopefully we can find out what exactly that person did.

(Also, on an unrelated note, owners of Fates found a little DLC exploit and have already gotten access to (and heave beaten!) the neutral route. Crazy stuff.)

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Add Aqua to the unavoidable body count for Hoshido apparently the 7 turns thing is not true. Rather lame to be honest I was hoping that your choices and performance in battle would affect the story but alas this shows that even if you beat the last boss in 4 fucking turns it makes no difference.

Well at least there is Rinka and Kagerou. :/

My guess is that all the deaths are scripted aside from those that get killed in battle.

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