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A Prediction About Which Version Will Sell More Copies



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First thing to note, At the time of writing it's 2:00 AM. I'll probably edit this post at a reasonable hour later to fix all the grammar mistakes that will probably happen and maybe list some sources.

Anyways, straight to the point, Hoshido will probably sell more copies and here's the two reasons I came up with as to why. Note that I do think they are going to be close in sales because everybody wants to play every version but I do think Hoshido will still sell slightly more. I'm also ignoring 3rd path since It's coming out after Nohr and Hoshido IIRC and out of petty personal bias.

1: It's practically marketed to as Awakening 2.0. This is a pretty big point as most of the current fanbase was drawn in by Awakening. Naturally, it's a comfort zone for most people who've played Awakening and have only played Awakening, and most people of today aren't really good at getting out of Comfort zones I've noticed (even I struggle with that), then consider the smaller fanbase of past Fire Emblems and that Nohr is marketed as being more in line with past FE's, you can see where I'm going. Obviously some people who have only played Awakening will play Nohr out of natural curiosity or for the sake of getting both versions.

2: Color Psychology is a thing and is pretty big thing when it comes to marketing. Hoshido's main color scheme with it's royal family and on it's boxart consists of a lot of Red and White while Nohr consists of mostly Black and Purple with some outlines of Gold. Red is a color most commonly associated with Excitement and Lust while white is associated with Happiness, Purity and Sincerity. Red is typically also the color associated with Impulse shopping as it indicates urgency, it's why corporations such as Target and McDonalds feature it primarily. It's also noteworthy that the large amount of white on Hoshido's royal family make the red really pop out (Naturally, as Blood is most visible on white surfaces, which is why fencing gear is white). On the opposite side of the spectrum, Nohr's Black is associated with Mystery, Fear, Grief and also Sophistication, and Purple also gives off Sophistication from what I can find (Read: What wikipedia tells me since I have it open in another tab while writing). Not very nice feelings. Color Psychology greatly favors Hoshido and I think it'll sell a few more copies because of that.

Edited by Soapbar
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Reading your post made me realize I probably should've phrased it as: A prediction about which route will get played the most on launch or something like that.

Oh well, I guess people still get the point

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I'd say the idea has some merit. There will be people who just go to pick it up Day 1 undecide, in theory.

That said the colour red can also be for danger, aggresion and stuff which in theory could also drive people off. But yeah people will see Hoshido first due to the colour scheme.

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I think Hoshido will ultimately sell more (especially in Japan), but I don't think the colours have anything to do with it. Particularly given the west tends to vastly favour black over white, and has a general predilection for "edgier" aesthetics.

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I have a feeling Nohr will sell more. Simply because of the more popular love interests.

Practically all my friends want Nohr. Ofc it's a small sample size, but I get the feeling it'll be like that for the most part.

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nohr will sell more because camilla

edit: well, if they saw the trailer. the boxart probably doesn't sell her assets enough.

Edited by Crysta
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Hoshido definitely will sell more and I can think of another reason

Hoshido is more focused towards the casuals and the new audience of awakening, Most of them probably dont have an intense love for fire emblem and wont buy the other game. Nohr on the other hand is targeted towards the FE vets and lets face it most of them will just buy both versions anyway because more fire emblem.

Shame the better game is going to end up selling worse

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I think that Nohr stands a chance because the royal siblings seem to be much more popular than Hoshido's royal siblings from what I've seen.

It also looks darker and edgier, and people tend to like that sort of thing.

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I bought and played Hoshido first, because my idea was to finish the easier stuff first, then move on to more challenging one (actually Hoshido definitely isn't Awakening easy; the map design is quite clever imo). Also I happened to like Hoshido's aesthetics better.

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I think that in Japan the Hoshido version will sell better. I read somewhere that in april the pre-orders/ sales were off the charts there.

Source: http://fireemblem2016speculation.tumblr.com/post/116839694092/pre-orders-and-their-information.

However, when the game gets released in the West (North America / Europe), I have a feeling that the Nohr version will sell better. Not only because they finally get their waifu(s), but also because of the complexer story and gameplay the Norhe version provides. Just my gut though.

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I think a lot of people will end up buying both versions, but I also have a feeling Hoshido will be more popular due to the more relaxed approach. I mean, towards the end Hoshido gets fairly difficult pretty suddenly (at least if you don't grind like me), but Nohr is pretty damn hard from the get-go.

Dem map gimmicks.

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If we're talking about Japan, Hoshido might sell more b/c of its Japanese theme, though FE veterans would prefer Nohr. Not to mention I heard Nohr has higher difficulty than Hoshido, so amateur players would want to play the easier one. But I have a feeling Nohr is going to sell better in NA/EU.

I would pick the Hoshido route. Aside from a few characters, the Nohr characters don't really catch my attention. And the Nohr classes seem really bland to me. But I really like a majority of the Hoshido characters and their classes, so Hoshido it is.

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I think a lot of people will end up buying both versions, but I also have a feeling Hoshido will be more popular due to the more relaxed approach. I mean, towards the end Hoshido gets fairly difficult pretty suddenly (at least if you don't grind like me), but Nohr is pretty damn hard from the get-go.

Dem map gimmicks.

I'm on Hard right now, and I don't grind at all aside from doing random skirmishes that spawn, but starting Chapter 10, the difficulty is spiking like craycray. It might be because I've been almost shelving Kamui because I don't want him to be overleveled, and using almost every single character including one or two generics, so I'm spreading my EXP thin. But damn. At the moment I need Kamui to handle every single promoted unit they throw me at, or have three characters swarm a single one.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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Hoshido will indeed sell more. It is more tailored towards the newer players to the series, the ones who only started because of Awakening. Lots of veterans (like myself and lots of people on here) will buy Nohr, I assume, but I think Hoshido will still sell better.

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