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Do you ever do a playthrough with custom rules?

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Sometimes, when I want to do a playthrough of a Fire Emblem game, I will play with a custom ruleset to keep it interesting. These can range from things as trivial as no grinding to fun challenges such as the use of second seals being prohibited to hard/limiting challenges such as MU-less/MU-only (plus Chrom for obvious reasons) playthroughs. I want to know what custom rules you all put in place when you play.

The first time I played through Awakening, I prohibited the use of second seals because I'd heard how they broke the game. However, I did not think promotions through much and I did fun marriages because it was on normal difficulty and casual so that I could enjoy the story - making the game mostly easy anyway. I just ended up with a broken Morgan (Morgan's always broken...), FeMU and Chrom and the rest were either average or completely awful.

I'm about to finish my current playthrough, and when I start my next I will play on hard and classic with the second seal rule in place. However, unlike on playthrough one, I will actually put thought into my pairings due to a: hard difficulty and b: deaths being active. The inability to re-class will make choosing which promotion route to take a big deciding factor in how I will have to complete the game.

Another challenge I intend on trying at some point is no seals at all; this means that the only units which may be promoted classes are ones which are obtained as such. Infinite levelling is off the table due to a lack of second seal use - meaning that a unit is stuck with its stats once it reaches level 20 (or 30 for special units). This also means no access to Galeforce as well as a host of other skills - leading to what I feel will be a very challenging playthrough.

So. Do you ever play through the game with custom rules? If yes, what challenges have you done in the past, and what challenges do you want to try in the future. I am interrested to see the kinds of responses I recieve :]

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It's nothing crazy, because I'm a pretty laid back player, but I've thinking about starting a "no galeforce" run through. I just feel like it will promote unusual marriages and tactics. It's very limiting to try and get that skill on absolutely everyone, even if it means giving someone sub-par father *cough*Donnel*cough*. Haven't 100% decided all my pairings yet though so I haven't started yet.

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I did a playthrough using only Tricksters and Snipers a while ago; that was a lot of fun. Panne and Virion were the stars of the early game, and then Morgan/Noire and Lucina/Yarne were my main fighters for the later half of the game. I'd intended to use a bunch of units but the way things worked I only really managed to level up those six and Chrom/Robin. Everyone else had to be ditched around Valm due to not being able to hold their own.

Also, I actually just started an Axes only run yesterday, which isn't really that much of a challenge run, but it's still something to keep things interesting. I find that Awakening doesn't really offer much for me any more unless I put silly restrictions on myself to spice things up.

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I've done many playthroughs will all sorts of bizarre special rules. One I like to use the most is that:

[spoiler=Major spoiler]

You're not allowed to attack Grima in Chapter 26 until you have killed all of his/her Grimleal. The fact they respawn infinitely is part of the challenge. Also, only the Avatar is allowed to fight Grima.

Other challenges I've done include Reverse Harem and Harem challenges, Ironman runs, no Second Seals (this one is quite common apparently), No Galeforce, Robin/Chrom solo. One thing I love about this series is how well it takes restricting yourself and yet still remaining possible if you have enough skill. I personally really enjoy Lunatic No Second Seal, No DLC Ironman runs, although I've messed up so hard at times that I've made certain maps nearly impossible due to Frederick being dead.

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all the time. my favorite is hard/classic with no pair up, no tonics, no children units except lucina, no reclassing and no renown. i think i've beaten the game doing that half a dozen times by now...

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All female, all axes except the shortest path for one to reclass to axes

All female, all swords, same rule as above

All male, all tomes, etc

It is not every day that Dark Knight Virion became MVP

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