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Media Create: Fates sold more than Awakening (Sales for Week 2 Up)

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I hope you aren't serious.

Or do you want FE to die?

SRPG as genre isn't as popular as other games in Nintendo franchises.

I hope that Nintendo will never go Square Enix/Capcom/Sega route. *6 millions copies sold in first week. This game is failure!*

Oh goodness, the cringe I had to suffer though when Square Enix said that Tomb Raider was a "failure".

8.5 million copies in a MONTH is not good for you SE?

Just imagine the expectations they have for FFXV.

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That story about Tomb Raider ended up being a scapegoat. Tomb Raider did fine (and they admitted it was doing great in their recent financial report), it was blamed a "failure" because at the time, FF14 1.0 was an absolute disaster and the japanese side blamed their western counterpart Eidos.

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I'm kinda disappointed in the sales, was expecting at least 400k since there more 3DS owners in Japan now since Awakening.

Did you hear about the shortages of this game in Japan. If I remember correctly, it was sold out in a lot of places. If Nintendo made more, they would have sold more.

Pretty decent numbers I would say, Awakening might have to give up it's throne soon. I hope people in the west can look past all the "controversial" content, because of what I've played so far, this game is pretty good.

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The main reason why Americans are wary of Fate is because it's seperated into two versions and Nintendo has clearly not communicated that Birthright and Conquest are two, completely different yet full-featured games instead of Pokemon blue/red. They need to show a comparison gameplay trailer in their next Nintendo Direct of comparing the different maps or something.

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It's funny to think that Fates already sold more than both Tellius games combined.

Did they really sell that little? : \ Suddenly knowing I may have a few copies of only 300,000 makes them feel all the more valuable xD

Edited by Kirokan
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Did they really sell that little? : \ Suddenly knowing I may have four copies of only 300,000 makes them feel all the more valuable xD

Specifically I'm referring only to Japanese sales, but yes they were by far the worst performing games in the franchise.

20/04/90 [NFC] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light - ? / 329.000

14/03/92 [NFC] Fire Emblem Gaiden - ? / 325.000

21/01/94 [sFC] Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - ? / 776.000

14/05/96 [sFC] Fire Emblem: Holy War Story - 228.578 / 498.000

28/08/99 [sFC] Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 - 30.104 / 158.695

29/03/02 [GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sealed Sword - 126.267 / 345.574

25/04/03 [GBA] Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword - 109.429 / 265.286

07/10/04 [GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - 146.026 / 246.719

20/04/05 [GCN] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 100.357 / 156.413

22/02/07 [WII] Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - 73.337 / 171.924

07/08/08 [NDS] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - 147.704 / 252.309

15/07/10 [NDS] Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - Hero of Light and Shadow - 147.045 / 250.592

19/04/12 [3DS] Fire Emblem: Awakening - 262.399 / 469.485

26/06/15 [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates: Black Kingdom / White Kingdom - 353.201 / NEW

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I don't think the Tellius games had as many copies to sell. Or nearly as much marketing. I hate when people shit on them just because of poor sales. They could've sold better if properly marketed and produced. And if PoR had been released at a better time.

EDIT: That says that Thracia did the worst overall though.

Edited by Anacybele
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I don't think the Tellius games had as many copies to sell. Or nearly as much marketing. I hate when people shit on them just because of poor sales. They could've sold better if properly marketed and produced. And if PoR had been released at a better time.

EDIT: That says that Thracia did the worst overall though.

Path of Radiance was outsold by Thracia 776. There is no justifiable reason for that happening.

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Uh, 30 is not a bigger number than 100. Look at that list again. Also, I said OVERALL. RD still did better than Thracia.

Edited by Anacybele
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Uh, 30 is not a bigger number than 100. Look at that list again.

Those are the 1st week sales, the numbers after the slash are the total sales . PoR Sold 100k first week and then another 56k over it's life span, Thracia 776 sold ~30k first week and then another 128k over it's life span.

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Uh, 30 is not a bigger number than 100. Look at that list again. Also, I said OVERALL. RD still did better than Thracia.

First row of numbers is it's debut week, second row of numbers are lifetime sales. PoR has the lowest in the franchise history.

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Uh, 30 is not a bigger number than 100. Look at that list again. Also, I said OVERALL. RD still did better than Thracia.

You need to look at it again lol

28/08/99 [sFC] Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 - 30.104 / 158.695

20/04/05 [GCN] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 100.357 / 156.413

Thracia 776 has higher lifetime sales than PoR.

Edited by L95
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Specifically I'm referring only to Japanese sales, but yes they were by far the worst performing games in the franchise.

20/04/90 [NFC] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light - ? / 329.000

14/03/92 [NFC] Fire Emblem Gaiden - ? / 325.000

21/01/94 [sFC] Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - ? / 776.000

14/05/96 [sFC] Fire Emblem: Holy War Story - 228.578 / 498.000

28/08/99 [sFC] Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 - 30.104 / 158.695

29/03/02 [GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sealed Sword - 126.267 / 345.574

25/04/03 [GBA] Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword - 109.429 / 265.286

07/10/04 [GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - 146.026 / 246.719

20/04/05 [GCN] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 100.357 / 156.413

22/02/07 [WII] Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - 73.337 / 171.924

07/08/08 [NDS] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - 147.704 / 252.309

15/07/10 [NDS] Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - Hero of Light and Shadow - 147.045 / 250.592

19/04/12 [3DS] Fire Emblem: Awakening - 262.399 / 469.485

26/06/15 [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates: Black Kingdom / White Kingdom - 353.201 / NEW

EDIT: Never mind, figured out its the First Week / Lifetime for Japanese market.

Thanks for the info!

I don't think the Tellius games had as many copies to sell. Or nearly as much marketing. I hate when people shit on them just because of poor sales. They could've sold better if properly marketed and produced. And if PoR had been released at a better time.

EDIT: That says that Thracia did the worst overall though.

I have not heard people hate on the based on sales alone, but that is unfortunate if so.

Edited by Kirokan
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Well, sorry for not knowing what exactly those other numbers meant.

But yeah, people often say that a rerelease of Tellius would be a terrible idea because of how badly they sold. Even if it's just a download on the Wii U. But that was before FE got more popular and Ike became more well known. It doesn't make sense that they'd sell just as badly as before.

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Partly the reason why the Tellius saga sold poorly is because it was on consoles. Japanese console gaming has been on a huge decline for about a decade now, to the point that it is absolutely not smart to make a modern game to cater to the Japanese without thoughts on localizing outside, especially to PC like Steam. Mobile divisions and handhelds absolutely dominate the charts by a huge margin.

This is also why a lot of games are being released on a shorter window between Japanese and English versions, along with Steam ports like the recent Tales of Symphonia PC port. The money isn't there for console games in Japan, if you want to make any profit.

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The important point is that after some missteps, IS and Nintendo have been able to secure the future of the franchise. I think we can all agree that this is a good thing.

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Aww, but Thracia was soooo good! I bet it was the extreme difficulty that turned people off. I love that gem.

It was launched in 2000. The N64 was on its' last legs. And Thracia was on the SNES.

The reasons the Tellius duelogy didn't sell are several: Japan had already developed an affinity for handhelds, and they weren't advertised at all. Path of Radiance was a niche game launched at the end of the Gamecube's lifespan, and Radiant Dawn was given hell by critics for mostly stupid reasons (and the unfortuante localization screw-up involving difficulty names).

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There's now more specific information on how well each version did.


From Media Create, Hoshido overall sold 154,000 copies, while Nohr overall sold 107,000 copies.

Damn, I was hoping the difference between the two versions would've been smaller than this.

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There's now more specific information on how well each version did.


From Media Create, Hoshido overall sold 154,000 copies, while Nohr overall sold 107,000 copies.

Damn, I was hoping the difference between the two versions would've been smaller than this.

I posted earlier in this thread that my predictions (which I made a thread about) were wrong but apparently reading through that was just Day 1 sales

Now this happened and I was totally right and I'm going to rub it people's faces for 15 minutes before getting over myself

Edited by Soapbar
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Nooooo.... Hoshido won out.... Not surprising given all the Nohr hate...

Looks Hoshido/Awakening styled games is the path future Fire Emblem games will take now.

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Nooooo.... Hoshido won out.... Not surprising given all the Nohr hate...

Looks Hoshido/Awakening styled games is the path future Fire Emblem games will take now.

They both had somewhere between 90% and 100% sell through of initial stock which simply means they produced more copies of Hoshido than Nohr. The size of the gap makes me believe they produced those ~43k Special Editions in place of Nohr, probably assumed people more likely to want Nohr would get both.

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