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Does anyone like Belka? (spoilers)


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In her supports with Avatar, I just get the feeling she's just a lonely soul who doesn't know love or experienced love. Does anyone have opinions on her?

I guess to most people she's just an insignificant character... reduced to being a loner for life... this makes me sort of sad.

I love her armour and head scarf. She looks pretty cool.

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I guess to most people she's just an insignificant character... reduced to being a loner for life... this makes me sort of sad.

Heh... Not gonna happen on my playthrough. I really like Belka (her support with Benoit is freaking hillarious), i'll probably use her every time it's possible.

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I know nothing about her other than her bio and what you've posted here, but I was pretty fond of her just from her design. Subtle, understated, yet strangely memorable. If I have space in my Nohr team, she's likely to make a slot :)

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. . .and Belka has a near and dear place in my heart after reading the tumblr link (I can access it fine, it might've been a temporary outage or something). It also gives Camilla some nifty character development, too. Thanks for the supports~!

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I mean, I might not be able to get her to an S-support with anyone (I vary my strategy a lot by maps and switch things around so it's hard for me to get S-supports btwn characters). BUT I like her as a character, and I feel like I can't ever have too many Wyvern Riders haha.

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I cannot access it as well.

Can someone kindly copy and paste it here... please?

  1. Belka and Camilla C-A:
I cannot access this :(

C Rank

Belka: Lady Camilla… did you have some business with me?
Camilla: No, nothing in particular. I just wanted to talk to my cute little Belka.
Belka: … if you don’t have any orders for me, then don’t call me over.
Camilla: Hee hee. You’re so cold.
Belka: You are my master… so I will follow your orders. But I have no intention of listening to anything else…
Camilla: Then I’m ordering you to be my conversation partner.
Belka: … talking to people is… not my strong suit…
Camilla: Tee hee, I’m aware. Well then, how about you do something funny?
Belka: I couldn’t do that… stop mocking me…
Camilla: I’m sorry. Are you mad at me? But you know, it’s normal to want to tease a girl you like.
Belka: Is it…? I wouldn’t know anything about that…
Camilla: Hee hee. You really are adorable, Belka…

B Rank

Camilla: “If I don’t kill you, I can’t go back…” “If I don’t kill you, I can’t go back…”
Camilla: When I first met you, you kept repeating those words… an expressionless young girl, who seemed just like a broken puppet…
Belka: That’s because… I was ordered to kill you, Lady Camilla…
Camilla: Indeed. I tried to persuade you not to do it, but you wouldn’t listen. It was awful.
Belka: I had to fulfill what was requested of me… not doing so was simply impossible…
Camilla: But you didn’t kill me.
Belka: That’s because… you employed me right there…
Camilla: Yes. I became your new employer. That was the only way I could save you…
Belka: I merely changed employers… to one who‘d pay me well…
Camilla: … do you still think of it like that?
Belka: I don’t know… but… the reason I’m by your side… is because I’m bound to you by my work.
Camilla: In that case… what if someone who’d pay you more than I do appeared in front of you, and told you to kill me? Would you do it?
Belka: … Yes… I might…
Camilla: Belka…
Belka: But the payment isn’t all that decides whether or not I’d do it… it’s about whether I could trust them more than you. Those have become my conditions for accepting a request…
Camilla: I see… I’m relieved to hear that…

A Rank

Belka: Lady Camilla…
Camilla: Belka. What is it?
Belka: So long as you continue to employ me… I will not turn on you…
Camilla: Belka…
Belka: I must fulfill my duty… and abide by all orders…
Belka: I’ve only betrayed my employer once before…
Camilla: You mean the person who told you to assassinate me, yes?
Belka: Yes… that’s right… he was not a person one could put their trust in… that’s why I made a new contract with you…
Camilla: If that’s so, then what if… someone more trustworthy to you than me appeared?
Belka: If that were to happen… I’d immediately switch employers…
Camilla: I see…
Belka: However… I’ve never met an employer more trustworthy than you…
Camilla: Belka…
Belka: You were kind to me… but I’ve never once returned that kindness…
Belka: That’s why I thought that… I’d like to, at the very least, be able to fulfill your orders… no matter what…
Camilla: Belka. That alone is enough for me. But please, don’t overdo it. I don’t want to lose you. You’re my precious subordinate. Please, you mustn’t die.
Belka: … is that an order?
Camilla: … yes. It’s an order.
Belka: … understood. Then I will obey your order… since my employer’s orders are absolute…
Camilla: Yes. It’s a promise, Belka.

Sorry about that

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I like Belka. Though I really feel she should be an Outlaw rather than a Wyvern Rider considering her backstory as a street-rat turned assassin turned camilla's bodyguard. I guess I can understand that she wants to copy her liege or something though.

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Take a guess, ha.

But yeah, I like her design a lot and her supports have yet to disappoint. The one with Benoit in particular was pretty great from what I've seen so far.

Edited by Luun
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What I want to know is, if she's better than Camilla stat-wise/class-wise ?

...feeliing ? What's that ? :p

Not really. All of Camilla's growths are better, except for skill and defense, but those are only small differences, while Camilla has 20 more points in strength growth. However, Belka does get fighter rather than Dark Mage, so she at least has that. Belka is also unpromoted so she has a few more levels so she may be able to make up for the slower growths.

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Hm, I see thanks.

I ask this because I have the impression that all of your sliblings are god-tier. Well, sans Elise/Sakura since they're unpromoted.

Camilla's kind of OP at this point, so I wondered if she would worth it or not stat wise... Dark Mage, really Camilla ? Tsk tsk;..
Since, you know, unpromoted units are generally better than prepromoted unit in the long run.

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Camilla killing anyone in her debut chapter will give her 1 exp (Lunatic) whereas Belka gets 25 exp per kill.

I haven't seen their backstories yet, but I like Belka design-wise (I like helmet hairstyles). And I like her first line towards MU. You were just called heatless by a professional killer.

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