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Master Seal(s)


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Hi, I'm new here, plus I don't understand Japanese, so forgive my lack of knowledge... I'm going on Chapter 10 of Nohr and I'm trying to use a Master Seal on my LVL 13 Femui, but it's not working for some reason? The first option it gives me is to store it in inventory, second is to trade with another character, third is grayed out and I can't access, and I'm guessing the last option is to destroy it (as I'm going by Awakening's set-up). Am I too early in the game to promote my classes, or are Master Seals used differently in this game? I'm basing how the item worked in Awakening, so any help would be appreciated! Thanks! :-))

Edited by flannnnnnel
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Hi, I'm new here, plus I don't understand Japanese, so forgive my lack of knowledge... I'm going on Chapter 10 of Nohr and I'm trying to use a Master Seal on my LVL 13 Femui, but it's not working for some reason? The first option it gives me is to store it in inventory, second is to trade with another character, third is grayed out and I can't access, and I'm guessing the last option is to destroy it (as I'm going by Awakening's set-up). Am I too early in the game to promote my classes, or are Master Seals used differently in this game? I'm basing how the item worked in Awakening, so any help would be appreciated! Thanks! :-))

I think this may have been a glitch. I was unable to use it too, yet when I restarted the chapter and tried it in preparation, I was able to use it.

Are you sure it is a Master Seal? マスタープルフ it will look something like this.

Try that first. : ) But you should be able to if you are above Level 10!

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The bottom option is always use/equip.

And remember:マスタープルフ is master. If it is not working then you are likely trying to use a Marriage Seal (マリアジプルーフ) or Buddy Seal (バディプルーフ), which have the same icon. Those won't work unless you meet certain support conditions.

Edited by gayserbeam
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I think this may have been a glitch. I was unable to use it too, yet when I restarted the chapter and tried it in preparation, I was able to use it.

Are you sure it is a Master Seal? マスタープルフ it will look something like this.

Try that first. : ) But you should be able to if you are above Level 10!

I printed off all your translations of everything before I started the game, so I know for sure that I purchased a Master Seal (double-checked before actually buying).

I will check again to make sure it is a Master Seal, but in case, how do you restart a chapter?

Thank you --- very helpful!! And thank you for your translations; it's helped so much! :-))

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The bottom option is always use/equip.

And remember:マスタープルフ is master. If it is not working then you are likely trying to use a Marriage Seal (マリアジプルーフ) or Buddy Seal (バディプルーフ), which have the same icon. Those won't work unless you meet certain support conditions.

Thank you!! I double-checked that is was a Master Seal before purchasing, but I'll go and look again. I mistook the bottom option for destroying an item, as I remember that being the case for Awakening (if my memory serves me right). I'll try that though! Thanks again~~~ :-))

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I printed off all your translations of everything before I started the game, so I know for sure that I purchased a Master Seal (double-checked before actually buying).

I will check again to make sure it is a Master Seal, but in case, how do you restart a chapter?

Thank you --- very helpful!! And thank you for your translations; it's helped so much! :-))

I'm glad they came in handy. You can restart simply by doing a soft rest (L + R + Start), then doing "Start from chapter save", which on the main menu is the first option, followed by the first option on the follow up menu, then choose your save.

It will start you back in My Castle if you did not save on the battle map. If you are on the battle map, choose to "go back" (red button) and try it in My Castle.

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I'm glad they came in handy. You can restart simply by doing a soft rest (L + R + Start), then doing "Start from chapter save", which on the main menu is the first option, followed by the first option on the follow up menu, then choose your save.

It will start you back in My Castle if you did not save on the battle map. If you are on the battle map, choose to "go back" (red button) and try it in My Castle.

I figured out what I was doing wrong; I wasn't using the bottom option of "Use/Equip" because I thought it was "Destroy/Drop," haha! But I now know how to restart a chapter, so thank you! :-D

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