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A List of questions about this game(Spoilers will most likely follow)


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I apologize if this is just cluttering up the form and I know some of this stuff I could research myself but I'm not too sure where to look for some of these and I don't know anyone I actively talk to who has the game. So here it goes!

1. Is it confirmed yet If Kamui can have children with the children characters?(please say no this ruins my planning lmao) All I've read is Kanna can be related to the children characters which is obvious.

2. I saw Galeforce returned is it an insane skill and will still be used a ton for children characters or are we not sure yet?

3. How are the shapeshifting characters, I recall Tanguel just being god awful in Awakening it'd be a breath of fresh air to know if the characters that can transform into animals are good.

4. Do we know what the hell Marth Amiibo did to Kamui was it just a crit animation versus Dragon type characters?

GIANT SPOILER FOR THIRD ROUTE 5. [spoiler={option}]Can anyone show me where the Ryouma S support is with Kamui or honestly all the siblings may they be Hoshido or Nohr cause I'm legit curious if it's literally just "Ay we aren't actually blood related

6. What classes are considered really good right now and are Bow users finally decent again?(I know Takumi is but he has a personal weapon so I'd hope he'd be good just cause of that)

7. For those who have played the game is Nohr actually THAT difficult? and what are the conditions to winning a map like?

I think that's it thanks in advance and sorry for the clutter.

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1. pretty sure the answer is yes.

2. Nohr only, it requires a special item to reclass into Dark Falcon, and Galeforce doesn't activate if the kill was done using attack stance.

3. can't really answer this, but Taguel were great in Awakening in my opinion lol. The shapeshifters do however get to promote this time around.

4. Kamui is a dragon character, Falchion is more effective to dragon units, do the math :p


I don't have a link to all supports but Nohr sibling S-ranks are "we're not bound by blood but I love you and don't want to see you as a sibling anymore" and Hoshido is "well, actually, your dad isn't Sumeragi, and our mom isn't Mikoto, so there's no blood relation also ily let's get married"

6. can't answer this, but bows were introduced into the weapon triangle this time around so maybe they have more uses? And tomes as well as weapons like hand axes and javelins were nerfed to not attack twice anymore so bows might be a better ranged weapon. Shura gets Counter in this game, so there's that. And the classes that only have access to one weapon type can get to S-rank in that weapon type.

7. well, people have been comparing it to Thracia 776.

Edited by Chrosion
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1. pretty sure the answer is yes.

2. Nohr only, it requires a special item to reclass into Dark Falcon, and Galeforce doesn't activate if the kill was done using attack stance.

3. can't really answer this, but Taguel were great in Awakening in my opinion lol. The shapeshifters do however get to promote this time around.

4. Kamui is a dragon character, Falchion is more effective to dragon units, do the math :p


I don't have a link to all supports but Nohr sibling S-ranks are "we're not bound by blood but I love you and don't want to see you as a sibling anymore" and Hoshido is "well, actually, your dad isn't Sumeragi, and our mom isn't Mikoto, so there's no blood relation also ily let's get married"

6. can't answer this, but bows were introduced into the weapon triangle this time around so maybe they have more uses? And tomes as well as weapons like hand axes and javelins were nerfed to not attack twice anymore so bows might be a better ranged weapon. Shura gets Counter in this game, so there's that. And the classes that only have access to one weapon type can get to S-rank in that weapon type.

7. well, people have been comparing it to Thracia 776.

All these seem like really nice changes and much needed so that's cool.

4. I wasn't too sure if Kamui was considered a Dragon type character(Thought he just had the abilities but I guess that makes more sense)

5. That's kinda funny tbh can't wait to see the actually convos all I've seen is Marx.

Pretty nice changes overall and I'm excited for the game only one I'm worried about is Nohr being similar to Thracia. Thracia for me was only hard the first time through cause the amount of bullshit that I was uninformed about and the second time through it was cake. It didn't really have the same effect on me as FE12 Lunatic Reverse did where everytime I replay that I feel like it'll always just be hard but maybe it's just preference.

Thanks for answering my questions also I'm really sad about question #1 I didn't wanna have to marry a child to get an optiomal Kanna(I assume that'd be the case anyways) I just wanna marry Odin in one playthrough and Azura in one but I guess I could just do that and not be a stat/skill whore lmao.

To clarify, assuming you're saying what I think you're saying

4: All units have a "fancier/flashier" animation for the killing blow. Enemy units as well

What CocoaGalaxy typed pretty much answers my question on that though. ty :>

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I apologize if this is just cluttering up the form and I know some of this stuff I could research myself but I'm not too sure where to look for some of these and I don't know anyone I actively talk to who has the game. So here it goes!

1. Is it confirmed yet If Kamui can have children with the children characters?(please say no this ruins my planning lmao) All I've read is Kanna can be related to the children characters which is obvious.

2. I saw Galeforce returned is it an insane skill and will still be used a ton for children characters or are we not sure yet?

3. How are the shapeshifting characters, I recall Tanguel just being god awful in Awakening it'd be a breath of fresh air to know if the characters that can transform into animals are good.

4. Do we know what the hell Marth Amiibo did to Kamui was it just a crit animation versus Dragon type characters?

GIANT SPOILER FOR THIRD ROUTE 5. [spoiler={option}]Can anyone show me where the Ryouma S support is with Kamui or honestly all the siblings may they be Hoshido or Nohr cause I'm legit curious if it's literally just "Ay we aren't actually blood related

6. What classes are considered really good right now and are Bow users finally decent again?(I know Takumi is but he has a personal weapon so I'd hope he'd be good just cause of that)

7. For those who have played the game is Nohr actually THAT difficult? and what are the conditions to winning a map like?

I think that's it thanks in advance and sorry for the clutter.

To answer what the others couldn't:

1. Yes, I married a second-gen unit and still had the Avatar's child. The only exception is a same-sex marriage with Shara, which will not produce a kid.

3. They now promote, and they learn some pretty amazing skills. They are locked to 1 range, but that is never too much of a problem.

5. Bows have been given generally higher might to compensate for their practical inability to counterattack at 1 range. Moreover, the Short Bow, which simply raised the Critical Hit rate in previous games, now allows the user to attack at 1 range. Overall, the buffing of bows and the nerfing of Javelins/Hand Axes has made archers more balanced and certainly useful (some even call Takumi overpowered).

The best class? That's hard to tell, but it's hard to find fault in the Weapon Master, Mountain Priest, Blacksmith, Elite Ninja, Puppeteer, Paladin, Hero, or Dark Knight.

The Basara is also very balanced; it's essentially Grandmaster from Awakening. Meanwhile Sorcerers and Wyvern classes are a little disappointing, having low speed caps and average skills. Still useful, however.

Edited by gayserbeam
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So, so far it's looking like the game is pretty balanced and not insanely broken like Awakening(Well I guess it's still too early to say lol) I'm liking what I'm reading so far about everything.

I really do hope that marrying a second child isn't the optimal thing for Kanna like it was in Awakening but maybe getting THE best possible Kanna won't matter that much in Lunatic playthroughs.

Other stuff being nerfed and making Short bows to attack one range(This was in Last Promise I believe) in order to make Bows a bit better is nice.

Sorcerers and Wyvern classes being a bit disappointing is sad to hear but Sorcerers were kinda insane in Awakening

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I really do hope that marrying a second child isn't the optimal thing for Kanna like it was in Awakening but maybe getting THE best possible Kanna won't matter that much in Lunatic playthroughs.

Well I'm not too positive on growth and stat caps inheritance (yet to find anyone who is, heard someone say Midoriko had shit speed despite having two speedy parents) but the classes Kanna gets depends on the other parent. Say you marry Orochi, she'll have Dark Princess, Spellcaster, and Herb Merchant (Orochi's secondary class) because child units inherit their parents base classes as well as their mother's secondary class, for three total classes.

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