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Survival : Fighting the Hype and Temptations


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So, guys... First of all, I want you to excuse me...

Hopefully this is not a silly thread to make.

As we have known that this game has been released in Japan since a long time---wait, it's only been a few days. And we know how hyped most of people here. I'm also too hyped >_> And with the numbers of spoilers and other things leaking out, we become more hyped (or at least, for me). Add the fact that the English version's release date, exact price and versions haven't been out yet, and the troll placeholder puts it to be released on December 2016.

The temptation gets higher as we see the screenshots, videos, etc by people who have bought or imported it.

Now, moving on to more problem...

The 3DS is freaking region locked!! I bet many people are willing to import the game but is being held back by that fact. Since it means we have to buy a Japan 3DS and it is pricey.

The temptation is soooo high and the price + language problems could hold us back, if we think rationally, our mind will say "No, don't." but our heart is uncontrollable...

And some have fallen victim and imported them... (damn, I envy you >_>)

I believe there are people having this kind of dilemma and want to wait for English release. So, why don't we gather here to discuss our ways and attempts to fight the hype and temptation to import it and... how to be more patient in waiting for the release in our respective region?

Some of the ways I gathered to hold back the hype :

- Play other games, or Awakening or other past FE series.

- Do your other hobbies.

- Watch films, read books.

- Move on with your life.

(Question : Does browsing through more FE:if spoilers/contents satisfy your hype or make you want to play it asap more?)

Those are good enough--- except if your mind is still preoccupied with FE:Fates while doing them, then it's not gonna be enough.

Let's share our dilemmas and struggle as fellow friends who try to survive amidst the hype!

Also, last sorry since it becomes too long.

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I am not going to lose my mind over the wait for the official release but I do sometimes indulge my own curiosity at times. There are only a few bits of information left that I want and after that I'll be visiting the thread sparingly save for certain topics although people have a habit of pretty spoiling things in the titles.

6 months sounds like a long time but damn wont they fly by especially if your mind is focused on other things.

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I'm not resisting the hype or spoilers at all. xD Normally I wouldn't look at spoilers even a little but I just got out of an 8 year relationship so this has been a very good distraction and I'm grateful for it. I'm surprised at being able to find myself happy and excited about something while learning to live for myself again. I also failed at resisting importing a copy but I am currently taking Japanese classes and total immersion for me would be a great thing and TBH, I don't even mind waiting for the english versions of the game. My real reason for importing a copy was to avoid a chopped up localized version.

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I'm betting the game will come out around June-ish 2016 in Europe, maybe April in North America, rather than somewhere near December XD

Hmm, I'm getting awfully tempted to just import the game as well... but it sucks that I need a completely new 3DS to play it. Even though I have 3 already.

But TBH I don't really have much time to play games, so I can probably hold out. Probably.

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For me, the hype eventually becomes weaker. I've been distracted with studies and other games that don't make me think of Fates very much.

I'd say the best way to combat your hype is to find something else to engage on, and invest on it.

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I'm not trying to fight the hype at all. The hype feels like a rip tide, so fighting it is tiring and not very effective for me. So, I'm really just watching playthroughs of other games on youtube and waiting for my overactive imagination to latch onto something else.

But one thing I found that works well at diverting my attention is to go to social gatherings where no one else knows the first thing about Fire Emblem. It's worked fairly well so far.

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Well, I have mostly been avoiding story spoilers and concentrating more on the gameplay elements such as the classes and the skills and sometimes the characters. I am also blessed with friends that share interest in military and political happenings, current, historical and fictional. Once a week or so, we usually gather, and sometimes discuss wars in fictional (Warhammer, Warcraft, Lord of the Rings) or historical (Imperial Rome, Medieval England, Japanese Sengoku Jidai) settings, . Last time I met with them, I actually brought the world of Fire Emblem: Fates to the table, which is more clear-cut and divided than Awakening and laid out some facts about Hoshido and Nohr, like the political climate, geography and military tradition (i.e. the classes) and then we discuss how they evolved that way, the consequences it leads to and how a war would end.

While entirely imaginary and maybe totally detached from Fire Emblem, but satiates my hype, as I do find the setting and background very intriguing, moreso than Awakening. I have several documents on my computer detailing various details of the Fates world and sometimes I tinker with them when I find out about something new. Here my ignorance of the story helps alot as as long as I don't know the game's story, I can have my own headcanon and make the characters more brutal than they perhaps really are.

So it's a good way to engage in FE:Fates without actually spoiling too much.

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