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[Battle:FE13] Elieson vs. General Horace


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We venture into Awakening's children meta for the first time. Longtime Link Arena vets Elieson and Horace drafted their classes before the match, resulting in a greater diversity of classes than usual (Sorcs, Assassins and Generals).

  • Children allowed
  • Draft Selection (Alternate picking, RN selects who goes first)
  • RobinM and RobinF mutually exclusive
  • Max Stats
  • Aggressor, Counter and Lethality are banned
  • Bond restricted to one instance per team
  • No equipment restrictions, but Brave Weaponry cannot be forged (Waste/Celice's Gale included)
  • No Supports structured, PairUp and Dual [Atk/Grd] not accounted for
  • Posted teams will not reflect augmented stats via weaponry or skills

Elieson's team



Kellam / Henry / Gerome (Kellam) / Sumia / Libra

General Horace's team!



Aversa / Vaike / Virion / Henry / Donnel


Elieson             HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  acc  avo  crt

General!Gerome      80   55   31   42   33   44   56   34   85   71   21
Sorcerer!Brady      80   29   48   42   41   47   40   46   86   85   21
Warrior!MorganM*    80	 56   30   45	38   41	  48   34   88   77   22
Paladin!Lucina      80	 42   31   44	45   47	  40   43   89   91   22
Dark Knight!Noire   80	 39   46   41	42   42	  44   40   82   84   20

General Horace      HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  acc  avo  crt
Sage!MorganF        80   27   54   44   46   44   31   43   88   91   22
Berserker!Yarne     80   56   28   39   49   44   36   28   80   95   19 
Dread Fighter!Inigo 80   43   39   44   45   45   37   43   88   90   22
Hero!Severa         80   45   31   51   45   43   42   35   98   89   25
Bride!Noire         80   42   42   41   43   46   44   40   84   87   20

Believe it or not, nobody activates Shade or Provoke. No royals or Demi Band Laguz transform, either.


Horace acts first! Choose your character, his/her weapon and target!

edit: oh yeah, parents. gimme a sec. (DONE, VOTE)

Edited by Espinosa
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Why does Warrior!3rdGenMorgan actually have only 33 spd? a -7 compared to bases isn't possible, especially in the children's meta. I guess I'll quickly double-check the stats on-site since I hadn't done so earlier (players are welcome to repeat the same to make sure nothing is wrong).

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Just realised Horace's Morgan should be female not male, what with her mother being Aversa. Changed the portrait now.

Hopefully no gaming journalist or tumblr user spotted this purely cognitive error!

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Elieson's team



Kellam / Henry / Gerome (Kellam) / Sumia / Libra

General Horace's team!



Aversa / Vaike / Virion / Henry / Donnel

Turn 1.

271036_gerome_zpsonrsv7vc.jpg vs. yarne_zps3lxhakhz.jpg

Horace's Yarne (Hammer+) attacks Elieson's Gerome (Blessed Lance+)!

52 dmg 100% hit 0% crit



Gerome activates Pavise!

Gerome receives 26/80 damage!

Gerome counterattacks!

32 dmg 45% hit 0% crit

(65 20 73)


Yarne receives 32/80 damage!

Yarne attacks again!


Yarne activates Sol!


Gerome receives 52/80 damage!

Yarne recovers 26/80 HP!

Both sides survive the fight.


Elieson          Horace
Gerome   2/80   MorganF 80/80
Brady   80/80   Yarne   74/80
MorganM 80/80   Inigo   80/80
Lucina  80/80   Severa  80/80
Noire   80/80   Noire   80/80

Elieson acts next.

Edited by Espinosa
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Here goes nothing!

Gerome, Brave Lance Horace's Forgan!

also hilariously enough @ espinosa, the 5 units Horace selected were the other team that I would've picked, (sans classes of course) if I had picked my other team.

Edit Edit

Espi you didn't roll for Gerome's chance at a skill(s) proc that's what the 73 is, isn't it


no nvm the 73 was the obligatory 0 crit roll nvm im a derpyderp

Edited by Elieson
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[spoiler=see teams here]

Elieson's team



Kellam / Henry / Gerome (Kellam) / Sumia / Libra

General Horace's team!



Aversa / Vaike / Virion / Henry / Donnel

Turn 2.

271036_gerome_zpsonrsv7vc.jpg vs. 271331_morganf_zpsxevdlzre.png

Elieson's Gerome activates Renewal!

Elieson's Noire activates Bond!

Elieson's Gerome recovers 44/40 HP!

Elieson's Gerome (Brave Lance) attacks Horace's MorganF (Book of Naga)!

31x2 dmg 64% hit 0% crit


Gerome activates Luna!

(29 16 64)

MorganF receives 49/80 damage!


(10 84 48)

MorganF receives 31/80 damage!

Morgan is KO'd!

[spoiler=alternate reality outcome]

MorganF counterattacks!

32 dmg 100% hit 0% crit



MorganF activates Vengeance!


Gerome receives 46/40 damage!

Gerome is KO'd!

Elieson          Horace
Gerome  46/80   MorganF  0/80
Brady   80/80   Yarne   74/80
MorganM 80/80   Inigo   80/80
Lucina  80/80   Severa  80/80
Noire   80/80   Noire   80/80

Horace acts next.

Edited by Espinosa
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Wait a sec, would Luna pierce the +5Def from Book of Naga? Or does it just cut raw Def

I really doubt that it would; not 100% sure though.

No clue if I went about rounding the defensive stat up/down correctly upon that Luna activation, but it's only 1 point of HP. Should be checked easily if you have a Luna user on any of your Awakening files, but I recently deleted one where I trained a GK!Chrom so I can't help there.

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Just checked, Fred did 18 damage to a thwomp with 15+2 def, and Luna'd for 26 (8 extra damage, using the 17 def) So it uses altered defence. I think it means Morgan actually dies too.

If that's the case just hammer Gerome again.

Edited by General Horace
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Morgan has 31+5 Def with Book of Naga, so Luna does +18 damage then (31+18)+ 31 that connected, [80]

Unless Morgan has Miracle, ... :(

Edited by Elieson
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Just checked, Fred did 18 damage to a thwomp with 15+2 def, and Luna'd for 26 (8 extra damage, using the 17 def) So it uses altered defence. I think it means Morgan actually dies too.

Good to know; could you try on a non-thwomp to see if damage is rounded up or down?

Also, I'm not quite sure if the class stat boosts can be equated with those of equipped items... Seems like the former are definitely part of the actual stat, while my gut feeling tells me the latter aren't. This might be harder to check without access to the chapter with the 12 deadlords...

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I have access to the deadlords and a hax Yarne with Luna, i'll test it, but I think it'll be the same... One sec.

EDIT: I had all the DLC but now I don't, what do?

EDITEDIT: Just have to redownload it, one sec..

Edited by General Horace
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Okay, cause (possibly outdated) turn 3 is almost finished, and while I'd be upset to have to re-do it, it's accuracy that we care about here first and foremost.

Pay attention to the detail in how the defensive stat is rounded up/down. Such trifles may matter in the long run.

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I've got a situation with a Steel Lance Morgan!GK hitting for 13 against a Glass Bow Donnel!BowKnight.

He has 36+2 Def (thanks to AllStats+2).

Luna proc'ing means that i should deal either +18 dmg (if raw def is ignored) or +19 dmg (if modified def is ignored)

I hit for 32, which is 13+19

This streetpass battle is helping. The same Morgan hits a Grandmaster!Brady (with 39+2) Def for 11. Luna proc'ing triggered and dealt 31 damage. This means that it took the 41 def, and rounded down, then added it to my 11 (for 11+20, aka 31 damage)

Edited by Elieson
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Okay, so I guess the defense stat is rounded up / damage is rounded down. Confirm?

Let's wait for the news on Book of Naga being ingrained into the character's stats; thanks for getting on it Horace.

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man, the book of naga guy is right at the back, hopefully Yarne proc's Luna.

Yarne does 47 damage to a sage with 20+5 defence. He does 59 damage, so the book boost is accounted for, so Morgan in the turn 2 scenerio dies.

Yarne Hammer Gerome plz

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