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Favorite support convos so far? (Spoilers)

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Read a few in that pastebin earlier and so far I am loving Harold's supports. He's a gimmick character, yeah, but he pulls it off and is pretty well written in general tbh. Harold+Felicia in particular I liked a lot, it felt like I was reading a comedy sketch. I'm not one for super serious stuff all the time, so the lighthearted comedy I appreciate.

Will read more later and probably post back.

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Everything with Benoit and Kisaragi are instant favorites, but some specific ones include Joker x Nyx, Camilla x Joker, Charlotte x Marx, and Suzukaze x Saizou... there's probably more I love but don't remember...

I also love the royal family conversations in the third route as well. Marx x Hinoka, Takumi x Leon, and Ryouma x Elise stick out to me particularly. Marx x Hinoka is absolutely adorable, Takumi x Leon is hilarious, and as for Ryouma x Elise...

Elise makes flower crowns with Ryouma. That is adorable and sweet as hell.

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I absolutely loved Xander x Charlotte, especially the S-support. I also really enjoyed most of the cross-Royal Sibling supports. Takumi x Camilla, Ryoma x Elise, Xander x Hinoka, Xander x Sakura, Takumi/Leo, Sakura/Elise. I was hoping for Leo x Sakura to be good, but I found it a little underwhelming. I also very much liked Silas x Kamui, Joker x Effie, and Sophie x Siegbert (Plushies!).

Still patiently waiting for Leo x Nyx (I really hope I like it, otherwise I'm out of options for Leo :XD: )

You're in luck! Leon/Nyx, coming through.

I read a few more Mozume supports, all of which I love. If Lazwald's the 'Support King', then I guess Mozume's the Queen?

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Xander / Charlotte, Leo / Nyx, Kamui / Silas (S Support), Odin / Lazward, Elise / Flannel (C Support), Kamui / Flannel (S Support), and Kamui / Zero (both genders).

There are some where I only prefer a certain support, like the C-Support or A-Support. Charlotte is such a hilarious character, I love her! Kamui and Silas is an adorable pairing, especially since being childhood friends. Elise and Flannel's S-Support was just plain horrible and cringe-worthy; I hated it, but I really loved their C-Support.

And Leo was very, very sweet in his supports with Nyx, I loved it. Leo and Nyx was probably my favorite S-Support of all I've read so far. I love Silas to no end, but I thought Leo and Nyx S-Support really trumped Kamui and Silas'.

Elise / Flannel S-Support: WHAT THE F--- SERIOUSLY

Flannel: I-I'll give you this ring if you marry me!

Elise: Got it! I'll marry you!

and is joker always a bitch or is that just me

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CamillaxKamui is interesting. ZeroxCamilla I hate. And ElisexKamui S is weird... Only three I have seen.

Camilla Kamui while weird I actually enjoyed. It showed Kamui (at least trying) to grow up.

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I enjoyed a lot of Corrin's notably Felicia, Jacob and Kinu. Ryoma and Elise was also surprisingly adorable, Xander and Sakura were much more meh. Luna and Matoi's was nice to see Severa get some development. Charlette and Xander as well despite her being my least favorite character at this point.

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Takumi/Leo and Camilla/Zero are my favorites. (Although I do acknowledge that the latter is probably not the healthiest of relationships.)

I feel like both of these supports explore the "flip sides of the coin." Takumi and Leo are so different by cultural means-- I mean, Leo's a Dark Knight, and it doesn't even seem like dark magic is a feature of Hoshido. They're the princes of different nations, and naturally serve different ideals. Yet, their cultural differences only serve to tie them closer to each other, and instead demonstrate their similarities. I really loved that they ended up becoming close friends... although Takumi says that they should "not end this bond with mere friendship"...

(I'm guessing it's not just me who noticed all of the goddamn undertones, seeing as another comment above mine alludes to them as well. But that A support has so many implications.)

Meanwhile, Camilla and Zero grew up under vastly different circumstances; one was raised as a wealthy royal, while the other grew up under poverty in the slums. Despite that, their different experiences only served to... create a common string of empathy. Maybe that's not the best description for it, but they were both lonely, and sought to seek that hole, albeit in different manners. Camilla poured her love into Kamui, and Zero started to bring suffering to others, living out the maxim "misery loves a little company." In the end, they were both "pitiful" in the way that they desired love in convoluted manners.

Edited by Minischew
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Marx/Charlotte and Silas/F!Kamui are some of my favourites. I loved that the latter was one of the few that seemed so natural up to the S support and IIRC it actually doesn't end explicitly with a marriage proposal which is something I absolutely love. There are really no others ones that I've fallen in love with yet but that may change as I keep playing and support grinding.

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Someone unearthed a support between Luna and Matoi (Tsubaki's child) and I find it to be very nice, as Matoi looks very much like Cordelia and Severa/Luna reminisce about what her mother was like.

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I want fanart of Marx/Felicia's A Support STAT. I liked Lazward/Aqua as well, very cute.

For the first, here

I regret nothing. Doing this made me have the urge to marry Marx to Felicia now haha.


For the second, I agree.

also, found this on tumblr


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In regards to Mozume's accent, I swear to Naga that she has some form of a British accent. Like in her support with Harold she says the british slang for money "dosh", at one point she even says "Cheers, mate.", and in Lazward's she says "bleedin' 'ell", although that last one may also count under Southern accent and other parts of her conversations also seem to fall under Southern accent.

I'm really overthinking her accent.

It just depends on the translator. She has a very thick rural Kansai accent in Japanese. In Britain, that culturally translates to either Cockney or a West Country "happy farmer" style. In America, usually Kansai accents are just translated to Southern accents.

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In regards to Mozume's accent, I swear to Naga that she has some form of a British accent. Like in her support with Harold she says the british slang for money "dosh", at one point she even says "Cheers, mate.", and in Lazward's she says "bleedin' 'ell", although that last one may also count under Southern accent and other parts of her conversations also seem to fall under Southern accent.

I'm really overthinking her accent.

Its called Cockney, dear.

Anyway, i think so far, Takumi/Oboro, Takumi/his kid (forget his name), Marx/Charlotte, Pieri/Lazwald are my favorites.

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