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What is the "Common" Strategy?

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The common strategy is to focus on reducing turncounts to as low as humanly possible before going online to brag about it and mock people with higher turncounts. The latter is very important as it shows true mastery and understanding of FE.

Come now, Snowy. You know this is unnecessary.

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Come now, Snowy. You know this is unnecessary.

True. The first part can be skipped.

Look. Too be honest, the best strategy is just to play and have fun with the characters you want to use. Sure, there are better, and there are worse, but unless things turn really bad you'll be just fine. Sure, there are SOME suggestions like 'don't use BEXP until you've capped some stats' but unless you do some really stupid stuff you'll be fine...

Unless you try to become obsessed with higher-level play at which point you're probably cutting turn counts and so-forth. In my eyes; just have fun.

Also, use Mia over Zihark because smash_fanatic was totally obsessed with Zihark and anything to spite him is totally worth it.

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laaaawwwwl, smash was obsessed with Zihark? Also, something about Aran, maybe?

The reason the FE9 tier list debates lasted till AFTER FE10 got released was pretty much because of constant fighting between if Mia or Zihark was better, and smash was perfectly willing to drop Mia down to the bottom of the list in order to prove himself right. Stefan came up from time to time but he was never really THAT big a factor on the whole either.

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Don't be afraid to use Sothe in combat in Part 1 (give him forged knives)- don't avoid the other good temporary units for that matter either (Volug, Tauroneo, Tormod, Muarim, Naliah, BK). They will make chapters easier. Use Ilyana to transfer items and skills to the GMs.

You do need to prepare for Part 3 some however- try to get some of the early combat exp to Nolan so that he can promote and use Beastfoe in 3-6. The majority of your statboosters and BEXP should go to Jill as she has the highest potential of the DB overall. Nephenee, Haar, Brom, and Heather can transfer items to the GMs in 3-2.

In Part 2, make sure Haar gets the Speedwing. Use the BEXP at the end of 2-E on either Marcia or Haar, maybe Neph(T). Most other Part 2 units aren't worth it overall.

Use everyone in the first 2 Part 3 chapters. After that, give Titania the Speedwing and forges to any unit you plan to use seriously(they're not that expensive). Mia/Ike is a good support pair for the rest of the game, Haar and Titania should be used. Other GM units mostly fill utility duties except a few shine with transfers(Oscar, Boyd, Neph). You probably want to put early BEXP into Titania so that she can promote naturally(can either put to 99 exp or full level if she caps) and the Master Crown generally goes to Haar. Make Hand Axe(and Javelins if you're using lancers) forges when available. Janaff, Ulki, and Ranulf can be useful units as they come, better with Adept and BEXP.

For the DB Part 3, general strategy is to put Paragon on Jill have her kill as many laguz in 3-6 as possible and clear most of 3-12. Tauroneo should be Master Crowned for 3-12 to assist in the clear. Use Jill to kill Ike. You may want to use a Master Crown on Marcia for a faster clear of 3-9. Tanith(T) is a good choice for resource investment.

In Part 4, Jill and Haar are often sent to the SIlver Army and infantry units like Mia or horse units are sent to the Greil Army. The Hawk Army likely needs the least assistance, but could possibly use support from units like Marcia, Janaff, or Ulki. Lucia can be Master Crowned to help clear 402, don't be afraid to use royals. Bring a lot of royals and your best beorc to endgame.

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The reason the FE9 tier list debates lasted till AFTER FE10 got released was pretty much because of constant fighting between if Mia or Zihark was better, and smash was perfectly willing to drop Mia down to the bottom of the list in order to prove himself right. Stefan came up from time to time but he was never really THAT big a factor on the whole either.

This was before my time. =) I wish I was alive when this all happened...


Don't be afraid to use Sothe in combat in Part 1 (give him forged knives)- don't avoid the other good temporary units for that matter either (Volug, Tauroneo, Tormod, Muarim, Naliah, BK). They will make chapters easier. Use Ilyana to transfer items and skills to the GMs.

You do need to prepare for Part 3 some however- try to get some of the early combat exp to Nolan so that he can promote and use Beastfoe in 3-6. The majority of your statboosters and BEXP should go to Jill as she has the highest potential of the DB overall. Nephenee, Haar, Brom, and Heather can transfer items to the GMs in 3-2.

In Part 2, make sure Haar gets the Speedwing. Use the BEXP at the end of 2-E on either Marcia or Haar, maybe Neph(T). Most other Part 2 units aren't worth it overall.

Use everyone in the first 2 Part 3 chapters. After that, give Titania the Speedwing and forges to any unit you plan to use seriously(they're not that expensive). Mia/Ike is a good support pair for the rest of the game, Haar and Titania should be used. Other GM units mostly fill utility duties except a few shine with transfers(Oscar, Boyd, Neph). You probably want to put early BEXP into Titania so that she can promote naturally(can either put to 99 exp or full level if she caps) and the Master Crown generally goes to Haar. Make Hand Axe(and Javelins if you're using lancers) forges when available. Janaff, Ulki, and Ranulf can be useful units as they come, better with Adept and BEXP.

For the DB Part 3, general strategy is to put Paragon on Jill have her kill as many laguz in 3-6 as possible and clear most of 3-12. Tauroneo should be Master Crowned for 3-12 to assist in the clear. Use Jill to kill Ike. You may want to use a Master Crown on Marcia for a faster clear of 3-9. Tanith(T) is a good choice for resource investment.

In Part 4, Jill and Haar are often sent to the SIlver Army and infantry units like Mia or horse units are sent to the Greil Army. The Hawk Army likely needs the least assistance, but could possibly use support from units like Marcia, Janaff, or Ulki. Lucia can be Master Crowned to help clear 402, don't be afraid to use royals. Bring a lot of royals and your best beorc to endgame.

Thank you, you explained it well to the person. =)

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Isn't it better to give the speedwing to Ike in part 3 (without FE9 boosts)?

I know that Titania can double and orko all the generals in part 3 with the hammer and 23 speed, but Ike also has trouble to double warriors and halberdiers on HM with his base speed of 23.

And tbh I don't find Titania great especially in 4-4.

Edited by Mister CatTeaDawn
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Don't try to level up everyone. Pick characters that you want to use and stick with them. It's very hard for someone to be "RNG screwed" in this one, and growths aren't even really all that important in this one at all. Bases can easily beat this entire game. So don't panic too much if a character gets a cruddy level. 34 speed is the magic number to hit to keep doubling by endgame. Skills that aren't being used should just be removed and sold for extra forging power. Fortune for instance? Good move to sell for extra cash.

Finally, some characters like Tormod, Muarim and Vika leave for no real reason. None of them are really worth using.

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What exactly is the usual strat for RD? Some character seem to be rated very well for no reason. The strat I use is Aran, Sothe. Harr, Ike, and Stefan. So why is:

Mia the best trueblade:

Mia isn't the "Best" trueblade she's just the easiest to get to that level and can be effectively trained all the way to endgame without hindering anyone elses progress, this is the argument with Aran. That he sucks exp that a lot of other characters in the Dawn Brigade need. If you look at the majority of the GM you wouldn't bother using most of them in a normal playthrough or take them to endgame. Haar and Titania are the best frontrunners in that squad then you have characters like Ike, Mia, Soren, Nephenee, Boyd and Shinon chasing down after them. They're just much more practical to use than someone like Gatrie, Oscar, Rhys, Mist, Ilyana and Rolf so these characters get neglected somewhat and so the EXP becomes available for someone like Mia to pickup without hindering anyone else. So basically there's just room for Mia in that group of characters and she levels up to a point where it's almost always ideal to take her to endgame. I personally believe Zihark offers the most value out of all the trueblades to his team, however WHEN it gets to the point that Zihark and Mia are competing for a place in the endgame squad you can't go wrong either way and Mia is probably at a slightly higher level as would be expected and the typical favourite.

Mia is easy to raise but the Greil Mercies are so overpowered anyway. She doesn't really add anything to their team. In the endgame her bad caps slow her down. At least Eddy and ZIhark are HELPFUL at some point, although, my favorite is Stefan. He is like what MIa is supposed to be. Stefan comes late and on a map where he's useless so most people don't bother with him, Mia's caps aren't bad though she's good for clearing through everyone just less dependable on the final bosses. A trueblade gets brought in for Alondite and skills, not so much for the damage they dish out in a single hit on a boss, that's why we have characters like Boyd and Nolan.

Jill so useful:Nolan seems like he outclasses Jill to the end. When you get Jill Nolan will be at a higher level. By the time Jill catches up Nolan will have Tarvos. Finally, in the endgame Jill and Nolan only have 1 range (Tomahawk kinda blows) and low Res so I don't think their that useful.

So why are these guys rated so well. It's not that they're greatly useful endgame (But they are) it's the fact they carry their teams in the early chapters and it's inefficient training without them. However give Nolan Urvan in endgame and he's going to be your highest hitting Beorc out of anyone. In the early game Nolan acts as your tank because Sothe soon becomes redundant, Jill also becomes very tankish towards the end of part 3 and is amazingly versatile due to her mobility. Giving these guys forges will help them dominate in the early chapters and frankly hard mode is impossible without them. Honestly though, we could argue any Beorc is useless if we just decide to take only Laguz royals into endgame :/

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