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CamillaxArthur Support, mission to cuckblock that Azura and Kamui OTP.


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Seriousy, wtf ? xD

I'm disapointed because I have the impression that half of the support in this game like this one are crap, but at the same time, I can't help but smile a little at this.

Camilla seem to be a crappy support magnet.

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If anyone remembers, Arthur has THOSE expressions, so imagining it make it all more hilarious.

Oh the nightmares I shall have.

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Trying to imagine the scenes is what really makes laugh, seriously, try to picture in your head Arthur giving Camilla's speech on one side of the tent, and Azura on the other side with a confused expression and probably thinking "The hell?"

Edited by Water Mage
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*Sings* No one spys like Harold! No one mugs like Harold! No one's has chin like Harold! *Sings*

Not gonna lie... the moment I saw this post, I read it in the tune of that song.

And now I'm thinking about writing up lyrics for that entire song with Harold/Arthur as the focus. Someone stop me!

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Cuckposting on Serenes Forest. ishygddt

I love how Camilla takes the proposal by basically saying "Are you sure? Well I guess you're not ugly so why not"

Most S supports have one person going "Sure, why not".

Special attention to Takumi x Aqua that goes "I love you as a brother" "But I want to to love you as a woman" "Sure, why not"

Edited by NekoKnight
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Supports really changed. It's like "1, 2, 3, Marry Me!" and are nothing like they used to be. I don't see a lot of romance build between Arthur and Camilla either and S support just pops the question. They're rather some bunch of characters doing some 'Misc things' than characters actually wanting to know each other and make the player learn something about the characters like pre-FE titles did. What this support showed us about characters was Arthur likes to help damsels like a hero should along with his bad luck and Camilla likes Kamui, but we know these already.

A support like Ross and Ewan's in SS did a C>B support about Ross solving Ewan's pebble riddle. It both showed Ross isn't too smart but bright enough to think outside the box and will to give it a try and showed Ewan is like what a kid should be; loud, having fun, smart, entertaining, playing games, interacting a lot, etc. I feel like there’s no character development.

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Supports really changed. It's like "1, 2, 3, Marry Me!" and are nothing like they used to be. I don't see a lot of romance build between Arthur and Camilla either and S support just pops the question. They're rather some bunch of characters doing some 'Misc things' than characters actually wanting to know each other and make the player learn something about the characters like pre-FE titles did. What this support showed us about characters was Arthur likes to help damsels like a hero should along with his bad luck and Camilla likes Kamui, but we know these already.

A support like Ross and Ewan's in SS did a C>B support about Ross solving Ewan's pebble riddle. It both showed Ross isn't too smart but bright enough to think outside the box and will to give it a try and showed Ewan is like what a kid should be; loud, having fun, smart, entertaining, playing games, interacting a lot, etc. I feel like there’s no character development.

To be fair, it was pretty clear that Ewan was silly and fun-loving in Sacred Stones even without his supports.

It's not as if supports never have serious character development going on. Look at Male Kamui's/Gunter's supports, for instance; Gunter is really well developed there.

Though, a lot of supports, like this one, are more focused on telling a story then actually developing the characters. And I especially agree that a lot of S-ranks are really forced and have zero build up. They're just there to give you another option for Lutz's mom or whatever.

Edited by Zachmac
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I remember too the time where the supports where not only meaningful, but where also about a relationship, even without a special ending

I remember the Colm/Rennac support too, ah, t'was the good time.

But oh well, I'll try to laugh will I can, I'll cry later.

Edited by B.Leu
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Knoll and Lute had a Support where she stalked him for two Support levels and he was like "What!?" and her response was basically "I'm better than you!"

In a game with as many supports as FEif, or even as many as Sacred Stones, it's a huge effort to write them at all, let alone try and find some meaningful connection and opportunity for development with every possible pairing.

Allowing everyone to marry anyone is a game mechanic that allows for unique team building and eugenics children characters, but the sacrifice is realistic relationships. In these cases, comedy is appreciated.

Now, could the humor be better? Perhaps. But that's up to NoA's localization team. They did a good job with comedy in the Chrom/Fredrick and F!Morgan/Nah Supports.

If you'd rather complain that the number of unrealistic romanitic supports and the eugenics-simulator nature of the gameplay is absurd on its own then I can't really argue that... maybe I just have a high tolerance for weird anime bull.

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I really don't want this thread do derail, so let's get back to topic, and appreaciate this hilarious support, shall we?

By the way, I wonder if IS had someone in mind when creating Arthur, I know that he has been compared to Captain America and Gaston, but I wonder if there is another character that we haven't thought yet.

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Knoll and Lute had a Support where she stalked him for two Support levels and he was like "What!?" and her response was basically "I'm better than you!"

In a game with as many supports as FEif, or even as many as Sacred Stones, it's a huge effort to write them at all, let alone try and find some meaningful connection and opportunity for development with every possible pairing.

Allowing everyone to marry anyone is a game mechanic that allows for unique team building and eugenics children characters, but the sacrifice is realistic relationships. In these cases, comedy is appreciated.

Now, could the humor be better? Perhaps. But that's up to NoA's localization team. They did a good job with comedy in the Chrom/Fredrick and F!Morgan/Nah Supports.

If you'd rather complain that the number of unrealistic romanitic supports and the eugenics-simulator nature of the gameplay is absurd on its own then I can't really argue that... maybe I just have a high tolerance for weird anime bull.

I think you hit the nail on the head, buddy, and that's coming from someone with a relatively low tolerance for "weird anime bull".

That said, I certainly think a few characters received the short end of the proverbial stick, and there are a bit too many supports available. I would have thought that a character like Felicia, who plays a relatively large role and is available for both routes, would get more varied supports, but every single one I've read deals with her being clumsy or a bad maid in one way or another, which is a huge disappointment.

Still, the good thing about having so many supports is that you can get pleasantly surprised by supports just like Camilla/Arthur - Aqua and Flannel had a surprisingly fun and sweet support, for instance.

As for the localization, I really liked how the dialogue flowed in Awakening, so I've got high expectations. One thing's for sure, they can't just directly translate all those innumerable "I want to protect you/my friends/my loved ones" or "I'll do my best", so they'll have to be a bit clever.

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