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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

    • FF10
    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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While I love the Pokemon lore, I don't find the games themselves to be very fun.

MGS1 does not have an amazing story

->Psycho Mantis was not freaky

->I didn't care at all about Sniper Wolf

->Liquid is a laughable villain (Hiimdaisy's comic might be to blame for me thinking this)

3D collectathon platformers are the best game genre.

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Don't let the scrubs, that make PC gamers look bad, get to you, buddy.

Better craphics are the smallest benefits of a PC.

Yeah I gotta agree here. The biggest thing is not having to drop $300-$400 every new console generation on a Playstation or Xbox. Plus not having to pay for online aside from your internet bill is nice too.

Edited by LordTaco42
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2. Monster Hunter isn't fun. Killing fantastical, interesting monsters, and crafting your own gear from their carcass sounds like something that can't not be fun. Of course Monster Hunter came along, and went, "You know this is a cool, and fun idea for a game. Why don't we bury it under mindless tedium! Hell, while we're at it why don't we make every weapon in the game super clunky! No one could enjoy that, right?"

I couldn't have fun killing the monsters because all the weapons were too slow. The only thing I could wield without wanting to hurt something IRL was the dual blades, but those deal pitiful damage. Then there's the sharpening mechanic. Just in case you were starting to have fun with the game you now have to stop fighting, and of course when you wield dual blades you're going to constantly be sharpening.

You might want to check out this series called God Eater. It's basically Monster Hunter except without all that fishing, and stuff. I sunk 20ish hours into the game, and had fun. Personally it still plays too much like Monster Hunter, but you sound like you like MH more than I do anyway. There's also Toukiden, but honestly I don't know much about that game other than hearing someone say, "It's like MH, but without all the tedium."

"Mindless... tedium." Okay.

(Spoilered for length)

You rarely actually need to gather non-related items in the field; you have the farm to multiply them, and outside the opening hour, I've rarely had to run out and gather items.

The actual repeated fighting of monsters, which I suppose you would call "grinding", doesn't feel that grindy; you see yourself get better at facing that monster. And even then, there's enough monsters and enough equipment that you may want that you alternate between multiple monsters, making it feel a whole lot less repetitive (plus, online makes it go by substantially quicker).

All the weapons feel smooth to use; the "clunky" complaint is, frankly, very dated (if you played the game pre-3rd gen, then your complaints have credence). Heaven forbid that it actually require skill to be good at using a weapon! Monster Hunter is a bit like a fighting game in that regard; you've got to know the ins and outs of your weapon and the monster you're fighting: what to do and when to do it are key.

And you make sharpening sound like such a huge deal. Most of the time it's a minor feature that's just a little quirk that adds to uniqueness; when a monster leaves the area, sharpen your weapon. Done! However, there are the weapons that have great raw damage but poor sharpness and vice-versa.

The dual blades' issue with sharpness is considered one of it's biggest drawbacks (that, and requiring a large amount of skill to successfully use). Each weapon has its' own niche that it fills. I'm going to repeat myself: Monster Hunter is nuanced and technical, like a fighting game.

(Though when was the last time you tried the series? To me, it sounds like you briefly tried it during the PSP days.)

But anyway, I've got a few more opinions:

(11) I love Star Fox: Command

(12) I'm entirely indifferent to amiibos

(13) Metroid Prime: Federation Force looks fun

(14) I don't get the blatant Xbox hate; MS is a company, like every other company. Yeah, the original Xbox One launch policies were stupid, but guess what? Sony had pretty much the exact same plans until right before E3. Really, Sony's done everything MS has done, yet I see the latter get nitpicked over and given crap for every little thing while the former gets a free pass

(15) My main problem with COD isn't that its' released every year. It's that every year it's the same twitch shooter that keeps trying to be realistic and cool, what with the kill times being stupidly fast (it's not about skill in a firefight; it's "whoever shoots first wins", compounded by ADS making your enemies a giant magnet for your bullets), weapon balance being nonexistent, and the lack of a decent campaign since Modern Warfare 2

(16) I don't get N's popularity. I like him as Pokemon's first true anti-villain, but his massive fandom is... shall we say, perplexing

Edited by The DanMan
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Let's see who agrees with this:

- I think Nintendo branching to mobile games is a good idea. I wouldn't even be against Fire Emblem Mobile.

Come at me bros.

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This is precisely why Gen V is my favorite and Gen IV is my least-favorite. I'm a Fire-type maniac.

So am I. But that didn't stop me from loving gen 4. And I hate almost all of gen 5's Fire types. They're just ugly as hell for the most part. The only one I did really like that wasn't a legendary (because I liked both) is Chandelure.

Gen 6 is my second fav partly because ALL the Fire types there are awesome though. I used every single one of them in my team in X. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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Let's see who agrees with this:

- I think Nintendo branching to mobile games is a good idea. I wouldn't even be against Fire Emblem Mobile.

Come at me bros.

I actually agree that its a good business move for Nintendo since the mobile market is huge in Japan and since a big part of Nintendo's business is handhelds it makes sense. As far as a Fire Emblem Mobile will it be as good as say Fates or Awakening? Probably not but as long as it doesn't have microtransactions I could appreciate it for what it would be.

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I'm okay with it as long as we still get console games too. I'm not a fan of mobile games because I've yet to see one that interests me. They all look like stupid stuff that I'd get bored of really fast.

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Yugioh is superior to Pokémon in every way

Lyn is the best lord in the series.(personality wise)

I prefer handheld games to consoles

Until Smash 4's dlc came out, I only played Melee because of Roy, the game is boring regardless.

I like clones in Smash

Arvis is my favorite FE villain, despite my dislike of FE4.

I like Lyon more than anyone else in Sacred Stones

Splinter Cell is superior to Metal Gear gameplay wise

Tharja is the worst thing to happen to the series as a whole

I've played Sm4sh,Smash 64, and Brawl more than I have Melee

Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex was good, but Twinsanity wasn't. Of the Titans is only good on the DS, but MOM is meh overall

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While I love the Pokemon lore, I don't find the games themselves to be very fun.

Thank you. This describes my feelings perfectly, and why I really want to get Pokken.

"Mindless... tedium." Okay.

(Spoilered for length)

You rarely actually need to gather non-related items in the field; you have the farm to multiply them, and outside the opening hour, I've rarely had to run out and gather items.

The actual repeated fighting of monsters, which I suppose you would call "grinding", doesn't feel that grindy; you see yourself get better at facing that monster. And even then, there's enough monsters and enough equipment that you may want that you alternate between multiple monsters, making it feel a whole lot less repetitive (plus, online makes it go by substantially quicker).

All the weapons feel smooth to use; the "clunky" complaint is, frankly, very dated (if you played the game pre-3rd gen, then your complaints have credence). Heaven forbid that it actually require skill to be good at using a weapon! Monster Hunter is a bit like a fighting game in that regard; you've got to know the ins and outs of your weapon and the monster you're fighting: what to do and when to do it are key.

And you make sharpening sound like such a huge deal. Most of the time it's a minor feature that's just a little quirk that adds to uniqueness; when a monster leaves the area, sharpen your weapon. Done! However, there are the weapons that have great raw damage but poor sharpness and vice-versa.

The dual blades' issue with sharpness is considered one of it's biggest drawbacks (that, and requiring a large amount of skill to successfully use). Each weapon has its' own niche that it fills. I'm going to repeat myself: Monster Hunter is nuanced and technical, like a fighting game.

(Though when was the last time you tried the series? To me, it sounds like you briefly tried it during the PSP days.)

Okay, I'll bite.

The last time I played a game in the series was MH4U, so you can put that whole, "You're just outdated" argument to rest.

That bit about how smooth it is wield a weapon? Not buying it. Sure having to have skill to get the most out of your weapon should definitely be encouraged, but watching your character mull over attacking for a bit before a swing isn't fun. Learning to work around their indecisiveness in combat doesn't feel fun, it feels annoying, and frustrating. Maybe the series has gotten smoother over the years, but it still feels slow, and it still feels clunky.

You may not need all that other stuff all that often, but you even admit that that for the first hour you do need it, and the first hour of a game can easily turn people away. Not to mention, it's only the first hour for you because you're experienced with the series. For everyone who isn't it takes longer than a mere hour, sometimes a lot longer, and again one hour is more than enough time to give someone an impression of a game. Monster Hunter gives the impression of a tedious grindfest.

Speaking of grinding! Killing the same monster over and over again doesn't feel fun. Sure you get better at it, but what's the point of getting at it if the game isn't fun to begin with.

Yes, sharpening is a huge deal because it takes you out of the action. Having to not do any of the things that might've made the game fun for a while because your daggers got their feelings hurt, and need you to assure them that you appreciate them isn't fun. If I'm playing a game called Monster Hunter I want to be hunting monsters, not fiddling about with all this other stuff that only slows the game down.

Here's the thing about all these nuances that you love so much: They take away from the experience. The fact that every weapon is unique is one of the very few things I like about Monster Hunter. Sharpening, fishing, cooking, bug catching, and all that other stuff just add more tedious crap to an experience that I already wasn't enjoying.

4. The original KOTOR game isn't good. It has hands down the worst gameplay of any game I've ever played. Maybe it has one of the best stories in the history of the universe, but if I have to sit there bored half to death by the majority of the game it doesn't matter.

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1)Bravely Default is the best 3DS game.

2)Every lord in FE is equally boring.

3)Linebeck was Link's best partner.

4)Linebeck is the best Zelda character.

5)Twilight Princess is even more overrated than Ocarina of Time.

6)I don't mind clone characters in Smash.

7)Wolt's our boy.

Er, aren't Chrom and Lucina really popular characters? That's why I put that they're terrible characters.

Also, I dislike Melee because it's too fast. And now I think the graphics are weird-looking compared to Brawl and Smash Wii U/3DS (especially the latter).

Are you forgetting that this is my opinion? Being popular doesn't necessarily make a character bad. Although they aren't my favorite lords, I don't think they are bad characters. They may be terrible characters for you, but not for me. I was expressing my opinions, not yours.

I agree with Melee being too fast, but I think the graphics aren't something people should be bothered by unless it looks like a crappy Atari game.

brawl competitively sucks and i'm glad it's dead.

When I was little I had fun with that game, but now I can see why people hate it so much.
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1) The Legend of Zelda series is overrated. Should I prepare for my funeral?

2) Gen IV of Pokemon was fun, and is probably my joint favourite Gen along with Gen V.

3) 2D Mario platformers look dull.

4) I don't see why Seth (FE8) is so popular. Same with Frederick (FE13). I really should prepare my eulogy at this point

5) Tharja was the better Dark Mage stats wise. However, Henry is the better Dark Mage personality wise.

6) Amiibo are actually cool, if you can find them. They offer DLC in multiple games and are really nice pieces of merchandise.

7) The direction the FE series is taking looks interesting. I'm mostly fine with the direction the series is taking.

8) I don't know what 'gaming culture' is.

9) If Nintendo gets this right, their mobile games are gonna be good.

10) Final Fantasy Type 0 makes sense plot wise.

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But Frederick isn't popular? He's pretty much in the "eh, he's okay" area. People don't really love him or hate him. :P I love him though, of course. <3 Freddy Bear ftw!

Are you forgetting that this is my opinion? Being popular doesn't necessarily make a character bad. Although they aren't my favorite lords, I don't think they are bad characters. They may be terrible characters for you, but not for me. I was expressing my opinions, not yours.

Huh? I said that Chrom and Lucina being good characters is a popular opinion, not an unpopular one. I think saying that they're bad characters is an unpopular opinion, which is why I put that I think they're bad characters in my list.

Edited by Anacybele
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21. I think grinding in any game is fun

22. Most fatalities in Mortal Kombat are just plain stupid

23. Twilight Princess is the best Zelda(I like how there are others who agree, but is it popular now?)

24. Starfox Command is indeed great

25. Triforce Heroes looks amazing and it indeed is fun

26. Metroid: Funtime with the Galaxy Federation looks fun and amazing

27. The Pokemon Rumble games are the best Pokemon spinoffs

28. I'd rather have a gaming PC/Laptop just to play Touhou and games that don't require high spec parts on Steam, and MMOs

29. Free to play MMOs are the best MMOs

30. Microtransactions are optional and anyone who whines about them being forced is a penis smoking idiot

31. Super Training in Gen6 is the second best thing from Gen6

32. Pokemon Amie is the best thing Gen6 added

33. Pokemon has gotten better as it went on

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-Eirika is better than Ephraim in every way.

-Mega Man 5 is the best classic Mega Man

-Gaiden was one of the best games of it's era.

-Super Mario Galaxy is one of the weakest Mario games.

-I actually like Tharja as a character, not the fanservice.

-Titania is not that good of a unit, in neither FE9 or 10.

-Even though I love FE4, I'm glad Kaga left.

-Even though for the most part I like FE5's map designs, it also has some of the worst designed maps in the series.

-Dismounting in FE is the worst mechanic ever implemented.

-X1, while still a good game, is extremely overrated.

-Mega Man 7 is an amazing game.

-Kid Icarus Uprising has good controls

-Lucas is the best Mother character, bar none.

-Micaiah should have replaced Ike in Smash 4.

-Roy is a good character, unit and personality wise.

-Wolf should have replaced Falco permanently in Smash 4.

-Devil Survivor 2's soundtrack is leagues above the first game's.

-The mainline SMT games have a terrible art-style.

-Felicia is the worst new character introduced to the series.

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Micaiah should have replaced Ike in Smash 4.

Wolf should have replaced Falco permanently in Smash 4.

1000000% agreed

However I liked dismounting, because it prevented you by getting effective damage.

I can't give anymore opinions, because I'm not a big videogamer.

Edited by Mister CatTeaDawn
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Boo to both of you. :( *is Ike fangirl and also likes Falco and hates Micaiah*

But you also reminded me of another unpopular opinion I have:

- Roy should have never returned to Smash and his game does not need to be localized at all.

Edited by Anacybele
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-Dismounting in FE is the worst mechanic ever implemented.

-The mainline SMT games have a terrible art-style.

You wanna fight?

6. SMT should be getting a 5th game, not Persona.

7. I actually thought the Subspace Emissary was enjoyable (apart from not having enough Nintendo foes and locals)

8. Final Fantasy 8 is a solid entry into the Final Fantasy series.

9. Squall and Rinoa's Romance was actually pretty good.

10. Gameplay>Graphics

11. Sonic Unleashed is an underrated Sonic game, and the Werehog was a nice shoutout to Ristar and Streets of Rage.

12. Eliwood was one of the best lords in the FE franchise, personality wise at the very least.

13. Shirou isn't a bad character considering his backstory and development in UBW (you may have me in Fate for awhile, Heaven's Feel I forget though).

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Oh, a new poll!

Super Mario World = Best 2D Mario not named Yoshi's Island (Yoshi's Island is Super Mario World 2, remember?)

Super Mario Galaxy 2 = Best 3D Mario (why is Super Mario 3D World not on the list though?)

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You wanna fight?

m88 i'll fite you anyday fukkin bring it

I'm not going to lie, the artstyle is putting me off a lot from the main series SMT games, doesn't mean I won't play them someday, but I'd be lying to say if I said it's not off putting.

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5)Twilight Princess is even more overrated than Ocarina of Time.

...No? Do you know how endlessly praised OoT is? TP hasn't gotten very close to that, I think.

I've been wanting to play SMT :/

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Just some more:

I like grinding in games

Shulk x Fiora is better then Shulk x Melia

I like when games have force pairings in your face(I like canon)

The Pokemon meta game is stupid and has more elitists then FE

Fan creations are nearly better hen some company made games(E.g SSB Project M)

Characters>Gameplay>Story>Grpahics(In most cases that are not FE)

Imp Midna>Normal Form Midna

I like Blitzball in FF X

I liked the Sphere Grid

Aerith's death in FF VI is stupid and unnecessary

Colosseum and XD were some of the best games in the Pokemon series

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PS1 is best console

GBA is best handheld

Final Fantasy is very clunky and overrated

Ayra and Jamke are the playable chars in FE4 I like.Why is this turning into my rant bout FE4 thread

FE7 and POR are the only FEs with good stories

I'm okay with the spotpass revivals in Awakening.

Dismount and Capture are two features I want back, and I'm hyped for FE Fates in part because of Captures return

Sonic and the Secret Rings is the worst game ever made

Syphon Filter, a stealth series on the PS1, is better than Metal Gear and Splinter cell combined.

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I like Blitzball in FF X

I liked the Sphere Grid

Are you a masochist?

I'm actually playing the FFX remaster at the moment, and I'm loving it. I had no clue that people didn't like the sphere grid, sure it could use a bit more polish, but it works well as is. Currently I'm trying to build Tidus into a tank, and I've got no clue what to do with everyone else.

5. Fallout 4 doesn't look like the best thing since sliced bread. It's just another sandbox rpg from Bethesda.

6. Open world, and sandbox games are boring in general.

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Ike shouldn't have been in FE10 because it's pretty clear the writers had no idea what to do with him or develop him further. Had he only been in FE9, he would have been one of my favorite lords to date. Now he's the worst out of all of them.

(Yoshi's Island is Super Mario World 2, remember?)

Not in Japan.

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