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Something that would be nice


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To have the ability to make topics where only certain people can see them.Like if you wanted to get like 3 specific ppls attention you could make it where only they could see the topic so other ppl who arent involved cant walk in and leave useless/stupid comments when they dont even have a clue what the topic is even about. It seriously gets annoying.

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For one: I don't really think that's possible.

For 2: It would encourage a lot of drama and gossip between members that would cause a lot of negative tension between everyone.

For 3: Use PMs.

Though I guess I understand the concept behind it. It is kinda annoying to have a civil and serious conversation and then someone pops into the page and goes: "BLARG" or something like that.

Though that's really just a lack of maturity and restraint on that person's part, and it's really the mod's job to decide what to do with that.

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For one: I don't really think that's possible.

For 2: It would encourage a lot of drama and gossip between members that would cause a lot of negative tension between everyone.

For 3: Use PMs.

Though I guess I understand the concept behind it. It is kinda annoying to have a civil and serious conversation and then someone pops into the page and goes: "BLARG" or something like that.

Though that's really just a lack of maturity and restraint on that person's part, and it's really the mod's job to decide what to do with that.

Ehehehehe im such a mind reader.

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I agree with the points put forth by Lyle Dayek. Implementing a feature like this could easily encourage elitism, something that would most probably degrade the forum. It would act as a means of censorship which defeats the purpose of a discussion board. I think it is preferable to wait for comments of little discernible value to be evaluated by a moderator than to restrict peroples' access to specific topics. Personal matters should hopefully not be too difficult to conduct via private messages or other means.

Edited by Wist
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I have to say, that you should just make topics like normal, and if a post is spam on your serious discussion, just report it. Mods can always delete it, maybe not at the pace you desire, but it has an effect.

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