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That difficulty spike (spoilers)


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Playing the 3rd path on hard. Levels aren't too bad so far, then I got to chapter 9. My god. My units went from doing well to literally dealing 1 damage to enemies and taking 20 back. I only beat the level because kamui paired with aqua was able to outank most enemies and kaze dodge tanked for literally 5 minutes and killed 7 enemies by himself when they were dealing 15 damage a hit.

It reminded me of the first time I did the nohr path and the levels were pretty mild until the defend the harbor level where I had to learn really fast where to send which units each turn.

Edited by Aquaze
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Sounds hype o: It might be too early to ask but are the win conditions a mixture of Hoshido and Nohr? also I'm assuming you get a world map?

So far the third path plays like a hybrid of the other two. There are some route maps. Some sieze etc. Also yes you do get the ability to grind like on Hoshido. You can pay money for skirmishes or do random skirmishes that appear on the map. Thank heavens for that.

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I figured they would allow the world map in Third path too(Which I'm personally okay with it) cause I assume that's the path they want you to do DLC/Future Amiibo stuff(Assuming Roy is getting special Amiibo treatment), paralogues and I'm gonna go ahead and assume Spotpass paralogues might exist?

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Hmm, Chapter 9 is rough mostly because IMO, the damn wind gets in the way.

And well, it's a bunch of narrow paths I guess, it might also depend on the levelups since I haven't seen the higher difficulties yet, though to be honest, you only had 4 characters for the previous 2 chapters anyway...

Though, isn't higher difficulties mostly a numbers/skills thing, with maybe some inventory, rather than stats? Hmm.

Edited by CocoaGalaxy
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Maybe this "in between" difficulty is because you can grind. That gets me hyped for lunatic.

That's what I figured they'd do. Make it technically harder than the Nohr route, but since you can grind it becomes easier.

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Like the above posts said, I figured this would be hard without taking away from Nohr being the hardest.

You can grind, and since it's technically the "true route" I imagine any future content would be accessible on this route. The previous two are like, parallel worlds until Kamui/Corrin gets onto the true route. So it makes sense for the difficulty to be a mix of the two.

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^ they can still get infinite gold by using item collection skills like easy life and smithy skill, so they can still buy units, buy skills, buy infinite eternal seals and a stat booster per my castle cycle once at level 3 vendor. So if they want an awesome street-pass team they are complety able to do that but it might help if they focus on those units during the story.

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Hmm, I haven't gone through all of them yet, but some of the characters look like they got ripped off in terms of base stats, compared to their Hoshido/Nohr bases.

As a simple example, Hana loses 2 Strength and Skill for no reason.

Other characters which enter at a higher level have rather..interestingly lopsided/balanced stats.

The resultant appears to be that either a character is ridiculously balanced when they shouldn't be

Or that a character is rather underpowered when they should have higher stats for their level

For example, Silas loses out on some points in speed, but he has 39! HP, and his other stats are pretty good as well

Hinoka on the other hand, gained only 1 point of HP despite being 9 Levels higher, which is just ridiculous. On the other hand, she does have 23 Speed, which is still pretty nice (on top of the fact that Swallow Strike makes it a cakewalk to double on player phase)

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