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Would you like it if you could choose the children's names and looks?


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Basically, after a pairing goes to S rank, you are taken to a character customization screen, similar to the one for the Avatar. There, you can assign their looks, name, and even gender.

Would you like it if that was in the game?

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Honestly I think this is somewhat of a cool idea at face value, but there are too many eugenics implications as-is, and choosing gender would be OP in Shipping Emblem.

Perhaps the popular opinion of limited name choices is the best one.

Edited by Tamarsamar
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm fine as it is but I would prefer it if their hair color stayed the same as it appears in their official artwork for some consistency. If they want to reflect the other parent I would much rather they do it through unique support convos.

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I'm fine as it is but I would prefer it if their hair color stayed the same as it appears in their official artwork for some consistency. If they want to reflect the other parent I would much rather they do it through unique support convos.

Yeah, that is my only pet peeve with the Child system, because some of the Child Characters can't get their official hair color without the Avatar marrying that parent and having a specific hair color, and even then it's near impossible to achieve the same color (I'm looking at Severa and Laurent when I say that). Plus, that ruins Morgan's official hair color because literally none of the female units have Black hair other than Tharja (who might not be best paired with Avatar under all circumstances), Say'ri (Who doesn't have her own Child Character), and any child characters (Who also don't have children aside from Morgan, also how do you explain that to the parents?)

...though yes I would at least like to customize Morgan a little bit. It can make him or her more special. Though I wonder if that could also extended to siblings...?

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Also they make the Children's hair colors what they are so that way there's no clear father for any of them. It's not meant to represent an official hair color, as much as it is mean to represent an absence of an official father.

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If we chose the children's names, then we wouldn't get such charming lines as "Owain needs no aid!" (actually, that's the only spoken ad-lib I know of that uses a 2nd-gen character's name, but still).

In all seriousness, I do prefer having somewhat set-in-stone characters in these games. I feel it helps give them an identity that the developers can expand on more than they ever could with a character you could create, and there's a certain charm to that.

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I'd make them all look like Marx and Gerome.

I'd say it'd be best for just the avatar's child, and if the child would have random features, except for the hair colour.

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I would prefer to alter the design of Morgan, if I had to change any of the children at least. I feel his young appearance reminded me too much of Ricken and less of his chosen fathers.

Oh, and his birthdate. I feel like it should be optional, just like Avatar. I feel that those customizations will attach the player more to the child character if anything.

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Basically, after a pairing goes to S rank, you are taken to a character customization screen, similar to the one for the Avatar. There, you can assign their looks, name, and even gender.

Would you like it if that was in the game?

Only if this applies to Morgan, then I would. Select their name, hair colour, hair style, face, and starting base class. That'd be pretty ideal for me.

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