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Gunter Discussion Thread


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Well...the title...xD

So now we have a Gunter discussion thread...have at it all you people xD. Stats, Story, Character, whatever you feel like discussing, after all, this IS a discussion thread.

3, 2, 1, Go! Let the rage begin xD.

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Gunther is rather interesting. He is either a pure Jagen, not so much of a pure Jagen, or

just an early guest-star party member, though an essential one

and his role in the story changes accordingly.

For Hoshido, his role is inconsequential. For Nohr, he has more or less the usual importance of units that aren't main characters (and stays serviceable in terms of gameplay). But on the third route, he comes close to being main character material (and is more or less a pure Jagen gameplay-wise). Of course, on that last one, you can give him stat boosters if you really want to use him. (Which I do.)

I like him. I like his role. I like his design. I like his supports. He's cool. He's the kind of guy that no matter his faults, I want to use and make into a good unit no matter how shitty he may be gameplay-wise.

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I adore Gunther. His character is great, and he is the absolute best dad. His support with M!Kamui is heartwarming, and I only did his S support with F!Kamui but I'm working on the rest of their support chain and it's just as heartwarming and also really sad because Kamui's childhood was terrible.

Garon actually ordered Gunther to whip F!Kamui because she was disobedient? And M!Kamui was treated as a prisoner? Holy crap let me wrap up child Kamui in a warm blanket and take them far away from anything that could possibly hurt them. Or just let Gunther adopt Kamui already please.

Edited by wvype
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I like everything about Gunter, his designs, his personality, his supports... If only he has more support options... ;_; that's why I hate when IS makes a kamuisexual char. If you want to make a Kamuisexual char then do it probably by adding a few more support options please!

Edited by huythekirby
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I like everything about Gunter, his designs, his personality, his supports... If only he has more support options... ;_; that's i hate when IS makes a kamuisexual char. If you want to make a Kamuisexual char then do it probably by adding a few more support options please!

This so much. You really miss out on learning more about characters when they pull that mess. He could've at least had supports with Marx and a couple of the other Nohr siblings and some of the other soldiers.

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Gunter is the second most Jagen of all Jagens with those stats. The only one more Jagen than him is the original himself. In all seriousness though I like that Gunter gets more of a spotlight in the 3rd route and I like how he treats Kamui and helped them have a better childhood to his best ability. I really dislike how he is able to S support f!Kamui though. Seriously why?

Edited by Frelia
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He's already has a permanent spot in my team and I have yet to play the game! Too bad there's no romantic support for M!Kamui since he's the only guy I actually find handsome!

I like your Gregor cri cut-in signature. Rethink about it, Gunter is the oldest playable character in FE Fates.

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Gunter is the second most Jagen of all Jagens with those stats. The only one more Jagen than him is the original himself. In all seriousness though I like that Gunter gets more of a spotlight in the 3rd route and I like how he treats Kamui and helped them have a better childhood to his best ability. I really dislike how he is able to S support f!Kamui though. Seriously why?

Arrans growth rates from 3 book 2 are mostly worse than gunters though a bit better than the original by actually having a growth rate in defence and W lvl but other than that they are identical in growth rates. Arran did have better Base stats than Jeigan... andGunter(?) But I would say third Jeigan for Gunter, as Gunter has promoted defence stance stat bonuses and absolute offence going for him over other jegians. (If i understand correctly stats don't affect defence stance bonuses so Gunter will have the same guard stance from the start and adds hit and +3 damage for the avatar)

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