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Anyone want to join a challenging Awakening Draft?

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  • Chrom and Avatar are free to use, however, their children must be drafted.
  • You may only choose two classes to Second Seal your avatar to.
  • This run will be done on Hard/Classic.
  • No Pair Up whatsoever, unless to "hide" filler characters that you won't be using (i.e Chapter 2 you can pair up units you aren't using to get them out of the way)
  • No DLC or grinding. Paralogues must be done as soon as they are available. Items from shiny tiles or barracks are thrown away. No spotpass items EXCEPT the Second Seal.
  • Snake draft order, and a maximum of 5 people per pool.
  • Children are drafted with their parent with the exception of Morgan and Lucina, they must be drafted to be used.
  • Spotpass-exclusive characters (i.e Gangrel, Walhart etc.) will be banned as they are not available during the main game, however you will be able to draft spotpass characters from previous games (i.e Serra and Matthew). The spotpass characters maps can be done as soon as you are able and you can choose to avoid them completely if you're not interested in using them.
  • There are only 11 child bearing mothers, so in the effort of fairness everyone must have at least two mothers, with the exception of one person. Once someone has drafted a third mother no one else can exceed two.
  • There will be a total of 6 picks from the main cast, with three extra picks being spotpass characters EXCEPT for the person who drafts a third mother, as they will only need two spotpass characters to fill out their team.
  • And one more thing, upon making your first pick, you may choose your ASSET and one class to seal into. The person picking after you may choose your FLAW and your second class. Morgan and any other child of the Avatar can only class into their parents classes and Tactician + your two chosen classes.
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Definitely. At the moment there's no rule against doing a true Chrom solo, which is both really easy and completely shreds any draft not done on Lunatic(+).

I think it goes without saying if you want a challenge you would actually use all the characters you drafted but fair enough.

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This sounds pretty cool. I'm fairly new so I've never seen one of these before. If I were to take part in the challenge how would I share it with you guys? (A playlog, videos, etc.) Secondly when picking someone else's flaw and second class choice are you trying to help or hurt them?

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This sounds pretty cool. I'm fairly new so I've never seen one of these before. If I were to take part in the challenge how would I share it with you guys? (A playlog, videos, etc.) Secondly when picking someone else's flaw and second class choice are you trying to help or hurt them?

There's a daily Reddit thread where people share updates. You can choose to hurt or help them.

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There's a daily Reddit thread where people share updates. You can choose to hurt or help them.

I would love to join the second pool if you still have space. Do you want me to confirm on Reddit as well?

Edited by TheBakonBitz
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I would love to join the second pool if you still have space. Do you want me to confirm on Reddit as well?

You're more than welcome to join on Reddit as it will be held and updated there :)

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1. What if I were to pair Avatar with someone like Anna?

2. I don't want to join reddit just for a draft, but I'll gladly follow along with someone's draft team.

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