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Senran Kagura, Ace Attourney: Dual Destinies writer worked on 3rd path

The DanMan

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The M rating was just due to the content of one case, it would have been silly if Capcom was like "Whelp we already got an M rating, let's have everyone curse like sailors!" And Phoenix and Apollo started throwing out "bitches" and "motherfuckers".

...Now I want an Ace Attorney directed by Quentin Tarantino.

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Evidence muthafucka! Do you have it!?

For some reason, that reminds me of Furio Tigre. Now I want to play a game where you control Tigre, and he has to defend people because he's pretending to be Phoenix.

Plus, his theme is awesome. I'd love to hear a remix of that for his objection theme, haha.

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The M rating was just due to the content of one case, it would have been silly if Capcom was like "Whelp we already got an M rating, let's have everyone curse like sailors!" And Phoenix and Apollo started throwing out "bitches" and "motherfuckers".

Yeah, I wouldn't want them to swear every other sentence, I just found the censoring of that one line really funny and I'd be fine if it was a one time deal. Not sure if it was like that in the original Japanese game or if it was a localization decision. Speaking of localizations...

Capcom localize Dai Gyakuten Saiban please

Edited by Vineron
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Well, putting Dual Destines aside for a moment, saying that he also wrote for Senran Kagura... at least doesn't sound very promising. If that series has strong writing, it certainly doesn't care about invoking that impression. Of course, as someone using currently an Madoka avatar, I am open for surprises.

Edited by BrightBow
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Well, putting Dual Destines aside for a moment, saying that he also wrote for Senran Kagura... at least doesn't sound very promising. If that series has strong writing, it certainly doesn't care about invoking that impression. Of course, as someone using currently an Madoka avatar, I am open for surprises.

this is kinda a dumb comparison. there could hardly be any doubt over what madoka was going to be from the start given that gen was working on it. as a writer he had repute beforehand.

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Is is a good thing that this writer worked the third path ? I mean, I haven't played Dual Destinies but...

Regarding the writer's other series, Senran Kagura, I think the writing there is just really odd. There are some segments with just text and images that are surprisingly good, at least for the type of game it is, but the ones with the 3d models and text boxes are a huge drop in quality and just as bad as you'd expect. In the Hanzo school route, the text segments seem almost completely unrelated to the main story too, and even the ones that are tied into the main story are then generally briefly retold in the 3d models + text boxes presentation. Hebijo route has the text and story tied closer together, without those overlapping segments, but towards the end of the game the entire narrative gets extremely rushed and starts quickly dropping plot devices and cliches like friendship power without any proper build up.

Pretty much this actually. I mean, as much as I like Senran Kagura, the story isn't great at all, the plot actually started out good and promising, but at not even half of the game...

Kinda sad all thing considered, especially if you look at it from the perspective of a first time player.

.. I'm not blind, I know this game is boobs and smash, but still.

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this is kinda a dumb comparison. there could hardly be any doubt over what madoka was going to be from the start given that gen was working on it. as a writer he had repute beforehand.

I dunno, was Urobuchi really that well known before Madoka Magica? Before that all I think he had done was some visual novels for Nitro+ and the Fate/Zero light novels.

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this is kinda a dumb comparison. there could hardly be any doubt over what madoka was going to be from the start given that gen was working on it. as a writer he had repute beforehand.

Sure, if you actually know who Urobochi is. Otherwise the series quite deliberately presents itself in a very misleading fashion.

In my case, I know nothing about Senran Kagura or Yukinoro Kitajima, so technically speaking I cannot exclude the possibility that those games' unimpressive presentation is concealing some of the finest writing in video game history.

Of course, my money is on Senran Kagura's presentation being perfectly honest about itself.

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not at least tangentially being aware of saya no uta before madoka hit as a weeb is like not being aware of the fact that final fantasy 3 US is actually ff6.

but that's besides the point, you were talking about being aware of the writers beforehand and work they were associated with anyway. even passing knowledge of what saya no uta or phantom of inferno ARE already means there are misgivings. even pre release the internet was awash with people going "saya no uta's writer" and a single click would already send off warning bells.

Otherwise the series quite deliberately presents itself in a very misleading fashion.

yeah its not like the first 5 minutes is spent on anything that could cause suspicion at all, let alone homura shooting up qb. it has quite purposeful and apparent intent to convey that "things are not as they seem" right from the get go.

the only thing misleading is the OP.

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yeah its not like the first 5 minutes is spent on anything subversive at all.

There was a deliberate effort to mislead the audience, which is why for example the studio tried to kept Urobochi's involvement a secret and why Mami is the only character who resorts to shouting attack names.

Do we need to have an argument about Madoka just because I want to be at least open for the possibility that Senran Kagura might be more then meets the eye, even if just so that I don't look like a complete fool if someone actually proves it to be true? Edit: Because that is really all that I wanted to express by mentioning Madoka.

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I'd typically be averse to doing this in a fates thread but people saw fit to complain about the plot of dual destinies for like 3 pages earlier. So whilst if you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to get into an argument about it, I don't see the harm in disagreeing over some tertiary factor. For the record I do like the show (even though it took a rewatch to come to appreciate it and to realise I had been overfocusing on it's flaws), but I just don't see how that was a good comparison at all.

Like if we were even remaining in the same subgenre, something like Nanoha S1 is way more subversive because it actually pretends to be a 100% generic monster of the week mahou shoujo anime for like 4 episodes before the interdimensional time police show up. Madoka does no such thing. I mean, the OP doesn't even play first, the very first scene of the entire series is the post catastrophe scenario with typical SHAFT wannabe Utena Shinbo-isms. Then its only like 10 minutes before Homura is sounding off like a broken record about DO NOT BECOME A MAGICAL GIRL. There is no attempt to mislead the viewer.

Statements like

There was a deliberate effort to mislead the audience, which is why for example the studio tried to kept Urobochi's involvement a secret and why Mami is the only character who resorts to shouting attack names.

are grasping as fuck. Urobochi's involvement was pretty public and in press releases along with Yuki Kaijura doing the OST and Ume Aoki doing character designs. It was a selling point. Attack name yelling can't distract from the other blatantly apparent warning signs. Any false pretenses can only come from an ignorant audience.

And just fyi, SK's plot is pretty much what you'd expect from an action game selling itself on big ninja titties, according to my most reputable of sources.

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Dual Destinies was definitely a lackluster title for me. Blackquill's platitude-ridden dialogue really tried my patience, Apollo's character development was all just a huge tease, and the game's attempt to sell that tacked-on "dark age of the law" was laughably bad. (Especially considering that both PW1 and AAI2 had already used the same theme to much greater effect.)

Doesn't give me much hope for the Third Path.

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