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The Witcher 3 vs Fire Emblem Awakening

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Cool. Personally, I happen to think Dark Souls is better than Animal Crossing.

I mean, if you wanted to make a topic about The Witcher 3, great, but...what exactly is this?

You do cross a number of things in Dark Souls and there are some evil animals! You could call it.. Dark Crossing!

Is hit.

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Dragon Quest VII is better than Awakening

Actually, a lot of things are better than Awakening.

I haven't played Witcher 3 so I wouldn't know about that one but yeah whatever helps you sleep at night.

By the way, Marisa isn't even the most attractive of the main six Touhou characters! Youmu beats her by a landslide!

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Dragon Quest VII is better than Awakening

Actually, a lot of things are better than Awakening.

I haven't played Witcher 3 so I wouldn't know about that one but yeah whatever helps you sleep at night.

By the way, Marisa isn't even the most attractive of the main six Touhou characters! Youmu beats her by a landslide!

I think I would be... really impressed if you played Witcher 3, like not even kidding.

Well, you'd need a ps4 for DQH, so you may as well, lmao.

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I think I would be... really impressed if you played Witcher 3, like not even kidding.

Well, you'd need a ps4 for DQH, so you may as well, lmao.

Watch as I proceed to never play it

And just keep playing Touhou for the rest of my life

By the way, Touhou is better than Awakening!

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You could make the argument that Witcher 3 and Awakening are both RPGs, both Eastern RPGs in fact. (Granted, one of them is a JRPG) But that argument still wouldn't work because one of them is an action RPG and the other is a Strategy RPG. It's unfair to compare them.

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The cum-ridden tissue I threw out earlier was better than Awakening.

Unfair comparisons aside, why even bother? Awakening was such an absolute poor entry aside from a few mechanic standpoints to the point where literally anything else is better than it.

Edited by NICKTâ„¢
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Watch as I proceed to never play it

And just keep playing Touhou for the rest of my life

By the way, Touhou is better than Awakening!

Didn't you say the exact same thing about Touhou?

In fact, I'm quite certain you did.

Don't sound so obsessed, yeah?

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Cool. Personally, I happen to think Dark Souls is better than Animal Crossing.

I mean, if you wanted to make a topic about The Witcher 3, great, but...what exactly is this?

It's a new trend on FFtF

(Anything) vs Fire Emblem Awakening

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Unfair comparisons aside, why even bother? Awakening was such an absolute poor entry.....to the point where literally anything else is better than it.

I haven't played many FE games, but if you think Awakening is that bad, you should become a Metroid fan and then play Other M. How high can the salt levels go?

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I haven't played many FE games, but if you think Awakening is that bad, you should become a Metroid fan and then play Other M. How high can the salt levels go?

Challenge accepted it, I'll get around to it, come back in a couple years.

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Boston the Crab is a character from Romancing Saga 3. He's a crab. He's a martial artist. He's a water mage too. He looks kinda like Zoidberg. Guys would you recruit a Crab person in your crew of crazy people to close the Abyss Gates? I know Harid would, because he's a cool dude. Harid's got a sword, and like, it's a sword. It's called Falchion, not to be confused with the fire emblem weapon. Cool stuff is cool, did you know that little factoid of life, it's a neat little thing that you'd do well to remember. Seaking of remembering, remember that one thread I mentioned way back in the dark ages where I was like "Oh, I'm so sleepy, that I'm drunk, AKA depressed," well take depression out of the equation, not you just get drunk Nexas and his soberness, since he doesn't actually drink, I mean what kind of 17 year old would drink on a daily basis, you'd have to be pretty fucked up for that kind of thing. Have another fact, I'm not even looking at the screen right now, I'm typing this all out blindly, so if there's a typo, bame the jewish robot mafia, they're responsible for a majority of the things that I say or do in this facility, like, oh man, they're weird people, I'm pretty sure like, Ethlin's a big part of it, she's like the leader of it all. Guys can we hold a conspiracy theory about Ethlin, she's cray cray, also Sigurd and Cuan are gay for eachother. Clearly my fanfiction is of 100% better quality than that of a dumbo butt like yourself, since like, a Sigurd and Cuan pairing is totally original and stuff, I mean, I've never heard that one before. Then again, that's the truth, I've never seen anybody pair up those 2 guys. Pretty sure Ethlin's just a baby maker at this point, I mean, why else would she hang out with a mediocre unit such as Cuan, then again, Cuan is like, made of pure sodium, steel, and stupidity, since like he;s a cool dude. Truth be told, I've never even played FE4, all I know is that Cuan and Sigurd are gay lovers, Ethlin is the leader of the Jewish Robot Mafia, and Azel is a piece of shit. At this point I'm just sleep typing, how the fuck am I still doing this this, better yet why, it's like 2:10 AM...WAIT SHIT NO IT'S 4:10 AM, oh man I just realized that it's July 23 2015, School is approacheth the day so I may go back, jesus the summer went by fast, didn't it, I mean, ouch, I barely passed the school year, and now I'm moving on to 11th grade, I'm so glad about these turn of events.

MUSIC: LINBLUM (I THINK THAT'S HOW YOU SPELL IT) - FINAL FANTASY IX (aka a good game for the PSX you should play it because it's good.)

I end things off with a reminder to remind me to remind you guys to remind me to never type while sleeping again, it's a shitty idea, wouldn't you agree.

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I haven't played many FE games, but if you think Awakening is that bad, you should become a Metroid fan and then play Other M. How high can the salt levels go?

I think the salt comes from there not being a mainline Metroid game in years, not that Other M was mediocre.
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Boston the Crab is a character from Romancing Saga 3. He's a crab. He's a martial artist. He's a water mage too. He looks kinda like Zoidberg. Guys would you recruit a Crab person in your crew of crazy people to close the Abyss Gates? I know Harid would, because he's a cool dude. Harid's got a sword, and like, it's a sword. It's called Falchion, not to be confused with the fire emblem weapon. Cool stuff is cool, did you know that little factoid of life, it's a neat little thing that you'd do well to remember. Seaking of remembering, remember that one thread I mentioned way back in the dark ages where I was like "Oh, I'm so sleepy, that I'm drunk, AKA depressed," well take depression out of the equation, not you just get drunk Nexas and his soberness, since he doesn't actually drink, I mean what kind of 17 year old would drink on a daily basis, you'd have to be pretty fucked up for that kind of thing. Have another fact, I'm not even looking at the screen right now, I'm typing this all out blindly, so if there's a typo, bame the jewish robot mafia, they're responsible for a majority of the things that I say or do in this facility, like, oh man, they're weird people, I'm pretty sure like, Ethlin's a big part of it, she's like the leader of it all. Guys can we hold a conspiracy theory about Ethlin, she's cray cray, also Sigurd and Cuan are gay for eachother. Clearly my fanfiction is of 100% better quality than that of a dumbo butt like yourself, since like, a Sigurd and Cuan pairing is totally original and stuff, I mean, I've never heard that one before. Then again, that's the truth, I've never seen anybody pair up those 2 guys. Pretty sure Ethlin's just a baby maker at this point, I mean, why else would she hang out with a mediocre unit such as Cuan, then again, Cuan is like, made of pure sodium, steel, and stupidity, since like he;s a cool dude. Truth be told, I've never even played FE4, all I know is that Cuan and Sigurd are gay lovers, Ethlin is the leader of the Jewish Robot Mafia, and Azel is a piece of shit. At this point I'm just sleep typing, how the fuck am I still doing this this, better yet why, it's like 2:10 AM...WAIT SHIT NO IT'S 4:10 AM, oh man I just realized that it's July 23 2015, School is approacheth the day so I may go back, jesus the summer went by fast, didn't it, I mean, ouch, I barely passed the school year, and now I'm moving on to 11th grade, I'm so glad about these turn of events.

MUSIC: LINBLUM (I THINK THAT'S HOW YOU SPELL IT) - FINAL FANTASY IX (aka a good game for the PSX you should play it because it's good.)

I end things off with a reminder to remind me to remind you guys to remind me to never type while sleeping again, it's a shitty idea, wouldn't you agree.

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