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Street Fighter V Thread


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They've specifically stated their avoiding more Shotos, so I'd say Dan is definately out. Sagat may not be in immediately either. The cast is supposedly to supposed to be between SF IV and SF III, so I'm assuming most of the returning cast are from SF III. We still have yet to see even one SFIV char, whom Capcom have basically guaranteed. Again, Alex and Urien are also supremely hinted at. My guess is honestly Alex, Urien, Akuma, R. Mika and either Q or Sakura, which are both wishful thinking from me D: They may throw Guile in as well, given the massive changes to Charley's playstyle so he isn't a Guile Clone anymore.

Good to know. I'm hoping that the "avoiding shotos" means no Akuma (I really don't like that guy for his overpoweredness and overusage online in every Street Fighter game), though with him being the 3rd most popular in that Street Fighter poll, I guess that's likely not happening (well, he could still be excluded from the base 12 veterans). I'm at least hoping he'll be much more balanced and fair if he is in.

So the other 5 base version veterans will be Street Fighter III and IV characters? I'm guessing that Juri and C. Viper would be the likely picks for IV. I don't know too much about Street Fighter III to be able to give proper input, so I'll trust your personal predictions for it.

As for Guile, I can see it going either way, especially with how much Charlie has been changed up. Plus, Guile is plenty important in the Street Fighter storyline and plot compared to most characters. I also doubt that Guile wouldn't be around story-wise with news of Charlie appearing and not being dead like everyone thought.

I know it won't happen, but i'd love the appearance of some Street Fighter EX people haha.

Well, even though the current news is stacking up against it, there's always later DLC. I know that I'd be psyched for Guy and Dan to be confirmed playable for Street Fighter V.

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Street Fighter EX chars are owned by Akira...I think. They aren't owned by Capcom and unlike Karin where the rights are a bit different and Capcom can basically use her as they please unless it violates the licensing rights, they'd have to work out a licensing agreement to get the EX chars, which makes them very unlikely to come back ever.

On another note, the BETA is out for PS4. It appears there are a lot of 3rd strike tactics going on and damage is very high (full optimized combos can do upwards of 60%).

Also, all the win quotes I managed to dig up from what was posted on Skullheart:

Nash to Bison: "I came back to kill you! Nothing more, nothing less..."
Nash to Ryu: "That's the power of the Satsui no Hado? I expected more."
Nash to Birdie: "You've managed to become an idiotic pig. What's the point of you staying alive?"
Nash to Nash: "What's happened to my body?"
Nash to Cammy: "If you were HIS servant, you are just as guilty. Prepare to repent."
Nash to Chun-Li: "Get in my way again, and I'll kill you where you stand."

Chun-Li to Bison: "As long as Shadaloo exists, I'll keep fighting!"
Chun-Li to Ryu: "You've gotten stronger since we last met. Keep it up!"
Chun-Li to Chun-Li: "My Kung Fu cannot be defeated by a mere imitator!"
Chun-Li to Nash: "Hands behind your back! You're under arrest!"
Chun-Li to Cammy: "You've really sharpened your skills. Wanna go another round?"

Birdie to Nash: "That face! Did ya get those scars goin' against Shadaloo, Mate?"
Birdie to Cammy: "I think I recognize that face of yours. Hey, you one of 'em Dolls, ain't ya?
Birdie to Birdie: "You got guts for tryin' to steal my food! But don't think you can get away with it!"
Birdie to Ryu: "A fight's just another type of food! There's no meaning to it, mate!"
Birdie to Bison: "I'm done with Shadaloo! You're just another enemy now!"

Cammy to Nash: "I've heard about you. You're coming with me."
Cammy to Birdie: "Too slow. Did you think you could catch me?"
Cammy to Ryu: "I gained a lot from this fight. I have to rethink how I train."
Cammy to Cammy: "I've already decided. I will not run from my past."
Cammy to Chun-Li: "Training with you is always helpful. I look forward to next time."

Bison to Nash: "You should consider it an honor to fall by my hand twice!"
Bison to Ryu: "You are worthless suppressing the Satsui no Hado. Die."
Bison to Chun-Li: "I'll send you to meet your father. But the price is your very life."
Bison to Bison: "Trash. Nothing but a low level impostor."
Bison to Cammy: "With death, all is forgotten. Pain, suffering, and even the past."
Bison to Birdie: "Ridiculous. Did you think worthless scum like you could challenge the great M. Bison?"

Ryu to Chun-Li: "You've been working on your combos, I see. Nice moves!"
Ryu to Nash: "The path of vengeance may not lead to the answers you seek."
Ryu to Birdie: "Huh, you want food? Well, I've got some Natto."
Ryu to Ryu: "I am no longer plagued by doubt. Confidence will lead me forward."
Ryu to Cammy: "Hmm, transforming speed to power. That way of fighting suits you well."
Ryu to Bison: "You're strong. Nothing more."
Ryu to Ken: "This isn't finished yet. Right, Ken?"

Ken to Ken: "Looks like you can copy my moves. Too bad you can't copy my power."
Ken to Birdie : “Boy you can eat ! But where the heck are you pulling that food from ?”
Ken to Charlie : “Man, you’ve changed. Looking a little rough around the edges these days”
Ken to Ryu : “Ho, I enjoyed fighting with you. Wanna go another round?”

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But the question still remains does Ryu still want some pound cake?

In all seriousness I'm surprised people don't have unique quotes against Ken except Ryu.

This is all the quotes we've dug up. Not all the quotes that exists. Adding in that Ken and Nelcalli aren't available in the BETA yet and Nelcalli hasn't been available to play anyway yet, so its only partially complete.

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Street Fighter EX chars are owned by Akira...I think. They aren't owned by Capcom and unlike Karin where the rights are a bit different and Capcom can basically use her as they please unless it violates the licensing rights, they'd have to work out a licensing agreement to get the EX chars, which makes them very unlikely to come back ever.

I actually thought that Street Fighter EX and Street Fighter Alpha were the same thing for some reason. Disregard my post about EX characters likely being in.

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Aww... Ycine beat me to it.

But I'm really psyched that he was actually among the base 16 chosen to be playable without unlocking/downloading. He's my main and most favourite character in the Street Fighter series. Gotta love that fancy, formal Spaniard with the quick, brutal claw attacks. =D

It's really awesome that he's actually revealed on the day of my birthday celebration. =D

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It's really awesome that he's actually revealed on the day of my birthday celebration. =D

hahaha, happy birthday~

I'm really psyched for Vega too, he's one of my favorite characters to play as. He's looking really awesome in V, both in terms of appearance and what he can do.

This makes me really curious of how they would do Dhalsim :O

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Playstyle - wow that looks really nice. Like, "I'd pick up the game just to fiddle with that" nice.

Aesthetics - I wouldn't call that "beautiful".

Edited by eclipse
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Holy crap Vega looks great. Looks like I'm going to be playing Necalli, and Vega when the game comes out. Speaking of Necalli, what's with these trailers, and having new characters beat up the last one revealed. It's like everyone is jealous of someone else the spotlight.

I'd like to agree with Eclipse that Vega hardly looks beautiful. There's something off about his face.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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Welp, beat me to it. It'd be a pain to go over everything since the Trailer got revealed here already, so here's an official breakdown of his playstyle if you're all interested.


He appears to be a stance character now, with the mask affecting his playstyle instead of just being a piece you could knock off that affected very little like in SFIV. They're making his appearance play more heavily into his fighting style but he remains largely the same with his mask on. His V-Trigger allows him to do combos via a rose throw like Dudley's Taunt in previous games.

Might be good to update the first post with some of this info or have some sort of master post at some point with all this info. It's quite a lot to dig through XD

Edited by North888
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Welp, beat me to it. It'd be a pain to go over everything since the Trailer got revealed here already, so here's an official breakdown of his playstyle if you're all interested.


He appears to be a stance character now, with the mask affecting his playstyle instead of just being a piece you could knock off that affected very little like in SFIV. They're making his appearance play more heavily into his fighting style but he remains largely the same with his mask on. His V-Trigger allows him to do combos via a rose throw like Dudley's Taunt in previous games.

Might be good to update the first post with some of this info or have some sort of master post at some point with all this info. It's quite a lot to dig through XD

Thanks for the informations.

So we will be switching beside Claw/Fist. That sounds tricky.

His V-Trigger looks more like a Combo Finisher to me but we will see about it during the Gamescom.

Edited by Ycine
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Welp, beat me to it. It'd be a pain to go over everything since the Trailer got revealed here already, so here's an official breakdown of his playstyle if you're all interested.


He appears to be a stance character now, with the mask affecting his playstyle instead of just being a piece you could knock off that affected very little like in SFIV. They're making his appearance play more heavily into his fighting style but he remains largely the same with his mask on. His V-Trigger allows him to do combos via a rose throw like Dudley's Taunt in previous games.

Might be good to update the first post with some of this info or have some sort of master post at some point with all this info. It's quite a lot to dig through XD

Stances, huh? That sounds rather complex, and not beginner friendly at all. Looks like I'll be sticking to Necalli then.

Thanks for the info North.

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Welp, beat me to it. It'd be a pain to go over everything since the Trailer got revealed here already, so here's an official breakdown of his playstyle if you're all interested.


He appears to be a stance character now, with the mask affecting his playstyle instead of just being a piece you could knock off that affected very little like in SFIV. They're making his appearance play more heavily into his fighting style but he remains largely the same with his mask on. His V-Trigger allows him to do combos via a rose throw like Dudley's Taunt in previous games.

Might be good to update the first post with some of this info or have some sort of master post at some point with all this info. It's quite a lot to dig through XD

Stances? Like Gen's crane and mantis stances? Interesting. Well, I was able to do really well with Vega when I picked him up even though I barely knew how to do his specials at first, so I'm guessing despite not getting down stances at first, he should still be easy enough to do well with due to his range and speed.

Uh... what parts do you want me to put in the OP? Just new character reveals and/or the technical elements to each of the new characters revealed?

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As far as the stances go, its more like he alters his moveset between claw and no claw. It changes the effects of certain moves, but you can still knock the claw off of him, which removes it the whole fight.

As far as the OP goes, anything you feel needs pointing out. You could just C+P the whole list of quotes and the entire info dump if you wanted, and then some stuff on Vega, possibly just the link. Doesn't have to be everything, but don't put too much effort.

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Alright, I updated the OP. I think I covered the important bases for it.

And the claw gets lost permanently this time around, just like in the older games? Hopefully it won't be as rough to use him without the claw as in the older games and hopefully the tradeoffs in his clawless form compared to his clawed form are relatively equal.

So with Vega's reveal, I wonder what this means for the rest of the veteran roster reveals. I mean, is the Street Fighter III and IV veterans rumour still holding up? Vega still technically is a Street Fighter IV character, but most people thought that they were talking about the newcomers for those two games being in the base 16 of Street Fighter V.

Edited by Randoman
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Almost forgot, Happy Birthday "You'll Never Know Who I Am..." Randoman!

With Vega confirmed I think the Shadaloo veterans will follow as well.

So my guess will be Balrog/Boxer and Juri. Maybe Seth.

As for SFIII characters... I don't know... There is not a lot of them but wich one will come back? I have no idea.

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Almost forgot, Happy Birthday "You'll Never Know Who I Am..." Randoman!

With Vega confirmed I think the Shadaloo veterans will follow as well.

So my guess will be Balrog/Boxer and Juri. Maybe Seth.

As for SFIII characters... I don't know... There is not a lot of them but wich one will come back? I have no idea.

Can't forget about Sagat. Even though he's not Shadaloo anymore he's still an OG.

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To address everything:

Vega can take the claw on and off. Enough damage to him while he has the claw on will knock if off and become unusable.

The director/producer of SFV has hinted many times about the return of SFIII characters. At this point, we've probably run out SFIV vets. Given what's been hinted, Balrog/Boxer and Sagat will most likely not be coming back at the start, with Birdie effectively taking Balrog's spot in the roster at this point.

Akuma and other Shotos are coming down the line. They wanted to avoid Shotos at the start and focus on the core cast, so chars like Sakura, Dan, and Akuma will most likely be later on.

We still have the other 3 newcomers and 4 vet slots left. Again, given the hints these will most likely be 3-4 returning SFIII chars with ties the Illuminati. Based on the Udon comics and the game's available characters, the SF world's Illuminati is going to play a big role in who gets in.

IMO, Vega is the last Shadaloo member we'll be getting in the initial roster. If we get anymore it will be Balrog or Juri. Seth, being a Big Boss, is not likely to return. If anything, given the theming, he'll be replaced by Gill. Keep in mind no one in the cast really directly goes against Balrog and if anything Juri makes most sense given the Illuminati's power and her Feng Shui engine.

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The director/producer of SFV has hinted many times about the return of SFIII characters. At this point, we've probably run out SFIV vets. Given what's been hinted, Balrog/Boxer and Sagat will most likely not be coming back at the start, with Birdie effectively taking Balrog's spot in the roster at this point.

Akuma and other Shotos are coming down the line. They wanted to avoid Shotos at the start and focus on the core cast, so chars like Sakura, Dan, and Akuma will most likely be later on.

We still have the other 3 newcomers and 4 vet slots left. Again, given the hints these will most likely be 3-4 returning SFIII chars with ties the Illuminati. Based on the Udon comics and the game's available characters, the SF world's Illuminati is going to play a big role in who gets in.

The director himself? Ah. I thought it was rumours. Well, that's good to know.

I actually like that they're only having Ryu and Ken in the base 16 among the shotas (it's only right that they keep the 2 playable characters that started it all). Even if they the shotas are among the most popular, I really think that having a wide variety and diverse set of characters for the base game is the best way to go in terms of appealing to a bigger variety of people and giving people the most of their money. Of the 9 characters they've released so far, they've definitely got a diverse set of fighters and fighting styles, though I do think they should have at least 1 or 2 more big characters (not that I wouldn't mind if Birdie was the only big one in the base 16, but for variety purposes, I think it'd even things out).

So North, do you have any hopes/wishes for the remaining 3 newcomers? Since it's kind of hard to narrow down/predict what the newcomers will be like, I'm interested in hearing your personal wishes. That, and you haven't really said much about your personal wishes regarding characters. I actually haven't even heard you mention your favourite Street Fighter characters in this thread, which I want to hear from a veteran of the series.

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As far as the newcomers go, all I have is the leak to go by. Nelcalli is Aztec, which is cool already, but I kinda don't have anything specific. We don't really have any form of a zoning character yet, so maybe one of those?

As far as chars I want back, Q. PLEASE. D:

I'd also like to see Hakan and Juri from IV maybe, and more of the Mad Gear chars and maybe Cody. Overall, the char I want the most is Sakura and to see how they'd age her up given the other age changes they gave to the rest o the cast.

Edited by North888
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