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My Personal Fears for Fire Emblem If/Fates


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What kind of accent is Xander supposed to have? I'm confused~

I wouldn't worry about Pieri speaking in the third person in English since that tends to be dramatically toned down in localizations. If I'm right, Nowi only did verbally in one of her victory quotes ("Nowi wins!"). The only other times are in text when buying or selling at a shop, which I found good because they did tone it down, which is well appreciated, while also not getting rid of it completely.

I dunno, maybe British? :B Cuz you know, it would match his countenance a great deal...? All knightly and junk. NOHR SHOULD HAVE BRITISH ACCENTS!

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I dunno, maybe British? :B Cuz you know, it would match his countenance a great deal...? All knightly and junk. NOHR SHOULD HAVE BRITISH ACCENTS!

Well, they're Western, and I guess most people may think European/British with how they're designed and the themes and the like, but that would be like saying all the Hoshidans should have Asian accents, wouldn't it (not that I would mind either way, but...)?

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I dunno, maybe British? :B Cuz you know, it would match his countenance a great deal...? All knightly and junk. NOHR SHOULD HAVE BRITISH ACCENTS!

But british accents are for the bad guys and Xander is not a bad guy Duh!

why does horseback knights = British Anyway, especially with the conquering empire vibe Nohr has and their geographic location.

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Well, they're Western, and I guess most people may think European/British with how they're designed and the themes and the like, but that would be like saying all the Hoshidans should have Asian accents, wouldn't it (not that I would mind either way, but...)?

Having Hoshidans with Asian accents would be neat, tbh.

So... every fire emblem needs British voice actors?

Yes. Yes they do.:B

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