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Fixing Fates story issues (spoilers)


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They're are twenty two playable characters in the Nohr version, including Jakob, Felicia and Flora, but not the Avatar, Azura or Kaze. So if you don't bench anyone, you have 25 characters not including children. You might not be able to get away with feeding all the EXP to Robin, Robin's S-Rank and Morgan like you could in Awakening, but it seems to me like you'd have enough without children.

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They're are twenty two playable characters in the Nohr version, including Jakob, Felicia and Flora, but not the Avatar, Azura or Kaze. So if you don't bench anyone, you have 25 characters not including children. You might not be able to get away with feeding all the EXP to Robin, Robin's S-Rank and Morgan like you could in Awakening, but it seems to me like you'd have enough without children.

There are 27 playable characters in Nohr, not including children. Getting rid of Azura, Camilla, and the Awakening Trio leaves 21. Blazing Sword had 44 characters. Sacred Stones had 33, not including Creature Campaign exclusive. Awakening had 30, not including children, spotpass, or DLC.

Edited by Gomez_Addams
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But then you have another 22 or so Hoshido characters. The total number of usable characters, including the ones that die in some routes like Crimson, is 47 without including children, Amiibos, Anna or capturable bosses/units. The number of cast members was designed to include the third route, rather than choosing Nohr or Hoshido.

Edited by Phillius
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Here are some ideas I have for my retelling:

  • Have Hoshido start the war
  • Make Elise and her retainers help out people in Nohr
  • Have a few more characters from Touma
  • Make Kamui related to the Hoshido siblings by blood
  • Have Aqua related to the Nohr siblings by blood
  • Give Kamui a twin sister who was also kidnapped
  • Scrap Garon being a slime monster and instead be the real Garon
  • Limit Aqua`s knowledge on Touma
  • Have Ruyoma be more weary of Kamui being raised by the enemy nation

That`s all I have for now, but I might come up with more ideas later. Others have probably already had the same ideas, but what can you do?

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Though I don't want to admit it but it seems Camilla and Hinoka can be axed. Ryouma and Marx are the influential older brothers and are too plot relevant to be killed. Leon is done well from what I heard and so is Takumi. Both younger brothers are serious and tactical which parallels the characters. Sakura and Elise are both the cornerstones of the family because they bring joy and happiness and are determined to help the family. Camilla and Hinoka both parallel by loving Kamui. Camilla fights for Kamui and Hinoka fights for Kamui. Thats pretty much it. Other than supports its very Kamui centric. I haven't played so its a bit early but from what I've seen the characters haven't been integrated as well in the story which warrants an axing.

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On another note, are any of you going to touch on what happens after the events of the game? As warm and fuzzy the Invisible Kingdom ending makes me feel inside, I have my doubts that the long-lasting and very hateful relationship between Nohr and Hoshido is going to disappear because Xander and Ryoma shook hands over it.

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Hoshido's royal line is wiped out, others in its government slain, and after its ravaging it's conquered. Kamui wears his mother's crown as if he earned it.

Call me crazy, but I'm beginning to suspect that you'll be writing for the Nohr route.

Also, that's hecka grim...I like it!

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On another note, are any of you going to touch on what happens after the events of the game? As warm and fuzzy the Invisible Kingdom ending makes me feel inside, I have my doubts that the long-lasting and very hateful relationship between Nohr and Hoshido is going to disappear because Xander and Ryoma shook hands over it.

For me, the end results of the Nohr and Hoshido will be similar, with differences in who died and who was in power at the end. Obviously, tension between to countries won't simply evaporate but I prefer to have the story wrap up by... well, the end of the story.

The ending of Nohr will have Marx become King of Nohr, Hinoka as Queen of Hoshido and Kamui as the Nohrian official in charge of a section of Hoshido that was annexed into Nohr. Maybe for Hoshido, Kamui or Ryoma/Hinoka will be married off to either Camilla or Leon, in order to secure the Nohrian throne.

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Which is something the people working on 40k should've taken to heart, but I digress...

I asked this awhile ago, but how much writing/scripting/whatever has everyone done thus far? Sorry about all the questions, I'm just curious about how everyone's coming along.

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I asked this awhile ago, but how much writing/scripting/whatever has everyone done thus far? Sorry about all the questions, I'm just curious about how everyone's coming along.

I am currently still working on the first chapter, as my rewrite is still in it`s planning stages.

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Which is something the people working on 40k should've taken to heart, but I digress...

I asked this awhile ago, but how much writing/scripting/whatever has everyone done thus far? Sorry about all the questions, I'm just curious about how everyone's coming along.

I've written the dialogue for the prologue and first two chapters, along with a series of other chapters here and there. I wonder where I should post it as I complete it.

I nearly cut myself on your edginess there.

Grimdark for the sake of grimdark is never a good idea.


Name: Darcness

Class: Soul Reaper

Likes: Blood, knives, killing innocents, King Garon-sama

Dislikes: Love, Justice, Hoshido, my mom

Original character for my Nohr retelling, do not steal.

Caution: These edges are SHARP

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Okay, so I've been working on prf weapons for the female royals. The lore's still a work-in-progress, but here's what I've got.

Kriemhild (Axe, Camilla): Mt- 15, Hit- 70, Crit- 0, Avoid- 0, Rng- 1 (+2 to Spd, Skl, Def and Res when in Guard Stance)

Aslaug (Staff, Elise): Hit- 70, Rng- 1/7 EXP- 20

(idk how to describe it in game terms, but it's like using the turret command on a Ballistican, but it gives them the freeze effect rather than doing damage)

Hachijin (Naginata, Hinoka): Mt- 10, Hit- 75, Crit- 10, Avoid- 10 (Nullifies Flying Weakness)

Omoijin (Baton, Sakura): Hit- 100, Rng- 1/10, EXP- 40 (Removes Stat Debuffs)

Sacred Lance (Lance, Azura) Mt- 11, Hit- 80, Crit- 0, Avoid- 0 (+4 Magic while in Possession, Magic weapon, +20 Crit Evade)

Edited by Phillius
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Ok I think I got a role for Camilla. This is just a suggestion but I think it could expand more on her character.

Lacking a mother Camilla took on that role for the siblings. She generally dotes for all her siblings and often gives advice to them and advice is asked from her. She isn't Kamui specific as well. Camilla is also extremely driven and takes her father's dream of bringing Nohr out of famine etc etc.

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Which is something the people working on 40k should've taken to heart, but I digress...

I asked this awhile ago, but how much writing/scripting/whatever has everyone done thus far? Sorry about all the questions, I'm just curious about how everyone's coming along.

I will probably post the first few chapters here if thats ok. Also this will be invisible route. I may add character profiles if I tweaked them. Suggestions welcome and if you have any ideas I will try to implement them in. Away I go!

Chapter 1

Really similar to the beginning of Fates. Introduction to Kamui and the Siblings of Nohr. Kamui has a lot more freedom than in the original which makes his loyalty to Nohr stronger as he has met the people etc.


Units: Kamui, Leon (only to show tactical side as well as to explain battle system)

Chapter 2

Similar to the original again. Kamui wants to prove his worth to his father. VS Suzukaze and Rinka.

Boss: Suzukaze and Rinka

Units: Kamui, Gunther and Cyrus (he was visiting his best mate Kamui. Is Gunther's adopted son/apprentice and has a sibling rivalry with Joker).

Important notes : Camilla is revealed to be his[Garon] favourite. Iago is introduced (remember Iago is female and a secret concubine of Garon's) Gains the gangalari sword.

The siblings are shocked that Garon ordered Kamui to kill the enemy. Garon is usually nice. Suspect the war has taken the toll on him.

Chapter 3

To amend for his disobedience Kamui and Co go with Ganz to complete a mission. They go to the valley/bridge and clash with Hoshidese?(LOL not sure)

Boss :Mos(ninja guy)

Units :Kamui, Gunther and Cyrus, Ganz (allied)

Important notes: Ganz still betrays. The Nohr siblings come to the rescue like in the vanillas.No lilith. They fall through the crevasse and survive. the canyon is just a canyon. For now (or forever). Scene where the Nohr siblings are sad and there is a mourning event for Kamui held in Nohr organised by Garon and Camilla.

Chapter 4

Saved by Rinka and Suzukaze. Awesome scene where Rinka breaks rocks with bare hands and carries the horses while Suzukaze uses ninja powers to save Kamui and Co. Suzukaze's reputation allows the group to go the Hoshido unhindered though the group is vilified for being Nohrians. Kamui meets Mikoto and Ryouma for the first time and emotions etc. Takumi sends a messenger to call for help against enemy ninjas.

Boss: Kotarou (hooded)

Units : Kamui, Gunther, Rinka, Cyrus, Suzukaze.

Allied : Takumi, Ryouma, Hinata, Oboro

Important notes: Takumi is initially suspicious of the rescue party since it has Nohrians. Ryouma makes Takmui less anxious. Takumi is life debted to Kamui after this incident. Hinata is injured and Oboro is protecting him (guard stance). First appearance of Kotarou and Fuuma who are apparently allied with Hoshido.

Chapters 5-7 (7 being the where he joins no one)

Sorry for the font inconsistencies. Not use to doing this on here but hopefully you like it so far.

Edited by SonPancham
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Well, I'm doing Invisible so far so no Hoshido story yet. Garon's shift in nature (kind -> cruel) and Kamui's connection to his family are reasons I guess. Maybe kamui will feel a desire of revenge for Garon killing his father, coupled with the fact that Hinoka has brought news that Garon has been doing atrocious deeds. I may do the later chapters today if I have time.

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So, has anyone here thought out leaders to be put into Hoshido or Nohr?

One character I'm thinking of would be a daimyo of Western Hoshido. His territory's position puts it at the forefront of countering attacks from Westerners. Having a noticeable military force puts him in a serious position to get leeway for how he conducts his operations.

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