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A (possibly) MINDBLOWING THEORY (Maybe)

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Soooo. I'm asking this, because in browsing forums, I didn't see anyone else notice this. This may be because it's common knowledge and I'm just not in the know, but I thought it was worth bringing up.

So, it's probably common knowledge that Odin, Luna, and Lazward are each really Awakenings Owain, Severa, and Inigo, respectively. So, we have three representatives of Awakenings second generation.

Alternatively, we have some other interesting individuals. There are three children of Fates second generation, known as Gurei, Matoi, and Syalla. They each bear a striking resemblance (basically identical) to Awakenings Gaius, Cordelia, and Tharja, respectively.

Now we have three representatives from each generation of Awakenings cast.


One more character shows up! Lucina as an Amiibo! That gives us four in the child generation, and three in the adults.

Back in Awakening, in two DLCs called the Summer Scramble and the Hot-Spring Scramble. Each one was made for the two generations, the former for the adults, the latter for the children. In each of them, there was a popularity contest, picking out four from each generation.

Guess who won the popularity contest? Gaius, Cordelia, Tharja, and Chrom for the adults, and Owain, Severa, Inigo and Lucina!


The only one that doesn't show up is Chrom. Hmm.

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Because, Chrom didn't get an Amiibo

This theory isn't exactly mind blowing, unfortunately, since it's been discussed and beaten like a dead horse about as much as Camilla's design.

I personally find interesting tho that they swapped the gens tho, but only since myself and several others predicted that.

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Clearly the shame of not being playable in Smash has left Chrom in a spiraling depression, thus why he does not return as a playable character in Fates. He only appears in a DLC which takes place prior to the start of Awakening, thus before his very soul was crushed by Sakurai.

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It's a solid and widely accepted theory, just not a mindblowing one XD

But you did good to figure it out by yourself.

I already guessed Subaki and Saizou would bear Awakening 1st gen characters after Syalla was leaked.

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Damn, I was sort of hoping for something that'd patch up the story.

I wonder what's gonna happen if all those three win the popularity contest again - are they gonna appear in Fire Emblem 15? No rest for the wicked.

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Damn, I was sort of hoping for something that'd patch up the story.

I wonder what's gonna happen if all those three win the popularity contest again - are they gonna appear in Fire Emblem 15? No rest for the wicked.

Remember that there are also children slots for Shara, Gurei and Matoi.

On a serious note, I think if there is a popularity contest, the royal siblings and Aqua will probably take the cake. Though yeah, I would highly appreciate if the result, whatever it is, will have no bearing on the decisions for the cast of the next game....

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Genealogy of the Holy Owain (No seriously, I've heard someone theorising that Owain's going to get his own story after Awakening.)

Odin, Lazward and Luna are their Awakening selves. Particularly, the ones who were present in both the doomed future and the past where they defeated Grima. Odin and Lazward's support conversation talked about as much.

So either they didn't marry, or they divorced, or they accepted polygamy as their fate. Man, now that makes me want a story where those three are the villains, fighting against their angry spouses. Or they can murder each other, Nohr royaty-style.

Chrom is just... unfortunate. Who'd have thought being a standard swordfighter (who isn't even Marth-styled, unlike Leaf or Roy or... Lucina) would essentially knock him off the top tier (of favouritism) in both Smash and FE?

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Remember that there are also children slots for Shara, Gurei and Matoi.

On a serious note, I think if there is a popularity contest, the royal siblings and Aqua will probably take the cake. Though yeah, I would highly appreciate if the result, whatever it is, will have no bearing on the decisions for the cast of the next game....

Yeah, you and me both.

Still, while it's true that some more prominent characters become more popular, I wonder if that's gonna be the case this time around too. Kamui will probably be the favorite since they're an extension of the player, but all there are still eight more siblings plus Azura to take into consideration as well. Judging by the admittedly very informal poll on this forum, Flora is in the lead for the female first gen.

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Remember that there are also children slots for Shara, Gurei and Matoi.

On a serious note, I think if there is a popularity contest, the royal siblings and Aqua will probably take the cake. Though yeah, I would highly appreciate if the result, whatever it is, will have no bearing on the decisions for the cast of the next game....

Agreed. Like, I would be fine if they were to say, make a DLC where said characters cameo. Like if they had instead of putting the Awakening characters in fates, had those characters show up in the Awakening DLC like Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick do. DLC is the the place fan service like this, not the actual game.

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Clearly the shame of not being playable in Smash has left Chrom in a spiraling depression, thus why he does not return as a playable character in Fates. He only appears in a DLC which takes place prior to the start of Awakening, thus before his very soul was crushed by Sakurai.

They better make the Nohrian siblings 1 character and the Hoshidan siblings 1 character with down special to change character (like with pokemon trainer in Brawl).

Smash must become Super Smash Fire Emblem xD

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