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What are the best Dragon Quest games?

Magical CC

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Well, I want to get into the Dragon Quest franchise but there are too many DQ and they all seem to be similar. I dont know where should I begin. What are the best DQ games for ds and psp? Starting with the best of the franchise is a nice start, I think.

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DQV is probably my favourite game ever, so that'd be the obvious one recommend. I always suggest people play the PS2 version if they find it at all possible, the soundtrack really does make it all worth it. But there's nothing exactly wrong with the DS version, so that's a good place to start nevertheless.

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DQ IX is pretty fun, if a bit grindy (that really is the whole series, to be honest). But it has a lot of references to previous games that may go over your head if you are new to the franchise (standout being a certain sequence of events which the player dons the armor from the original game for reasons).

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As suggested, DQV is a really good place to start. Go for the DS remake, it's absolutely the definitive version of the game. It's snappy enough, has a lot of interesting hooks, the best storytelling/plot in the games, and a great soundtrack to boot.

I would recommend against starting with VIII, seeing as it's a huge game, but there have been a lot of people who started with it and loved it, so who knows. IX is a good one too, as is IV, but I think V is the most well-rounded of them all and the best way to ease into the franchise.

Edited by Nightmare
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I played only V and VIII, mostly because was searching for fantasy setting games that contained childhood friend romance stories, and the ones in these games were absolutely adorable in my opinion.

By the way, does anybody else prefer the 1st ending to Dragon Quest VIII rather than the 2nd one? I mean, the first one is where

the main character hasn't discovered his ancestors, but the king and the princess show much greater strength of character in the final scene, when they oppose the arranged wedding even before the main character arrives. The princess even says she would rather marry her horse than that jerk of a prince!

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By the way, does anybody else prefer the 1st ending to Dragon Quest VIII rather than the 2nd one? I mean, the first one is where

the main character hasn't discovered his ancestors, but the king and the princess show much greater strength of character in the final scene, when they oppose the arranged wedding even before the main character arrives. The princess even says she would rather marry her horse than that jerk of a prince!

I'm inclined to agree, the first ending actually made it seem like Clavius tried to teach Charmles a proper life lesson. Although it was pretty satisfying to see him just outright say to Charmles' face that he isn't the rightful groom in the true ending.

It's still a heartwarming closure, if a bit underwhelming considering what you have to go through to achieve it.

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As suggested, DQV is a really good place to start. Go for the DS remake, it's absolutely the definitive version of the game. It's snappy enough, has a lot of interesting hooks, the best storytelling/plot in the games, and a great soundtrack to boot.

I would recommend against starting with VIII, seeing as it's a huge game, but there have been a lot of people who started with it and loved it, so who knows. IX is a good one too, as is IV, but I think V is the most well-rounded of them all and the best way to ease into the franchise.

Oh my god, where have you been!?

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Dragon Quest III and V are the most critically acclaimed by most sources. Though I personally think that Dragon Quests III-VI and IX are all solid and awesome. I personally haven't played Dragon Quest VII and VIII. As for Dragon Quest I and II, they're a bit too grind heavy, though I personally enjoyed them (not as much as the ones I listed in the second sentence, though).

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i have played the DS versions of 4-6 and 9, and the gbc versions of 1-3 (1 and 2 are on the same cartridge and will technically play on a plain gb, but they have no color if you do that). Here are comments, from most to least liked:

5 has a great story and good gameplay with a "mons" element. I don't want to spoil too much, so just go play it. please.

9 felt like a single player MMO. It was still quite fun though, and i am i giant softee for class based game-play, which this one has in spades. The story has good bits, but is ok overall

6 has a generic plot, but the gameplay is pretty good (although not nearly as good as 9's)

4 starts with an incredibly novel concept story wise, but this only applies for the first third or so, and then the plot gets REALLY generic. Gameplay wise, it's just 5 without the mons element. It also lacks the "party chat" feature that adds a ton of characterization to 5 and 6.

the GBC version of 1 cuts out most of the grinding, and the result is bite sized. It's simple, sure, but with less than 10 hours of gameplay, it still ends up as a nice little morsel.

3 has a class system, but i found it clunky. This game is also the definition of "no idea where to go without a strategy guide".

2 is pretty much 3 without the class system.

I have not played 7 or 8 as they were never released on a system I own.

About the DS versions:

4, 5, and 6 all recycle the same engine (which is based on 7's), and most of the same assets. Also, the localisers for all for DS dragon quest games apparently decided that fidelity to the japanese text was not as important as cramming the script full of puns, alliteration, and the occasional reference. I personally think that they succeeded brilliantly.

Edited by sirmola
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DQ 8 and 9 are great. You can get DQ 9 on DS, but the free DLC and expansions may not be available anymore. DQ 8 is on PS2 and its probably the most complex of the games. It's got a lot of great stuff going for it including monster taming and such! It's the game I started on and I love it. DQ 9 is great as well with a great set of stories and fun post game content and multiplayer locally. Too bad DQ8 and DQ7's 3DS ports aren't being localized. YET THE DYNASTY WARRIORS DRAGON QUEST GAME IS! WUT?!?!?!

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It also lacks the "party chat" feature that adds a ton of characterization to 5 and 6.

IIRC they just didn't want to go through the trouble of translating all that, but afterwards decided to translate it for the iOS version of all things.

Edited by Topazd
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I suggest that you play the ones on DS, I personally recomend you DQ5 and DQIX.

There's Dragon Quest VII on the 3DS,but he didn't came outside of Japan, there's was a translation. but it was apparently stopped by Square. I don't recomend to start with DQVII or DQVIII, because those are huge huge games.
Seriously, take a DS game, heck, even pick a SNES rom, see if you love it, and if so, devour all the others games, then nerdgasm.

Warning, playing the fan-translated DQ5 and DQ6, then playing their DS counterpart can be bad for your health. :p

Ah DQIV and the lack of party chat in localized versions, it still make me grumpy. :/

Party chat on DQV/VI is, basically, that each time you interact with something or someone, you can talk to you party member and, they comment on what happened. It's very nice, and add a lot of development.

Edited by B.Leu
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