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Hi everyone


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How is everyone doing? Me, just hanging in there. Well, I'm not too good at intros, so bear with me.

I just have to say that I like Fire Emblem games, cant wait to play the newest one, the dark dragon. I am a lover of fan fics, mugging and contests. Well, have a good day, hope I make alot of friends here. :P

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We have our own sitcom.

You can pay the Fireman to do whatever for 10,000 gold.

We like foxes, and valkyries.

Feel free to burn the forest down.

If you need a Fireman, just look for the biggest fire.

Fox was elected queen.

Ilyana ate the king that never existed.

Don't crash through glass windows.

Don't change your username to God.

Bianchi, Metal Rabbit are the myths of Serenes

You get no sympathy from Ike

Bianchi will make Lyle do anything for you if you give her a cookie

The chat is blackmail hell

Arc will Rickroll all youtube links

Lyle and Bianchi run the Serenes Awards, and Lyle will turn into a maniac if you try to say otherwise.

You can get drunk in Fireman's Tavern, get alcohol poisoning at Hotel Masu, and be rushed to Songbird's hospital all in one night.

If you have an alternate identitiy, we have a group therapy meeting every thursday.

The Ball was the biggest non-modded topic ever.

All Intro Topics get spammed.

70% of new users leave after seeing what the regulars do in their intro topic leave.

Kiryn is the Chosen one.

TLS loves all women.

Half the people here have avatars made by Princess Kilvas.

Princess Kilvas will kill you if you ask for her age or if you call her PK.

Gatrie is everyone's brother.

If you think you're good at Brawl, Mac will show you otherwise.

Serene can do any kind of roll at will. He specializes in Barrel Rolls.

Feel free to have a relationship with someone in the forums.

Feel free to mock those with relationships in the forums.

The Sitcom Stocks are plummeting.

We have our own game in the works.

It's WAAY too late to sign up for the game.

If you have power, feel free to abuse it for 'lol's

Vincent is planning his own downfall in secret.

Ask as many stupid questions as you like.

Prepare to be ridiculed if you do.

^This is the generic newcomer's welcome. Pretty much all you need to know is in there.

Also, Welcome to the forest! I will be your Dual Wielding Noble for the duration of your stay.

Lyle Dayek at your service.

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Lol, thanks you all. I already feel at home. ^^

I was planning about making a story here soon, about SF peeps, with you all as cast (Well, the ones that one to participate) But I dont wanna spam, I guess I will just post details in the writing section later. If you are interested though and cant wait to say yes, you can go ahead and pm me.

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Hello, I'm Anna the Tutorial Girl, Chaos Incarnate!

I shall provide all the Chaotic tutorials that you will ever need!


*Whispers to Okorina* No she isn't she is Crystal Chanda Leir

Welcome Okorina!! In about 10 days or so I will be your


2.Big Boss

3.Ocelot the Viper


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