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Fire emblem Fates DLC question


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So previously I asked If you had 2 physical copies of the game would you get the bonus of the dread fighter and dark falcon and if the game would recognize the two as the two games and would give you the bonus. The answer was no. Now I will ask If you have 2 physical copies of the game will it make you buy double the DLC, the reason is because I like to have physical copies rather than one digital and one physical so I'm asking just in case the special edition doesn't come out in the U.S.

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I assume it would still make you buy the DLC if the two are separate versions. I don't think there is anyway to cross-reference the games together so that you can buy and download DLC on say the Hoshidan Path for Duelist Museum, and be able to download the same mission on the Nohrian Advance without paying. However I might be wrong - Intelligent Systems may surprise us. Well, there's only one way to find out and that is to wait until the sacred future of Fates' release in countries outside of Japan.

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The standalone DLC? I think it should work for both actually, since there aren't separate versions of the DLC for each physical version of the game (and they'll be stored in your SD card anyway, rather than the game cart itself).

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