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5 Third Party Characters, you think would work in Smash


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We have Sonic the Hedgehog, Pac-Man, Megaman, Ryu and we've had Snake before.

Outside of these particular 5 who do you think would work as well and why? Clear explanations may help people understand your choices! Also this thread is purely hypothesis and fun, so just have fun!

My personal picks? Wellllll..

Also will put pictures of the character in Spoilers

#1 Simon Belmont;


Castlevania I-IV and others were huge hits on pure Nintendo consoles, sure Castlevania saw arguably its greatest game (Symphony of the Night) on that of the PS1, but Castlevania has always seemed to lean more Nintendo in terms of what systems they are on, although it became more of a tug-of-war later on with Sony.

Regardless, Simon Belmont is seen as a Nintendo classic character despite being owned by Konami, I'd say he shares that limelight with Megaman, He'd have a very unique moveset with his whip and subweapons, he could also probably borrow stuff from the other Belmonts such as Trevors Curse of Darkness flame based attacks, Richters Item Crashes, and Julius's pure badassness, plus not to crawl away from his attributes such as his very controllable whip from IV and his pure blood bound determination, although which look of his they'd use is a different question, his old Conan one? Or his later Red haired look.

#2 Lloyd Irving;


Tales of Symphonia which is regarded as one of the better RPG's on the Gamecube and has a cult following, was really fun and its combat emulates smash somewhat in how specials are done, the game has alot of locales to choose from that could clearly be used in smash. Namco already has stakes in this game and the Tales team is part of the development team onboard, along with Team Soul.

Lloyd himself is a dual wielding Swordsman *Has veggies thrown at him* WAIT HEAR ME OUT, he'd be quite different then the previous swordsmen, Lloyd was all about speed, he was self taught, has very aerial based moves and a projectile and waves, he also has some very acrobatic spins and twirls, I feel Lloyd would fit right at home in smash with his more flashy moves.

#3 Shantae;


WayForwards Half-Genie Half Human Belly Dancer has tons of potential at her disposal and that she's been on mostly Nintendo consoles, her fame is growing more and more, and her various moves in her Metroidvania like games could lend themselves well to smash.

While she may not be able to use her animal transformations in Smash, the various gadgets she uses in Pirates Curse when she teams up with her mortal foe Risky Boots, could work and she uses her hair for combat as well, theres also the classic Pike Balls, she'd play like some weird mixture of Simon Belmont and Link most likely.

#4 The Hero: Dragon Quest V


Dragon Quest has been huge in Japan, and has had moderate success in the west, I feel if they added ANY of the protagonists, it would be the main character from V, seeing as V is oftened lauded as one of the better if not the BEST dragon quest, the various spells, moves and the fact that the OA depicts him with a staff could lend way to a more bo staff/magic type character which would be pretty darned awesome.

Also he has no offical name, but going by how DQ8 made their default name Eight, maybe he'd be Five

#5 Terra Branford


Do I even need to explain how big the final fantasy series is? Terra Branford was the main character of Final Fantasy 6, or 3 as us in the west FIRST received it, she is a really talented mage in a dark steampunk world where Magic is considered taboo and is practically nonexistent, I feel she'd be a pretty good representation of the Pre-Sony Final Fantasy, that was all on Nintendo consoles, and how FF6 is often regarded as one of the absolute best RPG's of the age.

Terra has tons of magic, and daggers and various other short weaponry at her disposal as well as her Esper abilities which could lend itself to some powerful magical abilities.

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You've already said 2 of my 5, and you gave perfectly good explanations for them, I'd simply be repeating.

Simon Belmont


Shovel Knight- I love Shovel Knight, his game and character is the perfect homage to a lot of Nintendo games of the past, like Zelda, Mario, and also to Megaman and Castlevania, while also feeling fresh and new. I also really think an indie game character would be a great addition to Smash, it would give some Nintendo some positive publicity for recognizing smaller companies in a big way. As for why Shovel Knight specifically? Well, of all the Indies, I think either he or Shantae probably deserve it the most, though I think others should show up as trophies maybe. Shovel Knight encapsulates Nintendo more I think, with the tone and feel of his game, and the attention to detail in trying to emulate the NES. Also, I haven't played Shantae yet, want to, but it's still on my to-do list. I enjoyed Shovel Knight so much, which is saying something because I suck at a lot of platformers.

Siegfried- I've only played a few Soul Calibur games, and I couldn't tell you too much about its plot really, but it seems like Siegfried is probably the most prominent character. I do really love the series though, I like it's character creator and gameplay. I pick Siegfried for a number of reasons. First, Link appeared in Soul Calibur 2, so it'd be like returning the favour. Second, Capcom got a character from their fighting franchise, so Namco can have one too. Third, there's not a lot of characters who use ice. I know that last one's weird, but meh, I'm running out of ideas.

Bayonetta- I think she counts as a third-party... Anyway, if Snake can get in, I don't see why she can't. Nintendo can probably make her moveset a little more G-rated, less stripping mid-battle. I haven't actually played Bayonetta or 2 yet, but considering what Nintendo has done for her financially, and what she has done for Nintendo critically, I think she deserves a spot. Her moves look flashy and fun, I can't see her not fitting in.

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Very solid choices, also I'd encourage you to pick up Bayonetta 2 (which comes with 1 prepackaged), it's like Devil May Cry's combat but even more frantic sometimes, also has its own unique spin on stuff, like Witch Time and other factors.

Also I had a feeling someone would say Shovel Knight haha, didn't take long at all! Good reasoning

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- Was actually on a Nintendo console recently unlike most FF chars
- Has boatloads of psychs he could use in his moveset; could probably even use his dash (since it's invincible and stuff at the beginning) as his dodge
- Comes from objectively the best game to grace the Nintendo DS system

honorable mention to Sora:
he seems like the sort of character who would do well as a nintendo character, and unlike actual Final Fantasy protags, has had games on Nintendo systems in the recent past

(that being said he's yet another swordie, and even if you use his spells and shit there's already robin)

other than that A Castlevania Rep would be sick, even tho I haven't played the games I can appreciate their importance and popularity

Rayman just because of the "leak"; I think his inclusion would be hilarious

as much as I think it'd be cool to see a character like Shovel Knight or someone in Smash I'm not really sure he has a place there...and besides, there's a more worthy candidate:

GOKU. 'nuff said. Most serious candidate on this list. Totally.

idk I don't play many games

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Crash Bandicoot would fit in well. It would be great to have Nintendo's, Sega's, and PlayStation's mascots in a single brawler game. But sadly won't happen since Sony are still pumping out gaming hardware, unlike Sega.

I think Knuckles the Echidna would also go down well. Some would like to see Tails, but I can't see him working so well. Amy though, with her hammer, maybe.

Snake should return.

Can't really think of any other significant characters I'm interested in.

Edit: Aw shit nigga Goku should get in 4 reals.

I didn't play much Rayman but he'd also be a pretty interesting fighter.

Edited by Raven
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I think Knuckles the Echidna would also go down well. Some would like to see Tails, but I can't see him working so well. Amy though, with her hammer, maybe.

tails would be great imo; he can fly and everything just give him multiple jumps

[spoiler=he'd be a very unique character]OJlP6x7.png

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- Was actually on a Nintendo console recently unlike most FF chars

- Has boatloads of psychs he could use in his moveset; could probably even use his dash (since it's invincible and stuff at the beginning) as his dodge

- Comes from objectively the best game to grace the Nintendo DS system

honorable mention to Sora:

he seems like the sort of character who would do well as a nintendo character, and unlike actual Final Fantasy protags, has had games on Nintendo systems in the recent past

(that being said he's yet another swordie, and even if you use his spells and shit there's already robin)

other than that A Castlevania Rep would be sick, even tho I haven't played the games I can appreciate their importance and popularity

Rayman just because of the "leak"; I think his inclusion would be hilarious

as much as I think it'd be cool to see a character like Shovel Knight or someone in Smash I'm not really sure he has a place there...and besides, there's a more worthy candidate:

GOKU. 'nuff said. Most serious candidate on this list. Totally.

idk I don't play many games

Neku, yeah I've heard alot about TWEWY, which Refa is getting me to playing here sometime in the future.

Sora would actually work very well in Smash imo.

Rayman could do some interesting stuff too, I haven't played his games in years.


Crash Bandicoot would fit in well. It would be great to have Nintendo's, Sega's, and PlayStation's mascots in a single brawler game. But sadly won't happen since Sony are still pumping out gaming hardware, unlike Sega.

I think Knuckles the Echidna would also go down well. Some would like to see Tails, but I can't see him working so well. Amy though, with her hammer, maybe.

Snake should return.

Can't really think of any other significant characters I'm interested in.

Edit: Aw shit nigga Goku should get in 4 reals.

I didn't play much Rayman but he'd also be a pretty interesting fighter.

Crash would make a trifecta wouldn't he? I'm surprised he wasn't in Playstation All-Stars, what truly pisses me off about that game though is that Dart from the Legend of Dragoon was planned as DLC and even given art, then they canned it.

Knuckles I'd really agree with, he has tons of moves at his fingertips such as the drill claw, Thunder Hammer, heck you may be able to even give him the Fire Dunk from Heroes just with fireballs and not Sonic & Tails lol.

I agree with most of OP's choices.

Just that I'd choose Crono from Crono Trigger over Hero from DQ, and Shovel Knight over Shantea.

Funny thing is I was going to put Crono in there, but then I thought oh hey Dragon Quest, I mean I love Chrono Trigger don't get me wrong, I just see more moveset potential from the Hero in V then I do Crono, despite his various amazing katana techniques and thunder magic.

Also I can see why people would want SK.

I only want Bomberman. I don't know if I want any other 4 third parties.

Bomberman! He'd fit right in, has tons of fun moves and abilities all the way from the original all the way up to Jetters. I always loved Bomberman Hero and 64

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But goku and frieza are already in smash remember?

In all seriousness I would kill to see Simon Belmont get in and it totally makes sense he could be a killer ranged and zone fighter with his whip and many projectiles.

Others I could see working.

1) Ken from Street Fighter. I mean his theme is already in the game along with his trophy and having the two go at it in smash on suzaku castle would be awesome. Even if people claim he's a "clone" theres enough they could do to differentiate his moves even from just SFIV.

2) Bayonetta. Especially given Platinum Games heavy involvement with Nintendo now in days I don't see how this couldn't work. Guns would obviously be her projectile and she would be focused on speed and combos. Think Shiek with guns and witchcraft/climax attacks for final smash.

3) Bomberman. Several titles on Nintendo systems where he was arguably the best. Could have a moveset that resembles Pac-Man's but with bombs and larger hitboxes.

4) Banjo Kazooie. Pretty much got famous on Nintendo systems before he went downhill. Enough source material for an entirely different moveset.

Thats all I can think of for now.

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- Comes from objectively the best game to grace the Nintendo DS system

You haven't played Bangai-O Spirits. Your use of the word "objectively" vexes me.

My five votes go to.....

Literally any character from Sin and Punishment 2: Sin and Punishment is one of Nintendo's best franchises, and it is loaded with characters that would provide unique fighting styles. In fact, you can grab 5 fighters from the antagonists alone.

Orion Tsang: A master of psychokinesis with a forcefield shield, teleportation, and long range attacks.


Armon Ritter: A shapeshifter who can transform into mutated marine life forms.


Hibaru Yaju: An expert swordswoman with close and long range attacks.


Ariana Shami: A shaman who attacks with invisibility, cloning, pillars of water, exploding flowers, time-manipulating ravens, and large rocks shot out of portals.


Commander Deko: Leader of the Nebulox. Has a gravity gun, rapid-fire canon, a scarf that transforms into a dragon, and can fight hand-to-hand as well.


The best part? All of these characters already have Final Smashes. (Final level spoilers.)


EDIT: Oh wait, this is THIRD-party characters. Nevermind.

EDIT 2: But then again, no one actually plays Sin and Punishment, so they're practically third-party anyways.

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Well, I'm personally not so sure about most of these, but...

Classic Rayman (..not to be confused with the more recent Lunatic-Rayman).

Guy's got a wide range of moves and abilities, suitable for Smash.

Also, he's french.

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Terry Bogard. Five Terry Bogards.

Alternately, Geese Howard so I can yell "THE GEESE IS LEESE" when he's confirmed.

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