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Anyone else have to restart lunatic mode?

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I made it to chapter 16 in lunatic mode, and it was over. I made the fatal mistake of overusing Lon'qu and Frederick. I realized I was in deep shit and scrambled to level up my other units to level 20 before I master sealed as I limped through levels leading up to chapter 16, but it was too little too late. Frederick officially sucked (I knew it would happen sooner or later), Lon'qu can actually get hit and die, skirmishes and paralogues would destroy me, etc. So I'm restarting. Any other stories of having to restart?


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I'm assuming the similar posts are a mistake on your part...

And I can honestly say that what you did seems like a very, VERY bad mistake to make on literally all levels. Relying exclusively on a whole two units when maps can have upwards of 50 enemies at a time is just begging to have the world and the sun against you. Frederick I can kinda understand for up to chapter 4, but not Lon'qu...

You are better off buying the Golden Pack DLC and getting all of your units up to par as soon as possible.

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It really depends on the units. Those who who snowball easily (Robin, Panne, Nowi, Morgan, Robin!Lucina) are typically pretty safe investments. Since Lunatic over Hard is largely about giving the enemy big stat and quantity boosts (there is some different positioning, but usually it comes in the last turn of reinforcements), a unit just needs to get far enough ahead of the enemy stat curve to tank entire maps to death. Any non-Fred unit can technically achieve this, but require significantly more effort than the aforementioned units. Lon'qu is likely not overleveled enough if he is struggling to stay alive at this point.

In short, low-manning is usually one of the safer and more effective ways to get through Awakening (or many other previous Fire Emblems), just because of the way stats and the enemy stat curve work.

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Frederick I can kinda understand for up to chapter 4, but not Lon'qu...

You are better off buying the Golden Pack DLC and getting all of your units up to par as soon as possible.

Lon'qu wrecked everyone's crap when paired up with someone who gave him decent speed/skill bonuses.Bear in mind that he became a swordmaster very early on. Eh, it wouldn't feel right to use dlc to beat the game, it would feel to me like I cheated.

In short, low-manning is usually one of the safer and more effective ways to get through Awakening (or many other previous Fire Emblems), just because of the way stats and the enemy stat curve work.

right, but it's not as fun for me. I like having several units to use (even if it's harder).

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right, but it's not as fun for me. I like having several units to use (even if it's harder).

I tend to prefer that when I know I can get away with it too. The explanation was more of a counterpoint to the declaration that relying on a low amount of units (which is what it sounded like you were doing) isn't actually a bad idea. Well, aside from Fred being one of the overused units, anyway. Out of curiosity, what did you do with your Robin?

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If that Robin was the equivalent of mine during my first-ever Lunatic run, I can understand why he/she would be shoved off to the side. But Chrom should be half-competent, at least. . .right?

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Get d'em Dread Fighters asap = Smash.

Honestly, though. As soon as Don Don has Sol and high enough stats, solo (pair him with Chrom, obv) and stay on the gate tile, using a forged 1-2 weapon. With luck, he can beat it. Switch him to DF, grind for Paragons and DF Scrolls using Book of Naga. This will even the playing field a lot more, and shouldn't make you feel you've 'cheated.' That said, I've completed plenty of no grind runs of Lunatic. Just finished one where my final team consist of all children, even. Well, I'm stuck on the final chapter, as their not anywhere near stat perfection, but I'll fell Grima soon. Aether Sniper Sumia with Brave Bow can get him down to half alone, but I screwed up pairing Lucina with Kjelle.

Edited by Xylaugheon Daily
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