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Only vote in the characters of FE14.

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You know, if we're not allowed to ask you why, and you're not going to tell us why, then I see no reason to.

Fire Emblem needs more villains, and using exclusive class villains, like Black Knight, Zephiel (Despite those 2 being sword users.), and Hardin (Who I really want), seems like a more logical thing to do, rather than looking to have yet another FE lord join the game. There's too many main characters, and Robin is basically a lord as well, given how he's treated.

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this is an fftf thread right

Seriously, why did you feel the need to make a new thread about this, especially if you don't actually want to have a conversation?

I personally am completely unwilling to vote for characters of a game I not only have yet to play, but have yet to even spoil myself on, and would much rather vote for characters I do care about, but maybe that's just me being unreasonable.


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Do not believe me, a brief rumor is not 100% yet legitimate, contribute in the vote that will advance me in programming the characters.




May announce or not? I know nothing of what will happen Friday.

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A lot of Chrom poses in the images reminds me a lot of Roy.

Could be really good photoshop. I could probably make something similar in 6 hours of work. The thing that makes me believe it's a hoax and gives it away is image 2. It has really weird shading and Chrom doesn't have a shadow.

Who knows maybe they're just planning to have a Chrom costume for Roy. Which makes 0 sense.

EDIT: Though I don't know if shadows appear on the platform upon jumping in Smash I need to check.

Edited by ~Summer~
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That's pretty much exactly the ending of Roy's f-air animation.

Either somebody's already figured out custom models, or Sakurai decided that instead of making another Marth clone, they'd make a Roy clone.


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I'll not allow the weaboo takeover of fe to extend into smash bros...again

Especially if you don't wanna talk about it

I always thought a Mage should should join the fray,like maybe Pent,or Soren

That kinda happened with robin,but more could be done;and even if I don't like them,hector and ephraim have been suggested for smash for years

Alternatively,how about a promoted Lyn,with bow and sword?

Or a Hero,,Gerik,perhaps,running around with an axe,with some defensive shield based moves?

So many possibilities,that there's no way Chrom of all people should be running around as a Marth

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Literally all those animations belong to Roy. The Chrom model exists in the game, how hard would it be to reassign it to Roy's? I recall that in Melee you could hack the game and swap models and movesets.

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How do people want to see Ephraim or other mounted characters? Would it be better if they were just unmounted for Smash, or?

Lances could be fun


A lot could be done with it

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It's 240p.

Of course that shouldn't instantly discredit it.

But if I knew a video was lying around I would've said it's more likely a model swap like what's said. The Wii U has been already hacked before there's a video lying around where they hacked Marth's grab range. So it's not farfetched that they swapped Chrom's model.

Also once again adding Chrom doesn't make sense.

EDIT: oh man i got called a bitch i am so offended ;~;.

Edited by ~Summer~
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