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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 1


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"Thank you, thank you so much!" Sidney felt a swell in pride, barely containing her urges to boast and instead observing the match. "What's even going on here? Are the fights usually like this here?"

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El Fight

Arnet nodded. "Yeah, they hold them every week or so, it breaks up the monotony a little. You never know who's going to win, sometimes it's the underdog." he replied. The fight itself was still rather dull, they were probably drawing it out for as long as they could manage. At last, the swordsman seemed to drop his parry as he stumbled backwards. Falling to his knees, the crowd cheered, his opponent brandishing his axe enthusiastically.

"Damn, looks like we lost on this one! I'm sure if you skip out, you can get away with not paying. It's not like they'll chase you down."

Wise Words

"Rightly said, young master. You've grown to become a dependable young man." Jeeves replied, standing politely in place. "I do agree, the circumstances are rather strange. I recall seeing the younger Dettard whilst visiting with your father several years ago. Perhaps a little loud, and a terrible shot, but not a malicious child."

Uncertain Origins

The blacksmith seemed slightly uncertain, as if he were struggling to remember how he obtained the blade. "Now that yah mention it, I don't really know when I got that thing. It was about a month or so ago, but that's it. Looks pretty potent, nobody's wanted to buy it though, gives off some bad vibes." Looking at the tome and coins on the table, the blacksmith reached to grab Angus' purchase from the rack.

"Just a sword an' a lance? Want the other blade as well? I'll knock a little off the pricetag if yah throw the book in."

Simon, man of the sea

"Yarr, that be mighty appreciated. I be going back home to Magonsaete, I be headin' west to the coast. Me dingy be tied to the dock, I be hoping it still be there!" Taking an axe from the chest, along with a pile of parchment, Simon approached Doug and his mount. "That be all, lad. I be ready to go when ye be."

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Sidney frowned at the swordman's defeat, but Arnet's response made her smirk. "Sounds like a plan to me... thanks a million, you hear? Maybe we'll meet again some day!" Sidney snuck her way through the gathering crowd at the entrance, all trying to collect winnings while she deftly moved herself to the exit instead. The battle seemed to be over, so she made her way up to her royal employers, somewhat oblivious of the newer folk there. "Hiya, you two! I took the liberty of, ah... freeing some of the fallen bandits of their money! They won't need it anymore anyway, so we're pretty much entitled to it. You could, uh, buy something cute for your hair or something, Sandy. Who're these other people, anyway?"

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Fortune did not favor Cassandra, as a shrill (to her ears) voice came upon them, Cass not to subtley shifting over behind Adele. "And that's my latest concern," she whispered to her friend, trying not to make eye contact with the thief. Sidney couldn't resist talking to her, though, as she heard that accursed nickname spring forth once more, sending an unpleasant shiver down her spine. "It's. Cassandra. I will not respond to you if you refuse to call me by my name." The heightened emotions from earlier had left her, so she sounded nothing more than slightly annoyed, as much as she wished she could put on airs. "And I don't need you trying to curry favor with me. I can find my own odds and ends for my hair." She couldn't avoid huffing at that. There was nothing wrong with her hair, anyway!

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As a new girl wandered up, Niko barely managed to hide his smile as she started to antagonize the princess right off the bat. Judging by her response, it seemed like this was something of a running issue. Seeing as how she had asked about the new people, he grinned and held out a hand. "My name is Niko. I'm leader of the mercenaries that Lady Adele, the woman next to the princess, hired to help make sure the prince was ok. And you are?"

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"Aww, have some fun! What's wrong with nicknames?" Sidney protested. "The hair thing was just a suggestion, anyway. Just thought you would all appreciate knowing that I have increased our funding! What's wrong with suggesting something for your hair? A little accessory would look cute, that's all."

But she was much more interested in someone who was not nearly as condescending. "You're a mercenary? I'm Sindey- nice to meet you, Niko! Oh, but I was just saying how fun nicknames are, wasn't I? Alright, you can call me Skittles, and you'll be... hmm. Niko's such a short name it's hard to make a nickname out of. Okay, so the princess doesn't like cupcake much, how's that one sound?"

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Cassandra rolled her eyes. "If it will get you to stop calling me inane nicknames like cupcake," which she was glad Sidney was thrusting onto someone else, "Sandy, or anything in between... You may call me Cass." She kept her arms folded like always, trying not to look over there, but eventually glancing at Sidney to gauge reactions. "As for my hair... I suppose. But my hair is fine the way it is. It's already cute."

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Niko struggled to not laugh at the somewhat ridiculous banter going between the two and shook his head. "Seems like this is a bit of a running thing between you two, huh? As for nicknames... Cupcake wouldn't be the worst I've ever had I suppose. If it makes you feel better to call me that, go ahead. So tell me Skittles, how did you get attached to this group? No offense, but you don't quite seem to fit in with them."

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"Cass... alright, fine! Works for me for now. But I'm sure I'll convince you on Sandy some day, it's really great," Sidney told the princess, adamant her preferred nickname would eventually prevail. "Your hair is pretty cute! But don't you think it could be even cuter? A nice bow can really accentuate these sorts of things!"

Niko seemed to have much better nickname sensibilities, even using Skittles! "Then cupcake it is, cupcake! I'm a brave treasure hunter, seeking fortune across the lands and I've found my way here... nah, just kidding. I'm a thief, and they need... thiefy things done at the mansion of this Baron or some such. And you can't get arrested as easily when you can say "I'm with the prince," so it works out... not that I get caught often, anyway! Only once."

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Niko raised an eyebrow. "Only once, huh? Hmm, well, I'm sure that you enjoy working for the prince and all, but if you're ever looking for a job, the Reliants can always use someone of your skills. We probably can't pay as well as a prince, but I suspect on average our lives are more interesting."

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"Sandy will never grow on me." Cass was resolute in that, and wished for no other names to be called at her other than Cassandra or Cass, at the least. "I suppose a bow would look cute..." she mumbled, unfortunately agreeing with Sidney, as much as it pained her. But really, even Cass realized she was just being petty at that point. Sidney was throwing out niceties-- in her own, special way, and Cass was just being grumpy. "Well, if you must buy me something, make sure it matches my dress. It wouldn't do to clash, even if it was a gift." She could feel that faint redness coming onto her face, but it was fine! This wasn't an argument, it was just... Talking. Nothing wrong with that.

It did seem though, that Cass might not have to deal with Sidney for much longer, as this Niko tried to muscle in on her. Well, mercenaries were mercenaries, and it did seem suspicious that a group of two would be an entire group. Cass was about to ask why the group was so small, before the will drained from her, as Niko finished talking. She looked away from them and bit her lip, turning away from the group entirely. "Yes, yes, go run off and help them, better out of my hair than stuck in it." She didn't sound offended, or even her normal haughty, just... Defeated. "I'll be laying on the grass across the bridge, if anyone needs me." Without looking back at them, she went and found a comfortable patch of grass to place herself on, sighing and closing her eyes.

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Niko raised an eyebrow. "Huh, I woulda bet money she didn't like you but looks like I might have been wrong. Anyways, this isn't an offer for right now, obviously. We're both working for people with the same goal, so there's no need to deal with it right now. It's more just of a thing for the future. So not even a need to answer me now."

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Angus shakes his head.

"I'll pass on the sword, thanks. Now that I think about it... I'll just stick with the lance." The squire sweeps about half of the coins back into the purse before continuing. "It's hard to miss bandits like we've seen today, eh? And if you could knock off a bit for the book, that'd be handy, but it's no great matter either way."

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That had certainly been an... interesting exchange. Adeltrudis couldn't help but let out a little snicker at Cassandra's misfortune. She didn't know who this rather chipper young woman was... Adele had certainly never seen her before, but there was no doubt in her mind that some tension lay dormant, there. Opting to follow after Cassandra as the girl stomped off, appearing defeated.

"What's wrong, Sandy?" Adele began, giving Cassandra a pat on the shoulder to make her aware the name was used in jest, before sitting next to the royal princess.

"What's up with the other girl? You seem pretty blown out over her."

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Cass attempted to roll over as the name rung in her ears again, but it was Adele, so she assumed the girl was joking-- hoping that she was. "Some thief Owen hired in the middle of the last battle... She had been working with the bandits, but surrendered herself, and offered her services to him. I don't know what he saw in her, but I just... I can't stand thieves, or the idea of them. And then she started mocking me, but... In this, odd way that wasn't insulting, and I just didn't know what to do about it. What do you call that, anyway? She just kept calling me nicknames and getting so close to insulting me and yet never going the whole way. It was infuriating."

Cass sighed, actually rolling over this time. "And that Niko... Saying their lives were more interesting than ours..." She bit the tip of her thumb, chewing over her thoughts. "He's right. After this whole ordeal with Dettard, it'll be back to the castle. Do your lessons, learn your healing, mind your manners. None of this... Liberating freedom. It's not something I get to keep..." She curled up slightly on the grass, not really wanting to think about it.

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"The Reliants? That's your company, then? I guess I'll think about it, but for now... this is interesting. The little things that build up between people are so intriguing to watch develop... maybe that's just me." Sidney smirked at the offer, watching the princess walk off and waving as she did. "Hmm... something one of us said? No matter, I suppose. She doesn't like me too much, I think."

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"Oh, don't worry. Like I said. I have no interest in leaving this group right now. We made a contract, so we keep the contract. That's what our company does. We don't break a contract. It's just meant to be something for the future." Following her gaze, he gave a slight shrug. "Maybe, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't hate you. Seemed too upset at the chance of you leaving. Or maybe I'm just reading in too much to the tone of her voice."

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Simon, man of the sea

"Yarr, that be mighty appreciated. I be going back home to Magonsaete, I be headin' west to the coast. Me dingy be tied to the dock, I be hoping it still be there!" Taking an axe from the chest, along with a pile of parchment, Simon approached Doug and his mount. "That be all, lad. I be ready to go when ye be."

With Simon in tow, Doug took off from the lonely island. He sailed over the bridge where many of his party were congregated, making his way to the west coast. Once they made it to the dock, the rider steered downward for a landing.

"Good luck in bandit country," Doug said to Simon for one last goodbye. He then went back into the air, back to the group.

Doug's group had gotten bigger since he flew off to the island. There were plenty of new faces, one of which was talking to his boss Niko. He slowly lowered his pegasus nearby. Doug led the peg to Niko and Sidney to join the conversation.

"So...what'd I miss?"

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Jean, rolling his eyes, hoped that he wouldn't have to deal with childish antics during his time here. He was standing nearby, but not so much as to be dragged into a conversation if possible.

He did see the rather strange pegasus rider that was accompanying them land nearby. Jean had to spend a few seconds recalling his name, as his mind had been lingering at other places at the time.

"Ah, Doug, was it? Nothing much other than introductions were in order - Niko has already informed them of your brigades skill," placing somewhat of a sneer as emphasis, "though the better question was where did you get yourself to?"

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Niko frowned at the tone in Jean's voice, and nodded to Doug. "He was probably chasing after some pirates that were trying to escape over the water. Doug, this is Sidney, also known as Skittles. She works for the prince, who is over there. It looks like the fears were right and that he is in danger. I suspect that Lady Adele will want to continue on with the prince to go face those who sent these brigands." Turning, he faced Jean more face on. "And as for you, I'll thank you to not question me or Doug. We do not answer to you, we answer to the Lady Adele. Whatever Doug was doing is my job to worry about, not yours. And unless the lady believes that something is a problem, you can keep your thoughts to yourself."

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Jean scowled a little, but he knew how to react.

"Hmph. Just as much, I'm accompanying the Lady as well. By all means, if you should learn to control your subordinates maybe there wouldn't be an issue for any of us."

He then sought to dismiss him.

"But perhaps I expect too much. Carry on."

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Refusing to back down, Niko shook his head. "And perhaps I was expecting too much to hope to be treated civilly by those I'm working to protect. Doug was doing nothing that I would disapprove of, and it's not like we needed him here. Unless you don't think that you were up to the task of defeating the few remaining pirates that were around? I'd rather he chase after pirates that were escaping when the situation down here was under control than provide unneeded backup. So kindly stay out of things that are none of your business and either treat us with the respect that we deserve or piss off."

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"Ah, right you are," Jean grinned, "I'm sure those tactics have served you well on the battlefield, correct? Splinter off from the main group so you need not take any responsibility? Typical. That is, if you've been in the midst of a real battle to begin with."

"I'll give you the benefit of that one compliance, however. I'm sure we'll get along fantastically."

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"Well, I had no intention of dropping my job now, either. Still, I'll keep it in mind- nice to have your options open in this line of work, you know?" Sidney shrugged, interested in what he said after still. "Hmm... do you think so? She doesn't seem to be too much of a thief fan."

Two more people were brought to her attention, one of who she found significantly more likable as soon as they both spoke. "Nice to meet you, Doug. Don't know if I can say the same for... mister accent over there, who hasn't even made his name known. That's fine by me- he seems like the boring noble asshole type anyway, not even the fun kind. I know 'em all too well." She smirked playfully, idly juggling a few of the coins she'd acquired.

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Niko stiffened and glared at the man. "It's called splitting our forces to deal with two separate threats. We take responsibility for our actions, and we don't back down from a fight. In case you didn't notice, I was at the front of our lines the entire battle. You know nothing about me or the Reliants, but for whatever reason you have simply decided to assume the worst. So good. Run away and leave us alone. We want even less to do with you than you appear to want to do with us."

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