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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 1


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"Ugh..." Having walked too far from the front and suffered from it, Owen found himself bracing and holding to what breath he could as two bolts protruded from his torso. Despite splatters of crimson ruining his attire, Owen forced himself as upright as he could, biding time for Lionel's squad and Cass to come. Without the color in him to confront the rogue that thought it'd be funny to pull a prank and snatch his medicine, Owen could only throw a dirty look back.

"Cass... sorry, I don't fall so easily. I'll be fine." Owen needed to keep strong in the face of adversity, at least in front of his own sister. Singing mental praises as some pain was neutered, Owen started the arduous process of pushing a bolt through his torso to come the other side. A painful procedure, but he knew better than to pull an arrow out the side it came, lest the head snapped and lodged for more pain. Damn, what kind of sadistic curs blacksmiths can be...

With not enough numbness to take care of the other bolt, Owen saved face and remained upright, giving the lone crossbowman a stern look before turning to his sister. "Sorry, I'll see if I can get better armor after that one. Maybe I should have invested on a shield." He sighed, and stopped for a moment to think. "...You know what? I can't stay like this in front of the other. Please give me your ointment as well, Cass." Voicing his request, Owen had full intent to spit on the crossbowmen's ambush and grit his wounds like nothing happened --demoralizing warfare, for what it was worth. Now it was only a matter of removing that other bolt...

Owen stays in place, takes Cass' vulnerary, use.

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Map 1A

Claire moves to 13,13!

Claire attacka Thief #1 with Fire!
10 Atk, 76% Hit, 15% Crit
(66 28)
Thief #1 dies!
Claire gains 49 XP!
Claire gains 2 Tome WEXP!
Claire grows to level 2!
(6 96 89 34 57 34 53 49)
HP up!
Skill up!
Luck up!
Claire acquires a Vulnerary!

Cass moves to 13,11!
Cass heals Owen for 12 HP! (14/23 HP)
Cass gains 15 XP!
Cass gains 2 Staff WEXP!

Owen takes Cass' Vulnerary!
Owen uses it and returns to full HP!


"Of course, Lady Adeltrudis. I can imagine you would be very much correct."

Heading his lady's wishes, Jeeves moved the now bound Urien to the villa's study, ensuring he put the kettle on once the villain was secured on a rather firm oak chair. After a few minutes, Jeeves returned outside.

"The other servants are keeping an eye on him, milady. They say that he's beginning to wake. I would also like to mention that tea has been prepared for you."

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"Proved them well enough, yes. As for the purpose behind all of this, I think it's a case of mistaken identity. I'll find out more from that one, but if I'm right, then a friend of mine is in danger. You'll be paid for your assistance here regardless of whether I have further need of your services, of course."

"Or they saw a big house and thought they'd raid it," Doug replied with a shrug. "Bandits don't seem to be picky on which rich people they go after. So long as if they appear to have full coffers, they're a target. This can't be the first time this has happened, right? You're right next to a nation of thieves after all."

The rider nodded along as terms of payment were brought. He listened along as he dismounted and led his steed towards the manor (in all his skirted glory). Adele seemed like a nice enough person, so it didn't appear they would get jipped on the bill. Though he had been wrong before...

"Bitch better have my money."

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"So long as your rates aren't egregious, there should be no issues in getting you paid." Adele replied rather simply, as she lead the gathered fighters inside the manor, to where the brewed tea was waiting for them. Taking a cup that had been prepared for her, the young Lady began to drink.

"As for now, make yourselves comfortable. We have several medics on standby, if you've any injuries. I'll get back to the terms of your payment and any further contracts, once I've figured out what plot is afoot... Brother, would you prefer to join me, or entertain our guests?"

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"Of course." Cass didn't hesitate to hand Owen over her vulnerary, especially after having watched him pull an arrow out of his body. She shivered a bit, and let him apply the salve, nodding at his mention of better armor. "You'd best. None of this matters if you d... D-Die, you know? You're the prince! Dying out here to a pack of bandits-- it'd throw the whole country into turmoil." She's stuttered again, having to think about it. Really, she hadn't even imagined that a fight with bandits would've brought all these thoughts into her head, but it was doing it, and she didn't exactly like it. But she'd liked the fighting, so... She sighed, to herself. She was sure there'd be time to talk about this after, but for now, she glared past her brother at the man with the crossbow.

"Oi!" she shouted, taking a small step out from behind him. "Are you seeing all this properly!? All your friends are dead, and if you stay, you will be next! I'd suggest you leave, before I personally knock your block off!" She'd started glaring daggers as she barked at him, hoping that he'd see the folly in what he was doing. If two bolts weren't going to take her brother down, this lone archer didn't stand much of a chance.

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Graham was still somewhat confused by the turn of events that had transpired here, and now that the adrenaline of the battle had worn off, he now had the chance to fully process everything. It seemed that he was being confused for the prince... could they have been meaning Owen, perhaps? Immediately he began worrying for the safety of his friends, before his thoughts were interrupted by Adele calling out to him. Right, they had business to attend to.

"Sister, I think I'll be joining you... One of the attackers, the mage... when he flung that fire at me, right before hand, he mentioned the prince, as if he'd confused me for Owen. Something is certainly going on, that much is clear... and it smells of an assassination plot on our dear friends, the Gaffneys."

He didn't want to be right, but something told him that he would have no choice in the matter as he headed back towards their lakeside manor.

"Let's head inside, Adele. We can perhaps think about it at length inside." That, and he wanted his armour off. The heat from the fire made him feel rather uncomfortable inside it, and there was no need for it now that they were not in battle.

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Alright, this is looking like a downright terrible side to stick with, Sidney confirmed with herself once again. Here goes nothing... Waiting for her current "allies" to busy themselves, the thief approached the regal swordsman before her, knife away and raising her hands to the air.

Sidney moves to (12, 10) and talks with Owen.

"Wait! D-don't hit me. That's... quite the performance! From all of you! Not gonna go against people like you, yeah? I'm not an idiot- I'm willing to go with you guys. But... you should hire me, not just take a prisoner, right? You guys aren't mercenaries, I can tell- there's too much refinement, a different level of professionalism." She smirked, feeling she did an acceptable job introducing herself, lowering her hands after she thought she made her non-hostile intentions clear. "You seem like a smart guy... I'm a thief- I'd be useful. Name's Sidney, so what do you say, mister cutie fancypants?" Sidney leaned up closer to the young man she talked to, hoping she would be unnerving enough he'd just say yes easily. "We got a deal?"

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Hunter #2 moves to 15,12!

Hunter #2 attacks Gerrard with his Crossbow!
11 Atk, 58% Hit, 5% Crit
(40 21)
Gerrard takes 11 damage! (4 HP remaining)
Gerrard gains 5 XP!

Sidney moves to 10,12!

Sidney talks to Owen!

Chapter 1A - Turn 6




Jeeves led the group through to the study, where several comfortable chairs sat. A table, sporting a teapot and a half dozen cups, was also present. Urien groaned, it seemed that their entry had been rather well timed. Gazing at the group groggily, he spoke.

"Augh... where am I? What're you lot going to do with me? I didn't do nothing wrong, I was just following orders! I'll talk, honest!

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"It'd be nice if you would. I'd rather not get my hands dirty... so tell me. On whose order did you attack us, and who was your real target? Tell me everything you know... if I think you're hiding anything, you'll regret it. Dearly." Adele replied to the man, walking right over to him with a very... unladylike expression on her face. It would seem the facade was over and done with, for now.

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The archer ignored her warnings, and she knew he'd be eating steel soon. She took a moment to heal Gerrard, before jumping a bit as she heard some rather honeyed words.

Cass sits in place (sort of) and heals Gerrard.

"Excuse me," her annoyed tone sang, turning her head to the floozy getting close to Owen. She'd stepped out from behind of him to yell at the archer, but she was stepping in front of Owen now, hands on her hips, staring this lady down. "Do not presume you can speak to my brother like that, miss. He's the prince! Show some respect. Honestly, filth like you, running around with bandits, addressing him so plainly... 'Cutie fancypants'." She shivered and sent a glare back at Owen over this, keeping herself between the two. This thief had gotten wayyyy too close. She didn't look like one of the axe wielding buffoons from before, so she might've even been hiding a knife! "Make your case without your compliments, or I've half a mind to stuff my axe into you." Cass huffed, wondering why Owen was so popular today, with bolts and women.

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Angus departed the village with quite a handful of useful things, but still eager to return to the front. Sure, it's the cavalry's job to ride out and accomplish this sort of thing quickly, but keeping the most durable fighter away from the fray? Almost heresy. And as the rest of the group came into view... holy hell! Gerrard didn't look so good, even patched up, and--that cannot be Owen's blood.

"Alright, vacation's over. Have at ye!"

Angus moves to (15,11), whomps Hunter #2 with Iron Axe

The axe buries deep, and the retaliatory bolt finds itself buried in Angus' shield. But sure enough... that was the Prince's blood. And a stranger speaking with them, too; just what happened here?!

"Sir Gerrard--please tell me you can make sense of this madness. How did you two get feathered so badly?"

Edited by Terrador
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Chapter 1A

Cass heals Gerrard for 12 HP, neat!

Cass gains 15 XP!

Cass gains 2 Staff WEXP!

Angus moves to 15,11!

Angus attacks Hunter #2 with his Iron Axe!
13 Atk, 91% Hit, 0% Crit, Charge not possible
(59 3)
Hunter #2 takes 13 damage! (11 HP remaining)
Hunter #2 counters!
9 Atk, 61% Hit, 8% Crit
(68 33)
Angus dodges!

Angus gains 10 XP!
Angus gains 1 Axe WEXP!
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"The prince! How'm I supposed to know that?" Jackpot! "So you're the princess, if you're his sister? Well, well... what's the royal family doing out here? But shouldn't you be more careful letting just anyone know that?" Sidney grinned widely now, confident after her introduction, pacing around the princess and shifting her posture to maximize her height advantage over the smaller woman, quickly putting on her red-tinted lenses. "Regardless, don't try and act too tough, little miss. Pipsqueak with an axe doesn't do much to frighten me- surely not more than any of the brutes in Raewalden prison, anyway. I'll make my case how I like- I'm good at what I do. You'd be smart to hire me." Still, she moved her hand to where her dagger was stored, just in case the princess actually wanted to act on her threat.

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"I'll have to refuse the beverage. It's strange and I'm not thirsty anyway..." Jean already tasted enough of his blood today and would prefer not to drink the mysterious brown liquid. He leaned against the wall and finally regained his breath after his rush of adrenaline that always occured whenever he was in a battle situation.

Graham had said something about the target being the prince - of Wyke, Jean assumed. He had heard about this Owen fellow as he did background before he came to Wyke, but it was a little farfetched to assume that an assassination attempt on the royalty would be perpetrated by such shoddy individuals.

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While Gerrard had his own thoughts on the lady thief and what the prince should do with her, in the end all that mattered was what the prince wanted to do so he remained silent. Instead, he nodded at Cass in silent thanks before introducing the remaining crossbowman to his blade.

Gerrard moves to 14,12 and attacks the Hunter with his Iron Blade.

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Chapter 1A

Gerrard moves to 14,12!

Gerrard attacks Hunter #2 with his Iron Blade
(9 52 82)
Yeah, he dead.
Gerrard gains 36 XP!
Gerrard gains 2 Sword WEXP!
Gerrard grows to level 2!
(7 49 11 31 31 0 64 43)
HP up!
Strength up!
Skill up!
Speed up!
Luck up!

At the villa

It seemed than Urien was not a man of great will power, it was clear from his expression that he'd cave in immediately at the prospect of any threat. "I'll tell you it all, miss. We was hired we were to attack Prince Owen! We thought you was them but you wasn't! Our employer was all secret-like, we never saw his face, he just offered us a lot of dosh to attack at this spot!"

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"So he specifically told you to attack here? Did he give you a map, or just give general directions to the area? And did he say anything aside from that he wanted you to attack the Prince? I would assume alive and as a hostage, but... did he specify? Or was it an assassination attempt?" Adele asked, rapidly firing her questions. This wasn't making a whole lot of sense, yet... Owen did come to their manor from time to time, but when he came to visit, it was usually at Father's home in the capital...

Worse yet, even if Owen had been intending to visit, he wouldn't have come here. He would have no reason to think that they would be at the Manor in this time... could the brigands be in the wrong place? If so, the only notable territories nearby belonged to House Dettard...

"Well, what is it? Any detail you can think of. If you tell me something good and it proves useful, I just might forget you were ever here."

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There was nothing better to do after a well-fought battle than to drink a cup of tea. ...Well, there were many things better, but tea was what was offered. After tying his peg outside, Doug helped himself to the beverage while watching Adele bully their captive into submission. Refreshments and a show? It must be good to be a noble, he thought.

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"Hm?" Owen hadn't quite expected one with the rogues to actually try parley, especially after his blood was spilt a fair amount. Hmm... was the demoralizing effective? Thinking way too hard, as per his own norm, Owen watched cautiously as the woman made her approach.

Perhaps a bit too close an approach.

"Excuse--" Unnerving as it was, Owen's instincts urged him to hold his ground, as expected of his rank. Cass had her own ideas, fortunately, and quickly defused the situation --or at least moved the fuse away from Owen, that works too.

"A thief, you say? Thief Sidney, hmm..." Owen broke the ladies' bickering with his voice and a low cough, "And what purpose would a thief --actually..." Owen's eyes squinted, reminded of his mission. If they were to find out any mud in Baron Dettard's name, perhaps one who dabbles in the most mundane crimes and rumours would come of use. No strings attached to the crown, to top it off. ...Jackpot? The situation was still rather bizarre, and even if the possibility was present, there was no warranty on how trustworthy or skilled this individual could be.

"...Myrcian prison, you say?" Owen shifted a brow, trying to get some advantage out of that discourse. I wonder what got her there... "Well, you speak of being useful, thief. You know who we are, but what skills do you believe you can provide over a spy I can trust?" Not that Owen had any to bring with him, but, so long as the bluff stood, it'd be interesting to see the thief sell herself higher.

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"Perhaps these bandits would back off if they realized who they were dealing with." Cass huffed again, as it seemed this thief still didn't know, with how she was acting. "Pipsqueak!? Quiet your tongue, you rogue! Make your case how you like, but make it away from my brother! And don't you dare imply I'm any less terrifying with this thing because of my statu--" Owen's cough-- his tell tale sign she was taking it too far --made Cass flinch a bit, shutting herself up to let him talk. She flushed a faint shade of red and grumbled, taking a step back to let him talk. The woman wasn't in his bubble of personal space anymore, so even if she'd moved her hand towards what Cass assumed was some sort of a weapon, she wouldn't be doing anything that couldn't easily be stopped with a swift chop.

Owen questioned her as well, but something seemed to click with him that hadn't clicked with her, making Cass move her eyes over to him instead. He'd gone into a line of questioning, the likes of which Cass had seen before (he liked to question things). She slowly crossed her arms and waited. He was probably going to hire her at this rate; that's how these things ended up with him, after something clicked. But he had to go through the motions firsts, for whatever he'd thought of. I mean, I could just ask, but... I shouldn't be letting her know any more than she already does, I suppose.

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Urien the Brave

"We was told that the Prince would be passing by here! That's all we was given, honest. We was told to kill him and anybody with him. I don't got any more to tell you, we were given three thousand upfront and told we'd get another twenty grand if we did it!" Urien looked rather nervous, it was clear he was aware of the punishment for his crime. "That's everything, I swear!"

Jeeves looked at the villain, not terribly impressed with his enunciation. "Lady Adeltrudis, what would you like me to do with our guest? The penalty for such a treacherous act is execution, which I'm certain would be well earned."

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"Do you think that you were the only group that this person approached? Were you part of a larger group that splintered? Are you local, and knew the area, or from outside the area and were given directions to come here?" Adele pressed, pacing to and fro' in front of the man.

"That'll depend, Jeeves. It's not uncommon for sentences to be lowered in the face of useful information. I'd like to see how this pans out, first... come now, anything at all. I'm giving you a chance to keep your head, here."

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Graham remained quiet through the whole interrogation; after all, it was Adele who was more potent with words than he was. His strength was in combat, and he supposed that he proved that. Even still, he could still help, by clapping a hand on the man's shoulder and squeezing down with more force than was likely needed. One thing about Graham that this man would soon learn was that he did not appreciate anyone who tried to attack and kill his family and friends.

"Perhaps the information that we've been given is all that he is able to give, sister. It sounds as if he is merely a lackey that would not be missed should something happen to him."

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"I don't knows any more, miss! I was born and bred around these parts! We was told to attack here, don't know nothing about any other things, we was just told to attack the prince at a manor that we all know about!" he cried, Jeeves' suggestion of him losing his head striking fear into him. With Graham's hand on his shoulder, Urien went pale. "I don't know any more, I swear! I'm just a grunt, I don't got no other information!"

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"Simmer down, cupcake," Sidney taunted the young princess once again. "Not terrifying me with that thing at all. Prince here's who I'm talking to in the first place- I'll make my talks on my own terms." Nonetheless, the Prince spoke up and Sidney quieted down to listen- it wouldn't do her any good to throw away a good chance because of some little brat! He's thinking about it for real! The way he paused hesitantly earlier, that's a good sign!

"Yeah, Raewalden prison, right in the capital. In there for a few months before I broke out. Really, that speaks a lot for why I'm so good- you could have some spy for yourself do it, but are they gonna do as well as I am when some of the best security around can't keep me locked down?" Still on a roll, Sidney drew her knife, spinning it around between her hands before handing it to the prince with a smile. "I made this, I'm good with it, and I'm a good shot with a bow too. There's a treasure chest lying around in the middle of town and I cracked it right open in a minute. Royal spies or not, I'm just the best around- it's almost too easy."

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