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Lazward is (spoilers)


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if anyone is Chrom's canon wife, it'd be Sumia.

- she is shown to be attracted to Chrom from the moment she's introduced and is the first such character. it's in a chapter cutscene (before chapter 2) so it's unavoidable (bar skipping) compared to supports one might not ever read/get

- her first chapter, the cutscene with her saving Chrom is called Love Birds

- she has the quickest support growth of all the women plus priority when tied

- she's the only one to get a special cutscene with Chrom when forced married. all the others get map conversations (or in Olivia's case, nothing at all)

- she's shown with Chrom in the Awakening opening showing her with child in arms

- in the cutscene where Lucina reveals her identity to her mother, if Sumia is not the mother, Sumia will show up nonetheless

how much IS is shoving SumiaxChrom down our throats is hard to avoid

to counter your points more directly

1. as mentioned, Inigo was born in Ylisse (maybe), fights for Ylisse, and serves Ylisse. not hard for him to call Ylisse his own

2. as mentioned, Owain and Severa don't share. Brady doesn't share but you could argue that's because male vs Troubador. Olivia has a sword already so father doesn't need to be sword as well (not that either parent needs to)

3. as mentioned, all the children wanted their parents alive and were all scarred by such. even if not mentioned in supports. what kind of parent wouldn't promise this anyways?

4. if anything, I can argue that Flannel's support goes against your argument. his last line says " don't want to see it again a second time" implying this is the first. a much stronger argument for your case would've been "don't want to see it yet again" but as it is, it is evidence AGAINST Lucina and Inigo being siblings. of the siblings, the child that fits the support best would be Cynthia anyways. less people would feel it's out of character compared to Inigo

A. you argue that you don't have to do anything to marry Olivia. that's wrong. you have to actively avoid having Chrom get support pts with the other women. you also still have to gain some support pts in the ONLY chapter you have with her before force marriage and when you first get her, she's fragile as hell, making this hard. and I already showed how much IS actively shoves Sumia down our throats, not Olivia. Swords don't mean much (see 2). Inigo in blue is opinion so hardly worth evidence. easiest thing to write a scene about shopping with women would be dresses. Lucina wants to have a normal mother-daughter experience. shopping for armor/weapons or training is hardly family-like. plus, pretty sure the other women have casual/non-armor wear outside of battle.

E1. Olivia passes Mercenary (and Barbarian) to Morgan(M)/Inigo since she can't pass on Dancer/Pegasus. can't say too much about Mercenary class itself but I'd chalk that up to coincidence

E2. that's just an opinion (yet some of my friends have made that mistake so...)

E3. can't say much about this. probably your strongest and most realistic evidence

Edited by GoXDS
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how much IS is shoving SumiaxChrom down our throats is hard to avoid

I wouldn't say ChromxSumia is being shoved down anyone's throat. It's certainly favored above most others, but the developers don't really do anything to punish or make it difficult for Chrom to marry someone else. Just get one of the others to outrank her, then BOOM, no more Sumia (aside from that weird glitch).

If they really wanted to do some throat shoving, then they would have Chrom mention Sumia more often after she joins your team, or gave Cynthia a unique Chrom support. Or at the very least dropped some Chrom Sumia hints in Fates.

As it is now, once you sidestep it, that's pretty much that

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I wouldn't say ChromxSumia is being shoved down anyone's throat. It's certainly favored above most others, but the developers don't really do anything to punish or make it difficult for Chrom to marry someone else. Just get one of the others to outrank her, then BOOM, no more Sumia (aside from that weird glitch).

If they really wanted to do some throat shoving, then they would have Chrom mention Sumia more often after she joins your team, or gave Cynthia a unique Chrom support. Or at the very least dropped some Chrom Sumia hints in Fates.

As it is now, once you sidestep it, that's pretty much that

ofc it's a hyperbole since IS doesn't actually put in penalties for not following the pairing but the nudges are quite plentiful. and again, Sumia has the quickest support growth so she's the easiest to outrank the others with plus priorities for ties

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I don't think there will ever be a canon pairing but the only point for Chrom!Inigo that has much weight is the mention of his mark of Naga. Otherwise I'd say Cynthia is the most pushed for Chrom for the reasons GoXDS outlines.

if anyone is Chrom's canon wife, it'd be Sumia.

- she is shown to be attracted to Chrom from the moment she's introduced and is the first such character. it's in a chapter cutscene (before chapter 2) so it's unavoidable (bar skipping) compared to supports one might not ever read/get

- her first chapter, the cutscene with her saving Chrom is called Love Birds

- she has the quickest support growth of all the women plus priority when tied

- she's the only one to get a special cutscene with Chrom when forced married. all the others get map conversations (or in Olivia's case, nothing at all)

- she's shown with Chrom in the Awakening opening showing her with child in arms

- in the cutscene where Lucina reveals her identity to her mother, if Sumia is not the mother, Sumia will show up nonetheless

how much IS is shoving SumiaxChrom down our throats is hard to avoid

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- she's the only one to get a special cutscene with Chrom when forced married. all the others get map conversations (or in Olivia's case, nothing at all)

That part is not exactly true. Olivia gets nothing in that chapter, but then she gets an extra flashback scene in the next chapter.which no one else gets. Also, regarding the growth/priority, Olivia marries Chrom automatically as long as they have 2 support points, if he doesn't have any other marriage partner with C ranking or higher, doesn't matter how many points he has with them. So, although it's a very specific condition, she has special priority too.

Although she isn't the obvious wife for Chrom, Olivia basically gets her own special treatment.

Edited by NeonZ
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Yeah Now that you mention it more than half of chrom's potential wives are special in some way, (which i guess makes them not that special but whatever) Sumia has a bunch of already stated points for her, Olivia has the points that Neon Z mentioned, and F-Avatar has special stuff going for her as well, like changed scenes with lucina, only pairing for F-avatar with two kids ect.

Though to be honest i feel that some people shove down my throat, how much chrom and sumia is shoved down the players throat. I mean they do imply the pairing in story i don't think you can deny that, but it's not like fire emblem has not implied a pairing before.

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ofc it's a hyperbole since IS doesn't actually put in penalties for not following the pairing but the nudges are quite plentiful. and again, Sumia has the quickest support growth so she's the easiest to outrank the others with plus priorities for ties

Hyperbole is a dangerous thing friend, it's scary how many people speak in hyperboles only to later it at face value

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Even if these things were put in intentionally (and that's a big if), I don't think they would have been intended to imply that he IS Chrom's son, but that he CAN be. He is the only one of the three Awakening kids in this game that can potentially be Chrom's son and so if they DID do any of what you pointed out intentionally, it definitely is not meant to be taken as canon.

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That part is not exactly true. Olivia gets nothing in that chapter, but then she gets an extra flashback scene in the next chapter.which no one else gets. Also, regarding the growth/priority, Olivia marries Chrom automatically as long as they have 2 support points, if he doesn't have any other marriage partner with C ranking or higher, doesn't matter how many points he has with them. So, although it's a very specific condition, she has special priority too.

Although she isn't the obvious wife for Chrom, Olivia basically gets her own special treatment.

but she gets special treatment because of now special case she is and her circumstances rather than possible nod towards "canon". especially her autosupport because you can't physically read the C Rank support before that force marriage. not giving her that flash back would make a lot of players go: huh? wtf? but Olivia's great mother for Lucina anyways (Astra ftw)

Yeah Now that you mention it more than half of chrom's potential wives are special in some way, (which i guess makes them not that special but whatever) Sumia has a bunch of already stated points for her, Olivia has the points that Neon Z mentioned, and F-Avatar has special stuff going for her as well, like changed scenes with lucina, only pairing for F-avatar with two kids ect.

Though to be honest i feel that some people shove down my throat, how much chrom and sumia is shoved down the players throat. I mean they do imply the pairing in story i don't think you can deny that, but it's not like fire emblem has not implied a pairing before.

adding on, for Avatar(F), different scene because of circumstances. she's the one mediating in all the other scenes so hence. but if it bothers you that so many people seem to idolize ChromxSumia, I apologize. in the end, I always say "if there's a canon" rather than say it IS canon like some people might try to argue. because in the end most of these are nudges and simply that. mechanically, it's no harder to support Chrom with any of the women than any other (with Olivia exception). not really any more difficult anyways, even if slightly faster support rate with Sumia since one could just never read the C ranks for anyone else except the intended pairing. I personally only did Sumia (and Olivia) with Chrom because I really favor +Speed modifiers

Hyperbole is a dangerous thing friend, it's scary how many people speak in hyperboles only to later it at face value

point taken

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in the cutscene where Lucina reveals her identity to her mother, if Sumia is not the mother, Sumia will show up nonetheless

Quick correction: this glitch only occurs for Chrom X Maribelle, but I have to admit it's quite creepy :P

Also I want to add that in the intro of Awakening ,you see Sumnia and Chrom having a baby. Why isn't that cannon?

I'm sure everyone here is well aware of what's in the intro. But like someone else said, most of Chrom's wives have a little special something going for them, so you can get behind any pairing you like.

Also, if IS really wanted to make Chrom X Sumia absolutely canon, then I'd say they did a pretty terrible job, with her disappearing from the story (unless you marry her to Chrom) after punching Chrom in the face. (Also, they will never admit Chrom X Sumia as canon after all the shitstorm that accompanied the mere suggestion of it.) I have seen others suggest that Sumia was in the cutscene mostly to let newbies going into the game blind know about the marriage system and suggest a good wife for Chrom so that he doesn't accidentally marry the random village girl and screw up Lucina, and I think that's a fairly sound reason. Personally, I find characterizing Sumia solely as a love interest to Chrom is pretty degrading to her character, since I actually like her, so I marry her to one of her other choices instead.

In the end, you're free to ship and create headcanons for whichever pairing you like to your heart's content. From what I've seen in various forums, trying to convince someone else that a pairing is canon usually does not end in success :P

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Why is everyone so mad when IS tries to create a pairing? I feel like they are damned if the do, damned if they don't. If they do it, people are gonna rage but they could have made an exceptional plot around it, like with Sigurd/Deidre. If they don't, fanservice yeah! But the plot proper suffers because it has to tiptoe all around to avoid implications of certain pairings (or certain NOT pairings).

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I wasn't arguing over who would be able to pick it up, I was talking about who would be the most likely out of the bunch to be able to use Falchion to cut the log in the manner that it was done and that is what makes Inigo out of process of elimination the only one possible and likely canon sibling to Lucina. Now if the other potential siblings were to switch to a class with swords in it than I would expect it for them to take a longer period of time to be able to do the same feat that Inigo has done and therefore them cutting the log in such a short time the moment Lucina says that they should test it out is what makes this illogical for them at the current time.

Edit: But yeah now we're going to be having stuff like that now just because Owain changed his class when they should be looking at characteristics and how support conversations play out. Which is why I view Lon'qu as his canon father given what goes on.

I like to think that Owain just realized his max stat mods from Lissa actually make him generally terrible as a melee unit and should be a spellcaster instead.

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I like to think that Owain just realized his max stat mods from Lissa actually make him generally terrible as a melee unit and should be a spellcaster instead.

Doesn't explain his outfit though. I'm pretty sure Lissa wouldn't allow him to travel to another dimension to invade a peaceful country dressed like THAT.

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Doesn't explain his outfit though. I'm pretty sure Lissa wouldn't allow him to travel to another dimension to invade a peaceful country dressed like THAT.

Ah, but in the new DLC that's coming out set to explain how they ended up in this timeline, Owain can be seen clearly wearing his old Awakening cloths. So it seems like it was only after he arrived that he went "You know what, screw swords hands, I shall have a spell hand now" and changed into his new ridiculous clothes (which I can only imagine he thought would look badass)

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Ah, but in the new DLC that's coming out set to explain how they ended up in this timeline, Owain can be seen clearly wearing his old Awakening cloths. So it seems like it was only after he arrived that he went "You know what, screw swords hands, I shall have a spell hand now" and changed into his new ridiculous clothes (which I can only imagine he thought would look badass)

You're telling me Hydra gave Owain his new outfit?

Hydra's a perv.

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You're telling me Hydra gave Owain his new outfit?

Hydra's a perv.

My headcanon is that he made it himself after becoming Leom's retainer. In fact, I think it makes sense that he picked up the Dark Mage tree due to learning it from Leon, most likely because Owain figured being a dark mage would fit his desire to be batman a brooding, edgy anti-hero. Not that he actually ever manages that.

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