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[Battle: FE13] Round 2 - General Horace vs. Quintessence


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Btw if my calcs are right, Chrom should display 100% hit, already assuming Priam had Swordbreaker, aren't you missing something espi? Or does Shinderella has Demoiselle?

Edit: inb4 shinderella is a supportbot with bond, demoiselle, PavGis

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Horace's team



Quintessence's team!


Turn 7.

270932_chrom_zpsnlxn9kzz.jpg vs. mum_zpswsut8ady.png

Shinderella's Bond: Gregor 34 -> 44

Horace's Chrom (Balmung) attacks Quint's RobinM (Brave Sword)!

26 dmg 61% hit 0% crit

(29) Aether

(33 2 4)

RobinM receives 26 dmg! 20 -> 0

RobinM is KO'd!

Horace            Quint
Gregor      44/80 RobinM    0/80
Libra       80/80 Chrom    80/80
Chrom       80/80 Miriel   80/80
Shinderella 80/80 Cordelia 80/80
Priam        0/80 Yenfay    0/80

Quint's turn.

Edited by Espinosa
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[spoiler=see teams here]

Horace's team



Quintessence's team!


Turn 8.

271043_gregor_zpsxhfncaek.jpg vs. chrom_zpslftsxhdi.jpg

Quint's Chrom (Brave Sword) attacks Gregor (Brave Axe)!

15x2 dmg 100% hit 0% crit



Gregor receives 15 dmg! 44 -> 29



Gregor receives 15 dmg! 29 -> 14

Gregosa counterattacks!

22x2 dmg 53% hit 0% crit

(2) Astra

(81 46 15)

Gregor misses!

(5 11 75)

Chrom receives 11 dmg! 80 -> 69

(98 30 16)

Gregor misses!

(28 16 0)

Chrom receives 11 dmg! 69 -> 58

(52 45 45)

Chrom receives 11 dmg! 58 -> 47

(4) Astra

(74 96 56)

Gregor misses!

(26 13 4)

Chrom receives 11 dmg! 47 -> 36

(35 73 14) [54]

Gregor misses!

(34 32 7)

Chrom receives 11 dmg! 36 -> 25

(88 56 3)

Gregor misses!

Horace            Quint
Gregor      14/80 RobinM    0/80
Libra       80/80 Chrom    25/80
Chrom       80/80 Miriel   80/80
Shinderella 80/80 Cordelia 80/80
Priam        0/80 Yenfay    0/80

Horace's turn.

Edited by Espinosa
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[spoiler=see teams here]

Horace's team



Quintessence's team!


Turn 9.

270932_chrom_zpsnlxn9kzz.jpg vs. chrom_zpslftsxhdi.jpg

Shinderella's Bond: Gregor 14 -> 24

Horace's Chrom (Brave Sword) attacks Quint's Chrom (Brave Sword)!

17x2 dmg 98% hit 0% crit



(43 10 54)

Quint's Chrom receives 17 dmg! 25 -> 8



(17 63 34)

Quint's Chrom receives 17 dmg! 8 -> 0

Quint's Chrom is KO'd!

Horace            Quint
Gregor      24/80 RobinM    0/80
Libra       80/80 Chrom     0/80
Chrom       80/80 Miriel   80/80
Shinderella 80/80 Cordelia 80/80
Priam        0/80 Yenfay    0/80

Quint's time to act.

Edited by Espinosa
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[spoiler=see teams here]

Horace's team



Quintessence's team!


Turn 10.

271043_gregor_zpsxhfncaek.jpg vs. 270939_cordelia_zps7ixvtjuu.jpg

Quint's Cordelia (Yewfelle) attacks Horace's Gregor (Brave Axe)!

17 dmg 93% hit 0% crit

(30) Vengeance

(71 99 2)

Gregor receives 17 dmg! 24 -> 7

(10) Vengeance

(32 88 19)

Gregor receives 17 dmg! 7 -> 0

Gregor is KO'd!

Cordelia activates... nothing!

Horace            Quint
Gregor       0/80 RobinM    0/80
Libra       80/80 Chrom     0/80
Chrom       80/80 Miriel   80/80
Shinderella 80/80 Cordelia 80/80
Priam        0/80 Yenfay    0/80

Horace's turn.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Horace's team



Quintessence's team!


Turn 11.

270932_chrom_zpsnlxn9kzz.jpg vs. 271209_miriel1_zpsy2brtzeo.jpg

Horace's Chrom (Brave Sword) attacks Quint's Miriel (Forseti)!

16x2 dmg 100% hit 0% crit


(23) Luna

Miriel receives 35 dmg! 80 -> 45



Miriel receives 16 dmg! 45 -> 29

Miriel counterattacks!

26 dmg 100% hit 0% crit



Chrom receives 26 dmg! 80 -> 54

Horace            Quint
Gregor       0/80 RobinM    0/80
Libra       80/80 Chrom     0/80
Chrom       54/80 Miriel   29/80
Shinderella 80/80 Cordelia 80/80
Priam        0/80 Yenfay    0/80

Quint's turn.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Horace's team



Quintessence's team!


Turn 12.

270932_chrom_zpsnlxn9kzz.jpg vs. 270939_cordelia_zps7ixvtjuu.jpg

Quint's Cordelia (Yewfelle) attacks Horace's Chrom (Brave Sword)!

20 dmg 92% hit 0% crit

(39) Vengeance

(47 61 72)


Chrom receives 20 dmg! 54 -> 34

(67) Vengeance

(17 33 90)


Chrom receives 20 dmg! 34 -> 14

Horace            Quint
Gregor       0/80 RobinM    0/80
Libra       80/80 Chrom     0/80
Chrom       14/80 Miriel   29/80
Shinderella 80/80 Cordelia 80/80
Priam        0/80 Yenfay    0/80

Horace's turn.

Edited by Espinosa
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[spoiler=see teams here]

Horace's team



Quintessence's team!


Turn 13.

270932_chrom_zpsnlxn9kzz.jpg vs. 271209_miriel1_zpsy2brtzeo.jpg

Shinderella's Bond: Chrom 14 -> 24

Horace's Chrom (Brave Sword) attacks Quint's Miriel (Forseti)!

16x2 dmg 100% hit 0% crit

(20) Aether

Miriel receives 16 dmg! 29 -> 13

Chrom recovers 8 HP! 24 -> 32

Miriel receives 35 dmg! 13 -> 0

Miriel is KO'd!

Horace            Quint
Gregor       0/80 RobinM    0/80
Libra       80/80 Chrom     0/80
Chrom       32/80 Miriel    0/80
Shinderella 80/80 Cordelia 80/80
Priam        0/80 Yenfay    0/80

Quint's turn.

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